Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3648 The conspiracy of the Mist Team

Chapter 3648 The conspiracy of the Mist Team

"Oh, Captain Niu, don't be angry, you are always shouting and killing! Our Misty Team and your Divine Bull Team are both human beings, so why should we kill each other? Since Captain Niu doesn't like our Misty Team, then our Misty Team will leave. That’s it.”

Milong said, then waved his hand and ordered: "Retreat!"

Immediately afterwards, he led the team members and evacuated the altar.

Seeing the Misty Team decisively leaving, the members of the Divine Bull Team were all slightly stunned, as if they had not expected it at all.

Niu Haobo was already ready for a battle with the Misty Team at this moment.

Even if all their members are not here yet, he is still confident that he can defeat the Mist Team!
  He was very rude just now.

Already adjusting my mood.

As long as the other party makes a move, he can take action directly!
  But what Niu Haobo didn’t expect was!

The other party actually withdrew directly?

Really withdrawn?
  Not causing trouble for them?
  This made Niu Haobo feel very weird!

After all, it was obvious that the Mist Team entered the Tianxuan battlefield to target them!

Since we are going to target them, it is impossible not to take action when they see them obtain the altar, and it is also impossible not to destroy them.

but now!

They actually withdrew like that?
  This is extremely weird!

"Captain, are they just withdrawing?"

One of the team members said.

Niu Haobo thought for a while and ordered: "Fang You, please be more careful. Follow up and see if they have withdrawn. Be careful not to follow too closely to avoid falling into their trap. At the same time, if you encounter a crisis, you must Please send a message back as soon as possible.”

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Fang You followed.

"Captain, the Misty Team withdrew without doing anything. Is there any conspiracy behind this?"

One of the team members said.

"Yes! They came in obviously targeting us, but now they leave without doing anything. This is very unreasonable! It is obvious that they have a plan, otherwise they would not be able to withdraw like this."

"I also think they can't retreat so easily. Maybe they are ambushing somewhere, waiting for an opportunity, and then give us a fatal blow."

"But it's strange to say that if we wanted to take action, it was obviously the best choice just now. After all, we had only a few members. With only a few members, they actually didn't choose to take action."


"I know everything you said."

Niu Haobo said: "They evacuated without doing anything. This is obviously abnormal. There must be a conspiracy. But why and what the conspiracy is, we don't know yet. Let's wait until Fang You comes back from investigating the news. In addition, A few of them are about to return to the altar. Even if they have any plans by then, we will not be afraid at all. With ten people against ten people, their Divine Bull Team will definitely be able to defeat their Mist Team."


"Then let's wait until Fang You comes back! Let's see what happens."

"The soldiers will come to cover up the water and earth. No matter what little tricks they make, we will continue."

"The Mist Team only has that much ability, don't be afraid of them!"


The team members said one after another.


And the other side.

The Mist Team left directly without any stop, let alone any conspiracy.

Fang You, who was sent to follow the Mist Team, followed the Mist Team within two to three hundred miles. After seeing that the Mist Team really left, he returned with confidence to report.

Five hundred miles after the Misty Team left the altar, the team members asked the Mystical Dragon: "Captain, do we really want to withdraw? They have obviously been guarding the altar for a few days. Let them guard the altar for a few more days, and the task will be huge. It’s done.”

"Yes, captain, aren't we here just to target them! Aren't we just going to cause damage? Why are we withdrawing now? I don't understand!"

"I just saw them very displeased. If the captain hadn't asked them to do it, I would have done it long ago."

"Yeah! I don't know what they are so arrogant about! It's like we can't beat them!"


The people in the Mist Team said one after another. Milong didn't let them say anything just now on the road, so they kept it secret.

At this moment, Mi Longrang spoke, and they vented their dissatisfaction.

Milong turned his head and said: "You think that to target the Shenniu Team, you just have to attack them directly? You can target them directly and take revenge? You are really short-sighted."

"Then captain, what should we do? We can't just let them complete the mission, right?"

A team member asked.

Milong smiled slightly and said, "Have you ever heard of the term called misfortune diverting water to the east?"

"Dirty the disaster to the east?"

The members of the Mist Team are confused.

Of course, the reason why they were confused was not because they had never heard of this term, but because they did not know what connection this term had with dealing with the Divine Bull Team.

Seeing that none of the team members understood, Mi Long said: "Think about it, if we attack them directly, will we start a fight?"


The team members nodded.

"Once a fight breaks out, will there be casualties? Although we are fully prepared this time and have brought several artifacts, won't there still be casualties?"

Milong asked again.

Hearing this, the team members were silent for a few seconds, and finally nodded slightly.

Although they hate the Divine Bull Team, it is undeniable that the Divine Bull Team does have certain strength.

If you dare to fight against the members of the Divine Bull Team, they will indeed suffer casualties.

Even if they bring several artifacts this time, their strength will definitely be able to crush the sacred cow.

But there will also be casualties!

Fighting is not just a game, the swords are all eyeless, who knows what will happen in a fight.

Therefore, the team members all nodded silently.

"Since there are casualties, why do we have to fight them head-on? What we want is for them to die on the battlefield, and we don't necessarily have to do it ourselves! We can leave the matter of killing them to others. manage."

Milong said with a smile.

"Leave it to someone else?"

Most of the team members didn't understand what it meant.

At this time, one of the team members understood.

"Oh! I understand! The captain's intention is to divert the trouble to the east and let others help us deal with the Divine Bull Squadron!"

The team member said in surprise.

Milong smiled slightly and said: "Smart! That's it!"

But this team member asked: "But who should we find to help us deal with the Shenniu Squad, and how should we divert the trouble to the east?"

"I just praised you for being smart, how could you become so stupid just a moment later?"

Milong looked at the unsatisfactory team members and said, "Think about it, what is the Shenniu team doing now?"

"I'm guarding the altar!"

One of the team members said.

"Yes! Since they are guarding the altar, wouldn't it be easy to find someone to deal with the Divine Bull Team?"

Milong said.

Hearing this, a team member understood instantly and exclaimed: "I understand! The captain wants to announce the news about the altar and let the aliens deal with the Divine Bull Team! The aliens are very powerful. If they take action, the gods will Team Niu will be destroyed! Not only will they fail to complete their mission, they will even die here!"

Hearing the words of this team member, even the stupidest team member now understood!

It turns out that their captain didn't refuse to deal with the Divine Bull Squad, nor did he not take action, but he used other people's hands to deal with the Divine Bull Squad!

What a trick to divert misfortune to the east!

This is too strong.

(End of this chapter)

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