Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 4034 Attention, Yuanque Team

Chapter 4034 Attention, Yuanque Team
  Although the individual strength is strong, the anti-demon clan is very strong.

But they only numbered two hundred when they gathered together. Facing teams of thousands or tens of thousands of other races, they were simply unstoppable.

So they can only occupy the periphery, close to some ordinary races.

Want to get into the center circle?
  Sorry, they are not eligible now.

With only two hundred in number, they would easily be completely engulfed by the major racial teams in the center circle.

Of course, this situation is not static.

As time goes by, as more and more alien races gather from all over the battlefield of all races, the situation here is constantly changing.

One second, the central area may be of this race, but the next second, they may be driven to the periphery.

Not convinced?

Then wait to be beaten to death.

this is the truth!
  "What are you doing here? Why have so many racial teams gathered? I feel like almost all races in the battlefield of all races are here."

Mu Xianling was shocked when she saw the scene in front of her.

Pei Nianyao said: "Look, husband, the team just went to join our team from the Realm Palace. And our team from the Realm Palace is so huge! There must be tens of thousands of people, right? And standing at the front Yes, it seems that it is Fang Jue who sent the message for help this time!"

"Well, I see it."

Tang Yi nodded and said.

Mu Xianling asked: "Husband, what should we do now? Do we want to go over to meet up?"

Tang Yi nodded and replied: "Go over! After all, the human warriors are all in that direction. If we don't go over, it will be too conspicuous. There is no place to hide here."


The two women nodded.

The group of three people just converged towards the location of the humans.

Soon he entered the Realm Palace team.

As for the joining of the three low-level warriors, all the warriors in the Realm Palace were very confused.

After all, Tang Yi has not yet reached the peak of the true god realm, and Mu Xianling and Pei Nianyao are only at the supreme level.

With such strength, on the battlefield of thousands of races, it would be like delivering food.

But now you have come here and joined them?
  This made all the Realm Palace warriors who discovered Tang Yi and the others puzzled.

In addition, Mu Xianling and Pei Nianyao are both stunningly beautiful, which makes people even more confused and concerned.

The moment they joined the team, a lot of eyes turned to them.

After taking a look at the crowded venue and feeling everyone's gaze, Mu Xianling whispered to Tang Yi: "Husband, it seems that we have become the target of public criticism. You can't keep a low profile even if you want to."


Tang Yi comforted: "They are just confused, and they only pay attention to us because you are beautiful. There will be no problem. It doesn't matter if you don't keep a low profile, as long as no one comes to trouble us."

"What if someone wants to cause trouble for us?" Mu Xianling asked.

"What if someone comes to trouble us?"

Tang Yi narrowed his eyes and snorted: "Then don't blame me."

Mu Xianling nodded, then focused his gaze on the three giant stone pillars in front of him, and said, "Everyone seems to have gathered here for these three stone pillars, and they don't know what's special about these three stone pillars. Husband, you. Have you ever seen such stone pillars? Do you know what their function is?"

"never seen it."

Tang Yi shook his head and said: "This stone pillar is very similar to the altar pillars I have encountered in other battlefields. But it is different from the altar pillars. It looks weirder and less regular. At the same time, there are no special symbols on it. , does not seem to be the plant that opens the altar. So I don’t know what it is or what its function is.”

At this moment, suddenly several figures slowly approached Tang Yi. It was a ten-man mixed team consisting of three women and seven men. The leader seemed to be a female warrior with short hair and a heroic appearance.

Seeing this team approaching, Tang Yi and the others were immediately confused. They didn't understand what this team wanted to do, and at the same time they looked at the team warily.

The short-haired female captain of this team hurriedly said to Tang Yi and the others: "Don't be nervous, we don't have any ill intentions."

I saw this short-haired female warrior approaching slowly and introduced herself: "I am Chu Qing, the captain of the Yuanque Squadron, and these are my team members. We don't have any malicious intention in coming here, we just see that you are very special, and it caused a stir. I’m paying a lot of attention to you, and I’m worried that you might be in trouble. So I’m here to help you.”

Tang Yi looked at Chu Qing, who claimed to be the captain of the Yuanque Squadron. Although he didn't know whether the other person was telling the truth, Tang Yi still said politely: "Tang Yi, the two here are my wives."

After all, Tang Yi was not afraid of what the other party had planned.

Not to mention whether the other party has any intentions, even if the other party has any intentions, Tang Yi is fully capable of killing all the other party's intentions in the cradle!
  He has such strength.

So I don't worry about what the other party is doing.

And he prayed in his heart that the other party would not play any tricks, otherwise he would really kill the other party.

Although we should be united at this moment, if the other party is trying to use tricks, then Tang Yi can't control so much.

But obviously, Tang Yi was overthinking it. The other party really had no intention or any tricks.

Being close to Tang Yi, I just feel that Tang Yi and the three of them are special.

"Tang Yi? Are the two here your wives?"

Chu Qing said in surprise: "Tang Yi, your warrior level should only be around the five or six-star true god realm, right? And your two wives, their strength has not even reached the divine level. You just brought your two wives into the battlefield of all races. ? Aren’t the managers in the Realm Palace stopping you either? And... the battlefield of all races is extremely dangerous, how did you get here?"

Not only Chu Qing was surprised, but Chu Qing's team members were also very surprised.

After all, with the strength of Tang Yi and the others, entering the battlefield of ten thousand races was just a gift.

Want to come to this place of contention with such strength?
  It's just wishful thinking.

It will definitely be torn apart countless times by aliens along the way.

However, Tang Yi and the others arrived at this location, which made Chu Qing's team members feel very incredible.

"Yes, my strength is indeed only at the five- or six-star True God Realm level. And it is true that my wives have not yet broken through to the True God Realm. But so what? Is there a rule in the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield that people of this level cannot enter?"

"As for how we got here... I can't tell you."

Tang Yi replied politely.


Hearing this, Chu Qing was slightly stunned for a moment, and then understood Tang Yi.

To be able to reach here with two supreme warriors who have not even reached the True God Realm with six or seven-star level strength, they must have some powerful ability.

And this kind of ability is really difficult to express clearly.

After all, everyone has their own secrets, and it is natural for others not to tell them.

As for the other party's strength, why would he enter the battlefield of all races...

Chu Qing saw that what the other party said was reasonable and well-founded, and she was even full of confidence, feeling that the other party obviously did not come in to die.

Since they didn't come in to die, then the other party had some purpose in entering the battlefield of all races.

And the other party obviously didn't want to explain this purpose clearly.

Again, everyone has a purpose.

So after hearing Tang Yi's words, Chu Qing stopped asking about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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