Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3067 Encountering bandits again?

Chapter 3067 Encountering bandits again?

On the left is a camp of eleven golden warships.

On the other side, on the right is a camp of thousands of black warships.

Although these thousands of black warships are not as large as the golden warships, they are not much smaller.

Coupled with the huge number, they were so densely packed that they suddenly looked like a large dark cloud, covering the sky and the sun.

In addition, among the group of black warships, there is also an extremely terrifying giant black warship.

Countless black warships support such a huge black warship, just like stars supporting the moon.

And this moment.

The warships on the left and right sides were fighting fiercely for unknown reasons.

The warships on both sides are constantly using attack methods to attack the other side's warships.

At the same time, the warriors in the warships of both sides were all floating in the air, guarding their own warships and violently attacking the other's warships.

At this moment, the number of warships on both sides was unequal.

The number of golden warships on the left is obviously smaller than that of the opponent.


Many times less!
  But the miraculous thing is that the golden warship on the left side of the battle between the two sides did not fall behind!
  Even if the opponent's number was dozens of times theirs, they were not suppressed and beaten!
  Instead, he was in a stalemate with the other party!
  It can be seen how powerful the golden warship is!
  Seeing both sides of the battle, Tang Yi was very confused and didn't understand why they were fighting on the edge of the divine thunder world.

Gu Junliang, Jian Kaige and Min Yuxue also seemed to feel something was wrong. At this moment, they also came to the control room and saw the golden warship and the black warship fighting.

Seeing the two sides fighting fiercely, Jian Kaige asked: "Tang Yi, what happened? Who are they? Why are they fighting here?"

Gu Junliang also said: "If I remember correctly, there should be the Divine Thunder World ahead! They are actually fighting fiercely on the edge of the Divine Thunder World."

"Actually, this is not the point! The point is..."

Min Yuxue said seriously: "The point is that they are so strong! Look at the energy they generate in battle, it's terrifying! I feel like I will die immediately if I get even a little bit of this kind of energy."

"Ah! It seems to be true! It's really strong! We can't stop such an energy aura at all! Otherwise, let's go around it!" Jian Kaige suggested.

Gu Junliang was also worried that something would go wrong, so he also said: "Yes, let's go around it! If you can save one thing, it will be one less thing. After all, this matter has nothing to do with us and there is no need to get involved. And we still have plenty of time, even if we go around, That’s okay.”

"It's not necessary! Besides, it's not something we can get around now if we want to, you see."

Tang Yi motioned to several people to look forward.

Hearing this, everyone looked forward.

In front of them, the camp of black warships seemed to have discovered Tang Yi and his group, and actually sent dozens of warships to fly quickly towards the location of Tang Yi and his group.

Seeing this scene, Gu Junliang exclaimed: "No! They found us! And it seems that they have bad intentions and may want to attack us!"

"Tang Yi, let's turn around and retreat. No matter whether they want to attack us or not, there is no need for us to get involved in this matter. It's still too late to retreat now. With the speed of your flying equipment, they won't be able to catch up with us at all. But if Stay a little later, wait until they come to us, and by then we will be too late to run away." Jian Kaige suggested.

Min Yuxue, who had been silent until now, also said: "I support withdrawing now. One more thing is worse than one less thing. No matter why they came, no matter what their attitude is towards us, I don't recommend getting involved. It's better to leave. After all, we The purpose of this trip is to participate in world martial arts competitions, not to participate in these things."

However, Tang Yi did not speak, but stared closely at the black warships that were flying quickly. These warships gave him a familiar feeling, as if he had seen them somewhere before.

But for a while, he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

Seeing that Tang Yi didn't say anything, Gu Junliang advised again: "Tang Yi, what do you think? Let me know whether we will evacuate or not! If we don't decide, they will surround us. By then, it will be too late for us to evacuate." ”

The other two people were also staring at Tang Yi, wanting to get Tang Yi's answer.

At this moment, an idea flashed in Tang Yi's mind, and he finally remembered.

"Robbers? These people coming towards us are robbers?"

Tang Yi suddenly understood why he felt familiar.

Because these black warships in front of us are the warships of some bandits!

Although Tang Yi didn't know what bandits these black warships belonged to, he was sure that they were definitely bandits!

Because from these warships, Tang Yi felt some plundering atmosphere!

Also, the opponent's warships and the flags on the other side's warships have some bandit characteristics.

Their warships were all painted black, and no flags were hoisted.

The purpose of this is to hide their identity so that no one can know their identity.

The Feng Yu Heavenly Thief, Tiantian Dao Dao, and some other bandits that Tang Yi encountered back then were all so hidden!
  So these black warships in front of us must be bandits without a doubt!

This is why Tang Yi feels familiar!

Because he has dealt with bandits too many times.

"What? Tang Yi, what are you talking about? What kind of bandits? We no longer have time to pay attention to which bandits are not bandits. Tang Yi, what we need to do now is to evacuate quickly! Otherwise, we really won't be able to leave. "

Tang Yi was reluctant to make a decision, which made Gu Junliang very anxious.

Jian Kaige also said: "Yes, Tang Yi, make a decision quickly!"

Min Yuxue said: "Tang Yi, you are our leader now. No matter what decision you make, we can accept it."

Hearing this, Tang Yi came back to his senses.

Just now, he had been thinking about the origin of the black warship and why it felt familiar, so he did not reply to Gu Junliang and others.

Now that he had finished thinking and roughly guessed the identity of the other party, there was no need for him to think any more and he immediately replied: "We will not withdraw! Just wait for them here."


Hearing Tang Yi's words, the three representatives were a little dumbfounded.

The three of them didn't understand why Tang Yi made such a decision.

"Tang Yi, didn't you see them fighting just now? They are very powerful! And they are fighting on the edge of the Divine Thunder World. Those who can fight here must be powerful from the big world or the middle world. Force. We cannot provoke such a force! They are coming with bad intentions at this moment, and they obviously want to attack us. If we don't withdraw, the consequences will be disastrous." Gu Junliang said in confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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