Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3629 The situation on the Tianxuan battlefield

Chapter 3629 The situation on the Tianxuan battlefield

The door on the right is engraved with the image of a flying bird.

The flying bird has eighteen pairs of wings and eighteen tails. It has slender fangs and a sharp and slender mouth.

It's a bit like a woodpecker, but it's many times more domineering than a woodpecker.

At the same time, although its body is not strong, it exudes a faint golden light.

This golden brilliance makes the bird flash and shine like a star as it flies in the sky.

This look is extraordinary.

It can be said that Tang Yi has never seen the patterns on both sides of the door.

I don’t even know what kind of monster it is.

The only thing that can be known is that the monster on the gate is very powerful.

There are more details about the gate, so Tang Yi won't check them one by one.

He took a quick look and found that the appearance of the gate looked very simple and should have been passed down for many years.

Tang Yi couldn't tell the exact number of years.

Of course, these are not the point.

The point is, at this moment, there are five warriors in white clothes and white robes standing in front of the gate.

These five warriors stood in front of the gate, seemingly to prevent others from entering the portal.

The members of the Mist Team who came in earlier also appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, the members of the Mist Team came to the gate and handed the cards into the hands of the white-robed people. After the white-robed people checked to confirm that there was no problem, several white-robed people moved out of the way. Let the members of the Mist Team pass.

It was obviously not the first time for the Mist Team to enter the portal. After passing the inspection of the man in white robe, they stepped into the portal without hesitation.


Waves of mysterious Sanskrit sounds came out, and all ten members of the Mist Team entered the gate and then disappeared into the square.

At this moment, the Shenniu team slowly arrived at the gate in the center of the square.

"Check the ticket!"

When the Divine Bull Team came to the gate, the man in white robes said expressionlessly to Niu Haobo, the captain of the Divine Bull Team.

Niu Haobo also knew the rules and handed his ticket directly to the man in white robe.

The other members of the Shenniu team also stepped forward to submit their tickets.

Tang Yi followed everyone and submitted the admission ticket.

After everyone in the Divine Bull Team submitted their admission tickets, the man in white robe made way for the Misty Team just like he had done before, allowing the Divine Bull Team to enter the gate.

Seeing the men in white robes getting out of the way, Niu Haobo cupped his hands towards the men in white robes, and then said to everyone: "Come in!"

Hearing this, everyone entered the gate one after another.


With a soft sound, everyone entered the door.

At this moment, Tang Yi only felt the white light flashing in front of his eyes, as if he was in a white space.

Niu Haobo and others were no longer around. Being in a white space, although there was no reference object in the white space, Tang Yi still felt a sense of acceleration!

It seems like it's heading somewhere.

I don’t know how long this process lasted, it seemed like a minute, and it seemed like a century.

Just when Tang Yi was getting impatient with waiting, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, which was so dazzling that it was impossible to open his eyes.

When Tang Yi blinked slightly, the dazzling light disappeared instantly.

There was also a feeling of being grounded under my feet.

Opening his eyes again, what Tang Yi saw was no longer a white space, but a jungle with beautiful scenery and green trees everywhere.

Another jungle picture!
  However, the jungle in front of him was not as dense as the ones Tang Yi had encountered before. At first glance, it was still very sparse, and he could see things in the distance.

Sight is not bad.

At this moment, the members of the Shenniu team also appeared next to Tang Yi.

The ten members of the Divine Bull Team plus Tang Yi were all teleported to the battlefield.

Tang Yi looked around, and then asked Niu Haobo, the captain of the Shenniu team, puzzledly: "Captain Niu, are the teleportation points on the battlefield random? I don't think this place looks like our human residence. !”

Niu Haobo nodded and replied: "Yes. Not every battlefield has a station for us humans. The battlefield here is indeed randomly teleported. However, there is also a range. The teleportation area is probably about a hundred kilometers away from here. And This 100-kilometer range is almost a safe range. We won’t encounter any enemies.”

"I see."

Tang Yi nodded.

One of the team members said: "Captain, what are you explaining to him? Just let him follow us."

Another team member also said: "That's not true. Telling him will have no effect on us anyway."

Niu Haobo's face was serious and he shouted: "Don't talk nonsense! Since you are entering the battlefield with our team, you are on the same boat. Don't say such useful and useless words in the future!"

After being scolded by Niu Haobo, the team members immediately became quiet, but they were still very unconvinced.

The look in Tang Yi's eyes was still not very kind.

After scolding the team members, Niu Haobo said: "Tell everyone about the situation of Tianxuan battlefield. This battlefield is called Tianxuan battlefield, and the reason why it is called this name is because the sky here is very weird. Every once in a while Something will change over time.”

Hearing this, everyone looked up, wanting to see what would happen to the sky.

However, the sky was extremely clear and nothing happened.

At this time, Niu Haobo continued: "Don't look at the sky at the moment, but it may change in the next second! This change is random and has no impact, but sometimes it can be very dangerous! In addition, there are dozens of altars in this Tianxuan battlefield. These altars possess some mysterious power. What we have to do this time is to control an altar and guard it for ten days. Then we can obtain the energy that overflows from the altar. The source of Tianxuan. This is our mission this time!"

"Then who is our opponent this time?"

A team member asked.

"Our opponent this time is very strong!"

Niu Haobo solemnly said: "There are three different alien races that can enter the Tianxuan battlefield! So our opponents this time have three alien races in total! They are the Shenlei tribe with the ability to control lightning, the Beishui tribe with the ability to control water, There is also a forest clan who comes from the Moon Forest and is the king of the jungle!"

"One of the first two races has a high burst, and the other has a strong healing ability, which is very difficult to deal with. But these two races are just okay. In the Tianxuan battlefield, the most difficult to deal with is the forest race! Because in the Tianxuan battlefield It’s all filled with woods! This is the most suitable area for the Forest Tribe. Fighting in this environment, the Forest Tribe’s combat effectiveness will be increased by 200%. Or even higher.”

"So, what we need to be most vigilant about is the forest tribe. If the first two races meet, we may still have a chance to encounter them, but if we encounter the forest tribe... My opinion is, run! How far can you run? How far! We cannot confront them head-on."

(End of this chapter)

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