Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3649 Aliens are attacking!

Chapter 3649 Aliens are attacking!

On the other side, Fang You returned to the altar and reported the situation of the Mist Team.

Niu Haobo frowned after hearing Fang You's report.

"No way? The Mist Team really left?"

"Didn't they come in to target us? Why did they leave so easily?"

"It's so weird. There's something wrong with what Team Mist is doing!"

"They don't look like people who won't fight back or retaliate. Why did they leave so easily this time?"

"I don't know what kind of conspiracy the Misty Team and the others are planning to play!"


The team members were all confused.

Niu Haobo thought for a while and said: "Ignore the Misty Team. Now that we are all here, the soldiers will cover up the water and the earth. All we have to do is guard."

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

No one understood why the Mist Team evacuated, or what other plots the Mist Team was up to, but Tang Yi knew it all too well.

From the moment the Mist Team left, he had insight into the Mist Team's plan!
  Did the Mist Team really withdraw?

Really don’t want to have a grudge against the Divine Bull Squad?
  Don't want to fight in the battlefield?

Totally impossible.

It’s not that they really withdrew, or that they didn’t want to take revenge on the Divine Bull Team!

Instead, he wanted to take revenge on the Divine Bull Squadron in a way that cost the least and had the least casualties!

And this way…

It is easy to guess that it must be related to the altar!
  The other party will definitely make a fuss on the altar.

As for what to do with the altar...

As long as you are familiar with altars, you can know what articles to use them for!
  There is only one article that can be made with the altar at this moment!
  That is……

Destroy the progress of the altar!
  Tang Yi thought for a moment, and there were many ways to disrupt the altar.

The most direct one is for the Mist Team to directly attack the altar!

But the Mist Team chose to retreat at this moment, and it was obvious that this was not the choice.

If it's not this kind, it's another kind, killing someone with a borrowed knife.

That's right!

The Mist Team is retreating at this moment. What they want to do is to kill someone with a borrowed knife!
  They want to spread the news, and then use the hands of foreigners to kill their sacred cow team!

Tang Yi guessed the other party's purpose just by thinking for a moment!
  Of course, what he analyzed will not be told to the Divine Bull Team!

After all, he is now playing the role of a newcomer. How can a newcomer be so logical and thorough in his analysis?
  This is very inconsistent with the newcomer's setting.

In addition, Tang Yi didn't want the Divine Bull Team to know about this.

What if they knew about this and chose to retreat.

What can we do then?
  When the news leaked and a large number of aliens were about to attack, Captain Niu Haobo would have a 99% chance of choosing to retreat.

If you retreat, it won't be fun.

and so!
  Tang Yi was not prepared to tell Niu Haobo and others about the situation he had analyzed.

Even if Niu Haobo and others finally analyze it themselves, he will still cause trouble and deliberately disrupt their sight.

In this way, after encountering the Mist Team, all members of the Divine Bull Team returned to the altar and stopped going out to watch to prevent the Mist Team from attacking again.

The group spent another two days safely at the altar.

For two days, nothing happened.

Nor did anyone come to the altar.

Where the altar was, it was eerily silent. Like the calm before the storm.

At this moment, five days have passed since the altar was opened.

As long as they hold on for five more days, the Divine Bull Team will be able to complete their mission and then return to the Realm Palace.

"I hope this tranquility can last for another five days. As long as it lasts for another five days, we can return to the Realm Palace."

"Yes, it would be great if we could continue like this."

"It's really great to be able to complete the mission safely."

"I have to say that the task on the Tianxuan battlefield is really too difficult. Guarding the altar for ten days is not something ordinary people can do!"

"This also depends on some luck. If you are lucky and no one else can discover the altar for ten days, it can be easily completed. If you are unlucky and all the aliens discover the altar, a big war will inevitably happen."

"Yes, if the aliens find out, it won't be as simple as whether they can guard the altar. It will be a question of whether they can come back alive."

"But it's really strange. Why is there no movement at all from the Mist Team? It's been two days since they retreated, and they haven't done anything in these two days."

"Yeah, I'm also wondering why the Mist Team didn't take revenge on us. Logically speaking, we opened the altar, so they should have destroyed it, but why didn't they take action?"

"With their character, it is impossible not to retaliate. And when they entered the battlefield this time, they were obviously here to target us. Otherwise, they would not have entered the battlefield at the same time as us. But why they did not take action is unknown."

"They won't be planning any more conspiracy!"

"It's uncertain, we have to be careful. Although there are still five days left and we can complete the mission as long as we persist for five more days, we cannot let down our guard during these five days."

"Indeed! No matter what their conspiracy is, no matter whether they take action against us or not, we cannot relax at all!"


While everyone was discussing, suddenly, there was a noise not far away.

Due to the previous collision between the Divine Thunder Tribe and the Northern Water Tribe around the altar, the trees here have been completely flattened. The area around the altar is now a wasteland, and the view is extremely broad.

When they heard the noise, everyone looked in the direction of the noise.

Suddenly he saw shadows flashing not far away.

At first glance, there are no less than two hundred shadows!

And this is only from the east direction!

The next moment, there was a noise in the west direction.

Black shadows appeared in the west direction.

The number of these black shadows is also about two hundred.

And it's not over yet.

Two hundred black shadows also appeared in the north and south!

In short, at this moment, hundreds of black shadows appeared in all directions of the altar.

Seeing this scene, the members of the Divine Bull Team were slightly startled at first, and then their expressions suddenly became extremely ugly.

"This alien race! A medium-sized alien force is coming!"

"Oh my god! Why are there so many! Why are they everywhere!"

"There is the breath of thunder and lightning in the east, that is the divine thunder tribe. In the west there is the breath of water element, that is the North Water Tribe! In the north there is the breath of the jungle! That is the forest tribe! And in the south... in the south there is the breath of ice element is it possible that the Ice Tribe also appeared on the Tianxuan battlefield!"

"The aliens...why did they all come at the same time! What happened?"

"Yes, it's really weird. It's just that the aliens discovered the altar, but they actually came together at the same time! This is too weird."

"This altar has been safe and sound for so many days, and no aliens have discovered it. Why did so many aliens come all at once on the fifth day? It's really strange!"

"Could it be...could someone spread the news about the altar here? That's why the aliens came at the same time?"


(End of this chapter)

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