Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3628 Entering the Tianxuan battlefield

Chapter 3628 Entering the Tianxuan battlefield
  "Since they want to cause trouble for us, then we will send troops to cover up the water and the soil! The next step is completely!"

Niu Haobao said.

After listening to Niu Haobo's impassioned speech, the team members also became excited and started talking one after another.

"That's right! The fog is nothing."

"They were not our opponents before. Even if we add a new person, they still cannot be our opponents!"

"Soldiers are coming to cover up the water and earth! We are not afraid!"

"Bringing a newcomer is a challenge and a test for us. This is the best opportunity to prove our strength."


"It's good that everyone understands. After we enter the battlefield, we must all cheer up. We must not let the Misty Team succeed!"

After a pause, Niu Haobo said: "Okay, everyone, get ready, we are going to enter the passage."

After saying that, Niu Haobo walked to where Tang Yi was.

"heard it?"

Niu Haobo asked directly.

"heard it."

Tang Yi nodded and asked, "Are they from the Mist Team? Is the one in black the team leader?"

"Yes! They are the Mist Team, a team whose strength is not much different from ours! The Mist Team is already a veteran team in the Realm Palace and has completed many difficult battlefield missions. And their captain Mi Long is also very powerful. Very powerful. Compared to me, they are no less generous than me. They are even a little stronger than me. It’s just that our Shenniu team has stronger overall strength and better tacit understanding, and can play a more powerful role than their Mist team. With their combat power, they didn’t take advantage.”

Niu Haobo explained.

"Then do you, the Divine Bull Team, have anything to do with them? Why are they staring at you? If I guessed correctly, they should have been staring at you for a while. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for me to get the news as soon as I joined them. It's impossible to even know which battlefield you are going to enter! Moreover, if I guessed correctly, their Divine Bull team should also have an internal agent from the other party. Otherwise, such secret news would not be possible to reach their ears. At this moment, they If you can know, you should be notified internally.”

Tang Yi thought for a while and said.


Niu Haobo nodded and said: "Indeed, they should have been watching us for a while. As Tang Yi said, if not, they would not have known about you as soon as you joined the team, let alone what we will do next. Which battlefield to enter? As for the internal agent... I actually have suspicions. But I can't prove it yet. At the same time, I also want to give him a chance to change his mind. After all, we were teammates once and we also have feelings for many years. , I don’t want to ruin it yet.”

"And why the Mist Team is targeting us... It's a long story. At that time, our Divine Bull Team was performing a mission, and suddenly we saw a flash of light not far away, as if some treasure was about to be born. Feeling the change, our team We were the first to respond and went to that location. But what we didn’t expect was that as soon as we arrived at the location of the incident and before we had time to investigate, the Mist Team also arrived. In this way, our two teams had a very fierce battle for the treasure. . It was this battle for the treasure that resulted in the death of three people from each of our two teams. In the end, the treasure was captured by our Shenniu team."

"It is for this reason that we have a quarrel with the Misty Squad. Their captain, Mi Long, hates our Divine Bull Squad to death. Or to be precise, he hates me to death."

After hearing what Niu Haobo said, Tang Yi understood the grievances between the two parties.

It turns out that the reason why the Mist Team is keeping an eye on the Divine Bull Team is because they did not win over the Divine Bull Team in the battle for the treasure!
  The treasure was captured by the Divine Bull Team!
  "I see. I was also wondering why your Divine Bull team was targeted by other teams. It turned out to be because the other team didn't steal the treasure from you. The treasure was snatched by you. It turned out to be because of jealousy and unwillingness."

Tang Yi suddenly realized.

"Now Tang Yi, you know! Now the other party is using you as a threat. If they want us to compromise, we will definitely not compromise. Therefore, after entering the battlefield, Tang Yi, you must behave well and never give in. Team Mist finds an opportunity for revenge.”

Niu Haobo said seriously. "This is natural, I will behave well."

Tang Yi nodded.

"Okay! With your words, I can feel a little more at ease. After all, for many teams, bringing a newcomer into a highly dangerous battlefield is very dangerous and carries great risks. We also take the risk At the risk of losing my life, I come to take you into the battlefield together. So I hope Tang Yi that you can take good care of yourself and not put yourself in danger, let alone let yourself become a drag on everyone! Your mission this time only needs to achieve these two points That’s it! You don’t need to do anything else.”

Niu Haobo said.

Tang Yi nodded here and said, "Understood! I will definitely not be a drag on everyone."


Niu Haobo thought for a while, then comforted Tang Yi and said: "And Tang Yi, you can rest assured that our Shenniu team has already promised the palace master to take you, and we will naturally do our best. For our Shenniu team, bringing a new member It is also a challenge and a test. If you can succeed in the challenge and pass the test, you will surely soar in the future! This is also good for us, so after entering the battlefield, we will never give up on you. I hope you will be in crisis when you encounter it. , and don’t give up on yourself.”

"Well, it's necessary."

Tang Yi said.

"Okay, everything that needs to be said has been said. Now, let's set off!"

After saying that, Niu Haobo said no more, turned around and led the team members into the opened space transmission channel.

Tang Yi followed the Shenniu team and entered the transmission channel.

After walking through the long and narrow passage for about seven or eight minutes, we finally arrived at a square.

The square is so wide that at first glance, you can barely see the end of it.

Tang Yi estimated that it was probably at least dozens of kilometers away.

At this moment, the mysterious dragon and the members of the mist team who had just entered the passage also appeared in the square.

At this moment, they were walking towards a huge portal in the center of the square.

The portal was very huge, at least sixty or seventy meters high, more than twenty meters wide, semicircular, light blue.

It is engraved with various symbols and patterns everywhere, and even the two gates are engraved with two exquisite patterns.

The gate on the left is engraved with a bison monster.

Unlike ordinary bison.

The 'bison' in front of me has no horns on its head and no ears.

My head is so shiny!
  But its face was extremely ferocious, and its fangs were very long, a full three to forty centimeters long, which was very terrifying.

At the same time, it also has six hands and six legs, and it exudes a mysterious aura.

(End of this chapter)

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