Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3674 The plan failed?

Chapter 3674 The plan failed?
  "It's coming, it's coming! Sure enough, it's here! I didn't expect that our plan would really succeed, and the alien tribe was really attracted to us! And it's the relatively powerful Shen Lei Clan. Although the Shen Lei Clan is not as powerful as the Forest Clan on the Tianxuan battlefield , but it won’t be too different. This battle is exciting.”

"Hundreds of people from the Thunder God Tribe have also come, and their numbers are about the same as those of the Forest Tribe. It is still possible to win this battle! It just depends on how well we perform."

"Very good, very good, that's what we have to do, start a chaos and fight! Only then can we have a chance to get the last altar!"

"It would be great if that super strong man was also hiding here, waiting for the opportunity to take action, and finally help us deal with those alien races. In this way, the tenth altar will belong to us."

"I don't expect super strong people to be here. What I hope is that there will be two more alien teams. Only in this way will there be more chaos. In this way, we will have a greater chance!"


The moment this team member finished speaking, figures appeared again in a certain direction of the altar.

The air above the altar was filled with countless water vapor in an instant.

This is a sign of the appearance of the Northern Water Tribe.

The Northern Water Tribe is coming!
  I saw hundreds of Northern Water Tribes emerging from the forest and arriving at the edge of the altar.

Around the altar, two foreign teams suddenly appeared.

In addition to the forest tribe that originally occupied the altar, it instantly became a three-legged situation.

But it's not over yet.

It was as if God had half heard the prayers of the members of the Divine Bull Team. Suddenly, a large number of figures appeared in the other direction of the altar.

As soon as these figures appeared, a large amount of frost appeared over the altar.

The Ice Tribe is here too!

And the number is over a hundred, no less than the other three alien races!
  This is still not the end.

A large number of figures appeared in another direction of the altar.

As soon as these figures arrived at the altar, the temperature in the area where the altar was located skyrocketed.

Above the altar, some red flame sparks appeared.

This is the Abyss!
  The Abyss tribe actually entered the Tianxuan battlefield!
  And there are a lot of them, hundreds too!

Forest Tribe, Divine Thunder Tribe, Northern Water Tribe, Ice Tribe, Abyss Tribe!
  Teams from the five major races suddenly gathered on the scene!

The originally spacious venue suddenly became extremely crowded.

  This is not all!

I saw another dark shadow coming from an empty direction of the altar!
  The number of black shadows arriving this time was relatively small, only three teams, about thirty people.


After the arrival of these figures, the air was filled with an aura of destruction and evil.

The originally dark sky seemed to have become even darker, and there was a feeling of darkness that made people feel hopeless.

This is what happens when the Shadow Clan appears!
  Yes, that's right!
  The small Tianxuan battlefield actually allowed the Shadow Clan to open the battlefield passage and come to the Tianxuan battlefield!

Although there are only more than thirty shadow clans arriving.

  The effect produced is no less than that of hundreds of other races!

Even stronger!
  As soon as the Shadow Tribe appeared on the scene, it put terrifying pressure on all the alien races present!

With the appearance of the Shadow Clan, six different races gathered on the scene.

But that’s still not all!

This small Tianxuan battlefield seemed to have attracted the attention of all the major foreign races. In addition to the Shadow Clan who had traveled thousands of miles equally powerful race also came here.

After the Shadow Clan appeared, black shadows appeared in an empty area of ​​the altar. The number of these black shadows is about the same as that of the Shadow Clan, and they are also about three squads in number.

When they appeared, the sky where they were suddenly became brighter, and streaks of light shone down from the sky.

At the same time, the air began to be filled with a holy breath.

This is what happens when the Light Clan appears!
  This is the appearance of the Light Clan!

The Light Clan and the Shadow Clan are known as the two top races, and they are very powerful!

At this moment, with the appearance of the Shadow Clan, the Light Clan also traveled thousands of miles to the Tianxuan battlefield and arrived at the altar.

Their number is similar to that of the Shadow Clan, with only three teams, but they put the same pressure on all the foreign races present as the Shadow Clan.

When they arrived, all the aliens present, except the Shadow Clan, were under great pressure.

Including the Light Tribe who arrived last, seven races gathered on the scene in an instant!
  Forest Tribe, Divine Thunder Tribe, Northern Water Tribe, Ice Tribe, Abyss Tribe, Shadow Tribe and Light Tribe!

Other races gathered at the altar. This scene must be said to be very shocking.

Although the team size of each race is not large.

But even so, everyone who saw this scene was speechless.

For example, the Godox Squad!
  Seeing that his operation actually attracted six alien races.

And each one is stronger than the other!
  It even attracted the most powerful Shadow Clan and Light Clan...

The members of the Divine Bull Team were all confused.

"Good boy! No way, our few flares are so powerful? Can they actually attract so many alien races? Even the light race and the shadow race are attracted. This is too exaggerated."

"Yeah, it's too exaggerated. I just waited for a long time and didn't attract any foreign teams. I thought the plan failed. Unexpectedly, not only did it not fail, but it was too successful."

"What should we do now? Although the more alien races there are, the more chaotic the situation will be. We can take advantage of the chaos to find opportunities. However, now even the Shadow Clan and the Light Clan are here, which is a bit tricky. The Shadow Clan and the Light Clan are here. The Light Tribe intervenes, let alone three teams. Even if there is only one person, we can't deal with it! What's more, this time both the Shadow Tribe and the Light Tribe have three teams coming! Such a force is not something we can compete with. Come on! Not only us, other alien races may also have difficulty competing."

"Yes! If the Shadow Clan and the Light Clan don't come, maybe this will be a melee. But the Shadow Clan and the Light Clan are here. I'm afraid this will turn into a battle between the Shadow Clan and the Light Clan."

"Hey! I really didn't expect that things would develop like this. I originally thought that the signal bomb could attract one or two alien races, which would be great. Now it has attracted six alien races, including the Shadow Tribe and the Light Tribe. It's difficult to handle now. .”

"Yes, it will be more difficult for us to obtain the token now."


The team members said one after another.

Everyone feels a little depressed.

If the Shadow Clan and the Light Clan don't come, that's fine.

They still have a chance.

But with the arrival of the Shadow Clan and the Light Clan, their chances are slim.

After all, the Shadow Clan and the Light Clan are too terrifying, and they are not existences that humans can compete with.

Not to mention the three teams, even a member of the Shadow Clan or the Light Clan can beat them to pieces, which is no different than crushing a few ants.

and so!
  Most of the team members were depressed.

At this moment, almost all team members believed that the plan had failed.

Even Niu Haobo felt that the plan was going to fail.

(End of this chapter)

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