Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3068 The process of growth

Chapter 3068 The process of growth

Jian Kaige echoed: "Yes, Tang Yi! I know that you are strong and can compete with the warriors in the middle world and even the big world. But the other party is not alone! Look, there are countless of them flying over. Ten warships. There must be many warriors on these dozens of warships. The few may be at least a hundred, and the many may be thousands! Even you cannot resist such a number."

"Tang Yi, I know you are very strong, but we don't need to take this risk. Our goal is to participate in the world martial arts competition, not to get involved in this dispute." Min Yuxue said.

Tang Yi turned his head, glanced at the three representatives lightly, and asked, "Who is the leader here?"

"Of course it's you, Tang Yi."

Min Yuxue said: "However, even though you are our leader, Tang Yi, we are willing to listen to you, but this matter is concerning."

"That'll do."

Tang Yi interrupted Min Yuxue and said, "Since I am the leader, you just need to listen to me and do whatever I say. You don't need to say anything."


Min Yuxue wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Tang Yi before she could say anything.

"What? Are you not convinced?"

Tang Yi asked with squinted eyes.

His expression showed impatience.

It seemed that as long as Min Yuxue said one more word, he would explode.

"no no!"

Feeling Tang Yi's murderous gaze, Min Yuxue stopped talking.

Of course, although she didn't say much, she still thought she should retreat at this moment.

It's still artificial, Tang Yi shouldn't stay here.

But Tang Yi didn't listen, so there was nothing she could do.

After all, this flying device now belongs to Tang Yi. If she didn't have this flying device, she wouldn't be able to leave even if she wanted to.

Therefore, although she was dissatisfied, Min Yuxue chose to shut up.

Not to mention Gu Junliang and Jian Kaige.

They had been taught a lesson by Tang Yi and knew how powerful Tang Yi was. When they saw Tang Yi getting angry, they did not dare to say anything more.

Just like that, the three people who were clamoring to evacuate suddenly fell silent.

Although they were unwilling and unconvinced, the three of them still waited in the battleship with Tang Yi for the arrival of the black warship.

The black warship was also very fast, reaching a thousand meters away from the Black Demon Warship in just the blink of an eye.

Dozens of warships stopped just a thousand meters away from the Black Demon Warship.

At this time, several figures flew out from one of the black warships.

I saw one of them, a leader-like figure wearing black attire and a red silk scarf, heading in the direction of the black warship and saying, "Who are you?"

The order originally received by this little leader was to come over and deal with the warship that suddenly appeared here.

But when he came over to take a look, he found that the 'warship' that suddenly appeared on this side was a little special!
  It was a look he had never seen before!

Moreover, on this strange warship, he could not feel any breath of power or treasure. This is simply unbelievable.

It was because of this peculiar shape and this unbelievable situation that the little boss did not take action directly, but chose to come out and ask.

Otherwise, he would have taken action long ago, and there would be no need to talk nonsense.

After hearing the little boss's question, Tang Yi stood in the control room and said into the microphone: "Who are you? Before asking others, do you want to state your name first?"

Although Tang Yi was speaking in the control room, his words were amplified infinitely through the microphone and the loudspeaker on the battleship.

It sounded like it was coming from all directions in the space, and the sound was rumbling like thunder.

Hearing Tang Yi's powerful words that came from nowhere, the little leader who flew out of the black warship was shocked and horrified.

Originally, he was very wary and wary of the strange-looking 'warship' in front of him. He had long suspected that the owner of this strange warship was an unparalleled strong man.

Hearing the other party's words at this moment, he was even more sure of his thoughts.

The strange warship in front of me is indeed of extraordinary origin, and there may be some extremely powerful person on it.

Of course, although he was surprised, he was not afraid.

After thinking for a while, the little leader said to Tang Yi's Black Demon Battleship: "We are the Black Sky Divine Thieves. Who are you?"

"Black Sky Thief?"

"They are actually the Black Sky Thieves!"

Tang Yi didn't have any reaction when he heard the name. On the side, the older Jian Kaige exclaimed.

Seeing Jian Kaige's reaction, Tang Yi turned around and asked, "What? You know them!"

"I know!"

Jian Kaige seemed to be frightened when he heard the name of the Black Sky Divine Thief. He said with a trembling voice: "I learned about them from a classic. According to that classic, the Black Sky Divine Thief is a person who wanders around the world. The Tongtian Bandit in the Void is said to be the number one void bandit in the big world. He is very powerful. The classics do not record how many people this bandit group has, nor how strong this bandit group is. There is no record of this. Who is the leader of the group! But it is recorded that they once invaded a big world, massacred in this big world, and finally escaped unscathed! They caused heavy casualties to that big world! And that big world actually used Black Sky God The thief had no choice. He couldn't even retaliate, he could only suffer the consequences of being dumb! In addition, the classics also recorded that this bandit had robbed and killed countless children of the top families in the world, as well as countless warships of top powerful men. Anyone who was None of the ships and powerful men they targeted were spared. At the end of the book, there was also a comment saying that they were the lawless and unrivaled top force in the great world, possessing the power to destroy the great world. If they were not worried about being captured by the Realm Palace They personally take action to impose sanctions, and they don’t even look down on the big world, and even massacre the whole world!”

"So awesome! We actually encountered such a being?"

"What should we do now? We are so unlucky to encounter such a lawless existence, and even the whole world can do nothing about them. It's over, it's over, it's over now. I've said long ago that we should leave."

Upon hearing Jian Kaige's introduction, Gu Junliang and Min Yuxue suddenly became extremely flustered, and their faces became extremely gloomy.

Anyone who is not blind can see that their faces are filled with worry and fear.

Seeing the changes in their expressions, Tang Yi said nothing and could understand their mood.

After all, they have never left the small world. Now that they encounter such a being when they leave the small world, they will inevitably feel worried and scared.

This is also understandable.

Tang Yi would not despise them by saying they were timid.

Not to mention looking down upon them.

After all, everyone goes through a growth process. It is normal to not experience fear, but after experiencing it, you will naturally not be afraid anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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