Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3647 Just leave like this?

Chapter 3647 Just leave like this?
  "Then our line of there any danger..."

The team members asked the dragon.

"There is a high probability that they won't. The location where they fought is not here. This side is just affected."

Milong said: "Okay, let's put this topic aside for now. Let's speed up and go to the altar as soon as possible. We will complete this mission first. Only after we complete the mission can we deal with the Divine Bull Team!"

"We don't know where the Divine Bull Team went. We searched for three days and couldn't find any trace of them. This is really strange. Logically speaking, they shouldn't be too far away from us, so why are they nowhere to be seen. "

The team members were puzzled.

Mi Long said: "Don't worry, they can't run away! In order to deal with them this time, we brought the Compass of Scourge and the Blade of Oblivion. With the blessing of these two artifacts, how can they run away?"

The two of them talked all the way, and the Mist Team quickly arrived at the area where the altar was.

However, when they came to the altar and saw the scene on the altar, they were suddenly confused.

A golden cloud actually appeared above the altar!
  This is the scene when the altar is opened!

Of course, this is not the point!

The point is...

How many people are still standing on the altar?
  And these figures...

Who is he if he is not a member of the Divine Bull Team!

The Divine Bull Team actually arrived at the altar one step ahead?

And the altar has been opened!
  Seeing the people from the Divine Bull Team, the people from the Mist Team were slightly startled at first, and then everyone in the Mist Team smiled.

Mi Long even said: "It's really hard to find anything without wearing iron shoes. It takes no effort at all to get it!"

After saying that, Mi Long held his hands for a moment and ordered: "Let's go and meet our old friends."

On the other side, Niu Haobo also saw the Misty Team.

Seeing the Misty Team, Niu Haobo's expression became extremely serious.

There is even a little bit of worry in my heart!
  Because at this moment, the members of their sacred cow team have not yet fully assembled!

Currently, there are only five team members who have returned to the altar.

Plus Yu Qing, himself and Tang Yi!

There were only eight of them on site.

Eight versus ten people from the Mist Team.

They were outnumbered.

So Niu Haobo was slightly worried.

Worried that the mist team will attack when they come up.

That would be bad.

But fortunately, the Mist Team came up and did not attack.

Instead, he slowly came over and leaned towards the altar.

The Mist Team didn't seem to notice that their Divine Bull Team was short of people.

When he saw the Misty Team, Tang Yi showed an interested smile without the team members paying attention, and seemed to find things getting more and more interesting.

As an observer on the battlefield this time, Tang Yi really wanted to see some wonderful scenes.

For example, infighting.

For example, the battle between the Divine Bull Team and aliens, etc.

And now with the arrival of the Mist Team, a human infighting is about to begin.

This made Tang Yi look forward to it very much.

"I hope the Misty Team can be more powerful and not be beaten down so early, otherwise it will be too boring." Tang Yi thought to himself.

And all the members of the Misty Team came to the front of the altar. Mi Long looked at Niu Haobo and said: "Old Niu, we meet again. I didn't expect that we could meet so soon. I didn't expect that your Divine Niu Team actually gave the altar we found to What a coincidence that it’s occupied!”

After hearing Mi Long's words, Niu Haobo suddenly thought to himself, as expected, the Misty Team knew about this altar, no wonder they were able to come directly.

But on the surface Niu Haobo said: "Have your altar been occupied? The name of your Mist Team is not written on this altar! Moreover, the altars in Tianxuan battlefield need to be opened! If your Mist Team opens the altar, then we There is no way the Divine Bull Team can occupy the altar of your Mist Team.”


Milong sneered, and then said: "I'm too lazy to argue with you about this."

While talking, Milong kept looking at the altar and the members of the sacred cow team on the altar.

After watching Wei Wei for a moment, he also discovered the problem with the number of people in the Divine Bull Team.

When he saw that there were not enough members in the Divine Bull Team, Milong's eyes lit up slightly.

"Old Niu, it seems that you don't have all the members of the Divine Niu team. How many others are there? Where have they gone?"

Milong asked with a smile.

Niu Haobo said bluntly: "What does it have to do with your Mist Team where they go?"

"Why is it none of our business? As humans, we must care about our colleagues. Although they are not members of our team, we should care about them."

Milong said shamelessly.

"That's not necessary. We, the Divine Bull Team, don't need your fake kindness!"

Niu Haobo said bluntly.

"Yes, I don't need you to pretend to be kind!"

"You don't need to worry about the affairs of our sacred cow team!"

"Put away your fake kindness and stop pretending to be here."


The people of the Divine Bull Team said one after another.

Hearing this, everyone in the Mist Team glared at the people in the Divine Bull Team. Although they didn't say anything, a burst of anger and fighting spirit burst out.

It seemed like he was going to take action against the Divine Bull Team at any moment.

The members of the Divine Bull Team were not to be outdone and stared back!
  Although there are few of them, they are not timid at all.

At this moment, the Misty Team and the Divine Bull Team were at war with each other.

Originally, the two teams had a grudge.

At this moment, new and old hatreds are added together, and the grudges become even greater.

But at this moment, after hearing the words of everyone in the Divine Bull Team, Mi Long from the Misty Team was not angry at all. He squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Friends from the Divine Bull Team, don't be angry. I'm just concerned. You guys, why are you so angry? And... we didn’t do anything. Not only did we not do anything, we could even help them."

Mi Long looked at the golden clouds that lit up above the altar, and continued to say with a smile: "You should have opened the altar! You are guarding the altar now, right! Our Misty Team can help you with this. We can help. Guard the altar! After all, for the sake of being human, it’s okay to help.”

"I don't need your help from the Mist Team. You can leave now. Thank you! Without you, our mission will go more smoothly!"

Niu Haobo refused.


Mi Long said: "Captain Niu really doesn't need the help of our Misty Team? You must know that the aliens on the Tianxuan battlefield are not easy to deal with. And it is said that there are many medium-sized teams here! Such a team is not You, the Divine Bull Squadron, can handle it! What's more, there has just been a war near here, and the two sides in the battle are definitely top-notch combat forces. If we encounter... Are you sure you don't need the help of our Divine Bull Squadron?"


Niu Haobo said firmly.

After a pause, Niu Haobo's eyes were sharp and he said: "Are you leaving in the mist? If you don't leave, then I will drive them away! Although we are short of personnel now, our combat power is worthy of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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