Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3630 Looking for the Altar

Chapter 3630 Looking for the Altar
  "That is to say, after finding the altar, if we encounter the Shenlei Tribe and the Northern Water Tribe, we can defend ourselves against them. If we encounter the Forest Tribe... run away?"

Some team members understood.

Hearing this, Niu Haobo nodded and said: "That's it! Of course, this is just my opinion. If you think you can fight hard, we can also act according to the situation. But it is best to avoid the edge of the forest clan and not fight with them. Competing, because in the forest, we cannot be their opponent."


"Don't worry, captain, we won't be brave."

"Although I really want to fight against the forest tribe. But according to the captain's analysis, I think it's better not to fight, otherwise my life will be decided here. After all, this is the jungle and the territory of the forest tribe. In this case , it’s okay if you can beat me, but if you can’t beat me... I’m afraid I won’t be able to run away even if you want to.”



After listening to Niu Haobo's analysis, everyone had a rough understanding of the situation on the Tianxuan battlefield.

When Niu Haobo saw that everyone understood what he meant, he nodded immediately.

But at this moment, Niu Haobo saw that Tang Yi seemed to have nothing to do with it, and immediately said to Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, if you encounter the Forest Tribe, you must follow us closely and don't fall behind. Do you understand? Otherwise? If you don’t, we won’t be able to save your life.”

Tang Yi wanted to say that he didn't need their protection.

But looking at Niu Haobo's serious look, he didn't seem to believe in his own strength. He nodded immediately and said, "Okay! I will follow."

Niu Haobo nodded, thought for a moment, and then warned: "One more thing. This time when we enter the battlefield, in addition to being wary of aliens, we also have to be wary of the Mist Team! They have also entered the Tianxuan battlefield! I think they are targeting them this time. We are here. So we must be careful! Normally we are not afraid of them, but on the battlefield, especially when we are fighting foreigners, if they suddenly take action and try to trick us, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Don't worry, we will be careful to prevent them."

"These despicable people just don't dare to confront us head-on, so they can only play dirty tricks."

"It's really strange. I don't know where they got the news that we entered the Tianxuan battlefield, but they were able to enter the Tianxuan battlefield on the same day as us."

"We entered the Tianxuan battlefield, and they also came in. They were obviously uneasy and well-intentioned. You should be careful with them! I just don't know who leaked the information to them and let them come in to target us."

"And they also know that we have brought a new person. Except for the palace master and a few people, almost no one knows about the news of the new person. Why would they know? It's really strange."

"Yeah, it's really strange! If they didn't know that we were going to enter the Tianxuan battlefield, how could they follow us in? If they didn't know that we were bringing new people, how could they dare to come in and target us! All of this seems to be a bit strange unusual."

"I tell you, don't be suspicious. Since it has become a fact, just be prepared to kill them. Any worries and speculations now are meaningless!"

"That's right! When the soldiers come, they will cover up the water and the earth! How could our Divine Bull Team be afraid of their Mist Team? In front of us, the Mist Team is not even worthy of carrying shoes!"


Niu Haobo said to everyone: "Okay, everyone knows this and just be careful. There is no need to make too many guesses. As Fu Xin said, when the soldiers come, they will cover up the water and the earth, so don't be afraid of them."

After a pause, Niu Haobo looked around and said, "Let's go and find the altar. Wulong, go explore the way."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, a thin team member rushed out like a gust of wind and disappeared from everyone's sight.

After everyone found a direction, they moved forward.

Along the way, everyone maintained a high degree of vigilance. The team members who usually liked to chat no longer chatted or even said a word.

Everyone's nerves became tense and they became extremely cautious.

After all, the Tianxuan battlefield is a very dangerous battlefield, and enemies may appear anywhere.

There are even various dangers. If you are careless, you may lose your life before you can compete with the enemy.

The Godox team is not an inexperienced team.

They are an experienced team that has even experienced life and death.

Several team members had narrowly escaped death, but finally returned to the Realm Palace alive.

With this experience, they naturally know what to do when.

I saw that the team members were always vigilant and did not miss any disturbance even while walking. Some members of the team even stood in pairs to cooperate with each other.

Even Tang Yi couldn't help but praise his professionalism at this moment.

No wonder such a team can become an elite team, no wonder it can come back alive from the battlefield time and time again.

With his fighting skills and coordination, it's hard to think of anything less than awesome.

If other teams were so focused and vigilant, they might not be able to withstand it long ago.

However, the Shenniu team was able to keep up and walked for dozens of minutes without showing any signs of mental exhaustion.

It shows how powerful they are.

Moreover, although they were walking, every step seemed to be calculated. Between the two people, one was in front of the other and the other was behind. You were on the left and I was on the right.

Just two people have completed all-round defense!

Even if they encounter a sneak attack at this moment, as long as their strength is not too much greater than theirs, they will be able to react immediately and start to defend!
  You might even be able to fight back!

That's what's great about them.

To be honest, Tang Yi didn't mean to look down on the Divine Bull Team, but the strength of the Divine Bull Team was indeed much worse than him.

Tang Yi usually wouldn't take this kind of team seriously.

Even when he first entered the battlefield, he didn't take it seriously.

But this moment.

Tang Yi really admired them.

I no longer treat them as ants.

These players are limited by their strength.

If they are stronger, they will definitely become dragons among men in the future.

"What are you looking at?"

Just as Tang Yi was secretly commenting on the members of the Divine Bull Team, Niu Haobo suddenly came to Tang Yi and asked.

"I see that everyone is very professional. Not only can they stay vigilant, but every move seems to maintain a certain formation and carry out all-round self-defense. It's really amazing."

Tang Yi told the truth.

Niu Haobo said: "These are all necessary skills for the members of the Shenniu team. They are nothing. As for the formation, we often practiced it when we were in the Realm Palace. Every time we enter the battlefield, no matter whether we encounter an opponent or not, we also treat it as They practiced in actual combat, so they are more proficient. Tang Yi, you think we are powerful because you have just been with us. When you stay with us for a long time, you will know how wet they are. When they were just walking, I have discovered many loopholes that they need to improve. I will provide them with additional training and ask them to completely correct these loopholes!"

(End of this chapter)

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