Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 916 The young man who fell off the warship, Tang Yi!

Chapter 916 The young man who fell off the warship, Tang Yi!

The figure that fell from the warship had an ordinary appearance, nothing special, and was even a little thin in stature. The only thing that was special was that the figure that fell down looked extremely young, with a very childish face.

It seems like he is just a teenager! !

The figure who fell from the Xifu warship was actually just a young man?
  what the hell?

Seeing the figure falling from the warship in the sky, everyone in the Xifu was slightly stunned.

Whether it was Gong Tianchun, Wang Tianba, or the Xifu disciples present, none of them expected that the person who fell from the Xifu warship in the sky was actually an extremely young boy.

A young man actually came here!
  In the opinion of everyone in Xifu, this young man is about ten, fifteen or six years old. At such an age, if he is a disciple of Xifu, he should be practicing in the outer palace of Xifu at this moment. After all, what strength can he have at such a young age?
  What can you do here?
  to death?

Although this young man fell from the sky and seemed to be able to fly, everyone in Xifu still didn't think he had any strength. After all, it was very easy to fly. Many treasures could allow a lowly warrior to fly into the sky. Flying does not mean that you are strong.

In addition, this young man is very strange. No one in Xifu has seen him before and they don't know who he is.

It is really strange that a young man fell from the Xifu warship and appeared here.

"Old Gong, what's going on? How come such a young disciple got off the warship? Who is this? Why haven't I seen him? It doesn't seem like he is a disciple in the inner palace. If he gets off the warship He is the only one left, so what should we do? How can we fight against the people from the Heaven-Eating Clan? Isn’t this over!"

After seeing the young man on the warship, Wang Tianba said to Gong Tianchun in confusion.

"I haven't seen him, and I don't know who he is. Maybe he is just a disciple of a certain fellow sect. As for whether he is the only one on the warship..."

After a pause, Gong Tianchun shook his head and analyzed: "I think it is definitely not the case. You don't need to worry. You must know that the warships in our Xifu are all owned. It is impossible for such a young disciple to own a warship." , that is to say, this warship must belong to a strong man in our Xifu, and if this warship appears here at this moment, it must be an arrangement by the senior officials of Xifu. Since they dare to make such an arrangement, they dare to let this warship appear here. We are here, so we must be fully prepared, and the warship must be carrying a large number of strong men from our Xifu, so we are not finished, and we still have the capital to fight against the Heaven-Devouring Clan!"

"But why didn't anyone else show up? Only this young disciple showed up. If the others didn't show up, how could we frighten the Heaven-Eating Clan?" Wang Tianba asked puzzled.

"I don't know about this. Maybe the strong man who led the team had some scruples about showing up, so he asked this young disciple to come out first to observe the situation? That should be the case. After he came down later, I asked Just ask." Gong Tianchun thought for a while and said.

Wang Tianba heard this, although he was still a little confused, but he didn't ask any more questions.

On the other side, when they saw that the person falling from the warship in the sky was a young man, the people in Tianye Clan were also slightly startled.

Originally, they were wary when they saw another warship appearing in Xifu. They were also worried that the warship was carrying a large number of strong men from Xifu. However, what they did not expect was that the person who fell off the warship was only one person. juvenile.

If there is only this young man on this warship, then the Heaven-Eating Clan can take action and annihilate all the people in Xifu here.

Since this warship did not carry a large number of strong men from Xifu and was not another team from Xifu, there was no need for them to worry about anything.

Of course, they are not in a hurry to take action now, and plan to observe a little more. After all, it is still unclear whether this young man is the only one in the warship in the sky.

If not, if this is Xifu's cover-up, and there are a large number of Xifu strongmen hidden on the warship, they will fall into Xifu's plan, which will make them very passive, so there is no need to worry yet. At this time, the young man in the sky had fallen to a certain height and was slowly floating in the air.

Gong Tianchun said at this time: "I am Gong Tianchun, the guardian elder of the inner palace of the West Mansion. May I ask which disciple of the same sect is above you? Who is the person in charge of your warship? Why don't you see him coming out?"

Hearing this, the young man replied calmly: "I am no one's disciple. I am the leader of this warship. This is my warship."


Hearing the young man's words, Gong Tianchun was stunned.

Not only Gong Tianchun was stunned, but Wang Tianba and everyone present in Xifu were also stunned.

On the other side, everyone in the Heaven-Eating Clan’s eyes lit up.

"Are you the boss? Is this your warship?"

Gong Tianchun asked again with some disbelief: "Who are you? Are you a disciple of my Xifu? The style of this warship is obviously that of my Xifu's warship. How can you be the owner of this warship?"

"I am indeed the owner of this warship. This was rewarded to me by the deputy sect leader when I went on patrol. As for who I am and whether I am a disciple of Xifu, I can introduce it here. I am Tang Yi, currently He is the quasi-special envoy of the West Mansion and has not been officially appointed yet!" The young man said slowly.

That's right, the young man who fell off the warship at this moment was none other than Tang Yi who hurried from Feilu Mountain.

Because Tang Yi was originally a disciple of the outer government, it only took him less than a month to be promoted from a disciple of the outer government to a special envoy, and he himself had not appeared many times in the inner government, so Gong Tianchun and Wang Tianba and others did not recognize him at all.

Of course, even if he showed up, Gong Tianchun, Wang Tianba and others would not recognize him.

After all, Gong Tianchun, Wang Tianba and all the Xifu disciples present have been in seclusion in the Xifu all year round. Unless there is something special, they will not leave the seclusion at all, and they ignore the affairs of the outside world.

Therefore, they would not pay attention to the appearance of a special envoy.

However, Gong Tianchun and Wang Tianba still have an impression of the name Tang Yi.

Because, before the two of them went out to carry out their mission, the higher-ups had told them that a team would go to the gathering point of the Heaven-Eating Gate in Feilu Mountain to harass them, and the person leading the team was the newly promoted special envoy Tang Yi.

Regarding Tang Yi, the senior management also introduced him, but neither Gong Tianchun nor Wang Tianba listened in detail. They only knew that he was very young and had great talent, but they didn't know anything else.

After all, how could a small special envoy, a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old, be taken seriously by the two Nine-Star War Emperors?

(End of this chapter)

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