Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 4033 Arriving at the destination, all races gather together

Chapter 4033 Arriving at the destination, all races gather together
  "Did you sense anything?"

Bulling asked.

Deputy Commander Qu Li turned his head to look, then turned his head in confusion and said, "What did you sense?"

"The battle is fluctuating! It seems like someone is fighting behind us."

Bulling said uncertainly.

"Huh? Someone is fighting behind us?"

Qu Li glanced behind again in confusion. After making sure he couldn't see anything, he turned around and said, "No, who is fighting behind us? I didn't see anything! Besides, we just passed by Where, if there was a battle, how could we not find anything? Old Bu, are you too sensitive?"

"Maybe I'm too sensitive!"

Bu Ling said: "I don't know if I have been in the battlefield of all races for too long. My nerves are always tense, and I am always on guard. I sense the surroundings. As long as there is a little disturbance around me, I will react. Maybe it is. Because of this state, I am a little sensitive."


"Old Bu, vigilance is a good thing. After all, in the battlefield of all races, we need to maintain a certain degree of vigilance, otherwise we may lose our lives. But vigilance is vigilance, and you can't be too sensitive. Don't be suspicious at the slightest sign. This will be very tiring. . It will also consume a lot of energy. If too much energy is consumed on the battlefield, it will be very dangerous."

Deputy Commander Qu Li said.

"I understand."

Bu Ling turned his head and glanced behind him again. Although he still felt that something happened behind him, but now there was no evidence and he didn't see it. He just shook his head and thought to himself that maybe he really was overthinking it and said: "Let's go." .”

The two leaders just continued to move towards their destination.

From behind, Tang Yi came to the place of the battle. With his right hand, he summoned his own sky fire, and then gently threw it out, letting the flames spread all over the place, burning all traces.

Although Tang Yi's methods just now were all one-hit kills, and many were wiped out in one blow, there were some that were not wiped out.

There are also residual blood stains, remaining corpses, etc.

So at this moment Tang Yi summoned flames and burned all the traces.

This matter was very simple, Tang Yi just did it casually and completed it quickly.

After cleaning up the traces, Tang Yi took the two women and followed the Jie Palace team ahead.

In this way, time passed quickly, and Tang Yi and the others were getting closer and closer to their destination.

On the way, Tang Yi could feel more and more alien teams approaching!

Several teams even almost ran into the Jie Palace team ahead.

However, these foreign teams did not choose to attack the Jie Palace team in front. Instead, they distanced themselves and moved toward their destination while maintaining a safe distance.

Everyone no longer wanted to attack the Jie Palace team rashly like the Beishui Tribe before, but the Jie Palace was eliminated by Tang Yi who was hiding behind them.

Fortunately, these aliens maintained a tacit understanding and did not choose to attack the Jie Palace team. Otherwise, Tang Yi would still take action against these alien teams to protect the Jie Palace team!
  It's fine if Tang Yi didn't see it. If he had seen it, he would never have watched the warriors of the Realm Palace being attacked by aliens.

Therefore, these aliens chose to maintain a tacit understanding and did not take action. This was a very wise move.

In this way, all the foreign races, or even all the teams, kept a tacit understanding of keeping a distance from each other, and everyone rushed to the destination peacefully.

About ten minutes later, the already accelerated Jie Palace team finally arrived at their destination.

Tang Yi followed the Realm Palace team and arrived at the destination at the same time.

  Arriving at their destination, Tang Yi and the others saw an unimaginable scene.

Seeing this scene, the three of them all opened their mouths in surprise.

Densely packed figures.

Yes, densely packed figures. In the center of the site are three irregular stone pillars reaching the sky.

The stone pillars are irregular in shape, some are rhombus-shaped, some are awl-shaped, and some are rectangular.

And these stone pillars have reached a height of 100 meters.

The three stone pillars maintain a distance from each other, forming a triangular area.

At this moment, warriors from all races gathered around these three stone pillars on a large scale.

Humans, Dark Tribe, Forest Tribe, Abyss Tribe, Shadow Tribe, Light Tribe, Ice Tribe, Northern Water Tribe, Earth Barbarian Tribe, Divine Thunder Tribe, etc., almost all racial teams are concentrated here.

In addition to these familiar races, there are also a large number of races that Tang Yi doesn't know the names of and has never seen before, and there are many of these races!
  As far as Tang Yi could see with his naked eyes, there were hundreds of thousands of them, and there were even more unknown types that couldn't come into view.

It can be said that at this moment, all races gather together!

And there are many teams of each race!

After gathering, the number of each race arriving at the scene almost reached thousands!
  More even reach tens of thousands!

The major races in front of us together almost reached a scale of tens or millions, and they were densely packed.

The number of palace warriors in the human realm now reaches tens of thousands.

At a glance, one can see a human team of approximately 30,000 to 40,000 people concentrated here.

Since the human team was relatively strong, they occupied a good position, very close to the stone pillar.

It can be said that it occupies the heartland.

The human team is filled with a large number of powerful auras. These powerful auras look around vigilantly, guarding against attacks from alien races.

And some foreign teams that are not strong enough can only occupy the outer circle.

Even the outer circle may not be occupied, and can only be gathered and watched from a far distance.

The strength mentioned here is not the strength of a single race.

At this moment, what we are looking at is no longer ordinary races or upper-level races.

Because this kind of thing is nothing in the face of large-scale group operations.

What we look at here is the overall overall strength!

At this moment, even if you are a high-ranking race, if your number in the battlefield of all races is not large and your combat power is not strong enough, then sorry, you can only occupy the outer circle, or even the outer areas of the outer circle, and you will not be able to enter the central area at all. .

Because no one can beat the power you have gathered at this moment!
  If you can't defeat anyone, then you can't enter the inner circle!

For example, the upper-level race, the Anti-Demon Tribe.

As a high-ranking race, the anti-demon tribe is powerful enough on its own, right?
  One counter-demon can kill several ordinary alien races, and one against ten is not a problem at all.

Facing opponents like humans, they can fight one against twenty, or even thirty.

This is not an exaggeration.

The more powerful anti-demon clan can easily challenge even a human team of a hundred people.

But here at the moment, they can only occupy a marginal position.

Because at this moment, in the battlefield of ten thousand tribes, they only gathered about two hundred tribesmen.

Such numbers and comprehensive strength are not enough for them to enter the core circle.

(End of this chapter)

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