Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 3675 Disputes among the 7 Clans

Chapter 3675 Disputes among the Seven Clans
  Of course, although Niu Haobo felt that the plan would fail, as a qualified captain, he would definitely not show it.

He even comforted the team members and said: "Don't be too depressed, everyone. Although the emergence of the Shadow Tribe and the Light Tribe is not a good thing for us, it is not that we have no chance! After all, chaos has been created, who knows what will happen in the end How will it develop? What if all the alien races die together? What if the mysterious strong man who helped us before takes action again? Who can say for sure until the end."

"Yes, brothers, don't be too depressed. We still have a chance."

"If only the Shadow Clan arrives, or only the Light Clan arrives, we may not have any hope. But if the Shadow Clan and the Light Clan arrive and restrain each other, then we have a chance."

"Let's wait and see. If there is no chance, we can go back to the Realm Palace. We haven't lost anything! Originally, the search for ten altars was just a try. I didn't have high hopes."

"Yes, we didn't have high hopes. It was just because it went so smoothly that we felt unwilling to win the last one after winning nine altars. In fact, we didn't lose anything! Don't worry too much. care."


The team members said one after another.

After saying this, everyone was not so depressed and felt a little better.

And on the altar.

Seeing six consecutive races appearing on the scene, the forest tribe, the occupier of the altar, was also confused.

At first they thought it was a certain race that was causing the provocation, but unexpectedly it turned out to be not one, but six!

A forest tribe said to their leader: "Lord Mu Yun, it seems that we have been plotted by them. Some race must have wanted to seize the altar, but they could not compete with us alone, so they used a trick to summon all other races. ”

"Ok, I know."

Li Muyun nodded, and then said loudly to the foreigners: "What do you mean?"

The leader of the Divine Thunder Tribe said: "What does it mean? What else can it mean? Isn't it obvious?"

The leader of the Beishui tribe said: "The altar of Tianxuan battlefield does not belong to whoever occupies it."

The leader of the Ice Tribe said: "We had a team come before, but they all disappeared. I suspect it has something to do with your forest tribe. After all, only you, the forest tribe, have the ability to deal with them without anyone noticing. So this Once again, we have to come and lie down in this muddy water."

The leader of the Abyss Tribe said: "This is our first time coming to Tianxuan Battlefield. They all say that this is the world of the Forest Tribe and that the Forest Tribe is very strong here. We, Abyss, just came in to see if the Forest Tribe is as strong as the rumors. .”

The leader of the Shadow Clan said bluntly: "We, the Shadow Clan, have no reason to act. We come just as we want."

The leader of the Guangming Clan said with a smile: "It is said that there is a treasure in the Tianxuan battlefield, and the key to obtaining the treasure is ten altars. We, the Guangming Clan, are not interested in your fight, but we are interested in the treasure, so you only need to give up the altars , and tell us the key, then we, the Bright Tribe, will let everyone here go."


After hearing the words of the leaders of the various alien races, the leader of the forest tribe sneered and said, "You all want to come over and get a share of the pie, right? Although I don't know which race exposed the location of the altar, but no matter which race it is, I will I won’t let him go! In addition, those of you races who want to come over and get a piece of the have to weigh your own strength. This is the Tianxuan battlefield, but it is the territory of our forest tribe! On our territory, let alone Be it your God Thunder Tribe, Beishui Tribe, or some Ice Tribe, even if it is the two upper-level races, Shadow Tribe and Light Tribe, as long as they take action against our Forest Tribe, we will make them suffer! Even if they cannot defeat, It will also cause them heavy losses. If you don’t believe it, just try it.”

The eyes of the leader of the forest clan emitted a cold light, and a stream of cold breath spread out.

Feeling this chill, except for the Shadow Clan and the Light Clan, all other races were intimidated by this cold air.

The body moved slightly backward involuntarily. but!

In the end they stabilized.

If there were not so many races at the scene and only their single race arrived, they would definitely not dare to challenge the forest tribe, and they would definitely not dare to compete for the altar occupied by the forest tribe.

But there are so many races on the scene now. If there is a fight, who knows who will win and who will lose.

Moreover, they don’t necessarily have to take action personally.

Aren't there other races? Just let them take action.

Almost all the aliens at the scene had this idea, so no alien team retreated after listening to the forest tribe's words.

On the contrary, they moved forward and got closer to the altar.

This immediately made the leader of the forest tribe tremble with anger.

"Are you really going to be enemies with my forest tribe? Don't forget, this world is very big. In addition to the Tianxuan battlefield, there are other battlefields and other areas. If you are an enemy of our forest tribe, you will be in other battlefields in the future... ...Don’t blame us, the Forest Clan, for not giving us face!”

The leader of the forest clan continued to threaten.

However, this time, there was no movement from the various alien races, as if they had not heard anything.

At this moment, the leader of the Shadow Clan did not even look at the other races, and said directly to the leader of the Light Clan: "What should I say? We, the Shadow Clan, were the first to see this altar, and we were also the first to arrive. I think you The Light Clan should let us Shadow Clan."

The leader of the Shadow Tribe actually ignored the other alien races present and spoke directly to the leader of the Light Tribe.

Don't look down on other ordinary races at all!
  This immediately made other ordinary races angry!
  At this moment, the leader of the Light Clan said: "Ha! You Shadow Clan are really good at talking nonsense. Did you arrive first? We obviously arrived at the same time. As for you Shadow Clan's disdain for this altar... This has nothing to do with our Light Clan. Any relationship. As for the ownership of this altar, let us speak with our strength! Don’t you, the Shadow Clan, always like to speak with your strength, so let’s use our strength to speak now!”

After a pause, the leader of the Bright Tribe said to the teams of other races: "Teams of other races, I suggest you leave here as soon as possible, otherwise if we fight later and affect you, you can't be blamed."

Hearing the words of the leader of the Bright Tribe, the other races present became even more angry.

I feel that the Shadow Clan and the Light Clan are too arrogant, so I shouldn't take them seriously.

If the number of the Shadow Tribe and the Light Tribe is similar to the number of all the other tribes present.

The various tribes present may be a little wary. After hearing the words of the leaders of the Shadow Tribe and the Light Tribe, they may retreat without hesitation.

After all, with the same number, they are definitely no match for the two upper-level races, the Shadow Tribe and the Light Tribe.

However, at this moment, the number of Shadow Clan and Light Clan is only over thirty!
  Less than a quarter of them!

Although they are still afraid of such a quantity, they don't need to be afraid at all!
  (End of this chapter)

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