Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 917 I’m here to save you

Chapter 917 I’m here to save you
  "You, you, are actually Tang Yi, the youngest special envoy in the history of our Xifu?"

After hearing Tang Yi's introduction, Wang Tianba's eyes widened and he asked uncertainly.

"Tang Yi? Didn't you go to Locust Mountain to encircle and suppress the gathering point of the Devouring Heaven Clan? Why do you appear here!"

Gong Tianchun also asked doubtfully.

At this moment, his face was very gloomy, and a very bad premonition arose in his heart.

If the warship above is really Tang Yi's vehicle, and if there are no other strong men on the warship, then... surrounded by ten war emperors, hundreds of war lords, and countless war sects and war emperors from the Heaven-Eating Clan, they There is only one ending, and that is group destruction.

The arrival of Tang Yi only added one more corpse. A small special envoy of Xifu, a young man with no hair on his face, had no effect at all in front of so many strong men. I don't know why he will appear here.

"Yes, I am Tang Yi."

Tang Yi nodded and said: "As for why I appear here, it's a long story. I will explain it to you later."

"Besides you, is there anyone else coming with you?"

Wang Tianba asked anxiously.

Wang Tianba is actually not too stupid. He can naturally think of some of what Gong Tianchun can think of. He knows that if there is only Tang Yi on the warship and no other Xifu strongmen are on board, then their situation will be very critical.

That's why Wang Tianba asked so anxiously, wanting to confirm if there were any other strong men on the warship.

If there are other people, they can escape and ascend to heaven, if not, then they are finished.

However, Wang Tianba was not stupid, but he was obviously not as thoughtful as Gong Tianchun. Gong Tianchun knew what to ask and what not to ask, but Wang Tianba did not.

He shouldn't ask this question at this moment.

This question is too bad.

Seeing Wang Tianba ask such a stupid question, Gong Tianchun almost wanted to cry.

He thought to himself, this is just a bad teammate. If Tang Yi didn't answer this question, it would be fine. If he did, wouldn't it be exposed?
  If Tang Yi replied that there were other strong men from the Xifu on the warship, then it would be fine. If he answered that there were no other strong men from the Xifu on the warship, how would the Heaven-Eating Sect react?
  This is simply asking for death!

You shouldn't ask such stupid questions!

After secretly complaining about Wang Tianba, a pig teammate, Gong Tianchun could only place his hope in Tang Yi, hoping that Tang Yi would look at the situation and stop talking nonsense.


After hearing Wang Tianba's question, Tang Yi shook his head and answered honestly: "No one came with me, I am the only one who came here."

Tang Yi didn't lie. He was indeed the only one who came to Tianqi Mountain today, and there was no one else on the warship at the moment.

When Tang Yi came, he was afraid that this place would be too dangerous, so he arranged the disciples from the inner palace of the West Palace, as well as Mu Xianling, Fang Yuelan and others, to a safe place.


Hearing this, Wang Tianba was immediately disappointed.

He didn't know that Tang Yi's answer would make the people of Tianye Clan have no scruples, so the disappointed expression was completely engraved on his face. Gong Tianchun also held his forehead with his hands, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart why his life was so miserable when he met two pig teammates.

Hearing Tang Yi's answer, Zhen Tianfeng on the other side immediately sneered and said to Emperor Wen, who had a Chinese-character face: "Emperor Wen, that boy in the sky is a small special envoy of Xifu, he is nothing to be afraid of, and he also said No one came with him, which means that there is no second Xifu team here at all, so we don’t have to worry about anything anymore.”

"Okay, if that's the case, let's fight quickly and deal with these people in Xifu as soon as possible, and then bring the secret key back as soon as possible." Emperor Wen said.

Hearing the conversation between Zhen Tianfeng and Emperor Wen, Gong Tianchun's face was filled with bitterness. He said to Tang Yi in the sky: "Your name is Tang Yi, right? Weren't you assigned to go to Feilu Mountain to encircle and suppress strongholds?" What? What are you doing here? It’s dangerous here right now, and you just lost your life for nothing when you came here, hey.”

Saying that, Gong Tianchun sighed helplessly.

"Hey, it's all my fault. It's all my fault, stupid Wang. I have no cultivation but no bright brain. Tang Yi, I've heard of you. Our Wang family seems to be very optimistic about you. Hey, it's such a pity. You really shouldn't Come here, the Heaven-Eating Sect is so powerful here, we can't fight them at all." Wang Tianba also sighed at Tang Yi in the sky.

At this moment, he had reacted and knew that he had just asked a question that he shouldn't have asked.

After Wang Tianba reacted, he knew that he had done something stupid, and he felt very guilty in his heart. However, now that the matter had come to this, it was useless for him to regret and feel guilty. He could not make up for it. The Heaven-Eating Clan already knew that there were no other Xifu strongmen on the warship, so Now even if he was ashamed to death, it would not help.

"Hey, I thought Xifu really arranged for another team, but I didn't expect it to be the case. Instead, a newly promoted special envoy came here."

"I just saw hope and was knocked down to hell in an instant. This feeling is really uncomfortable."

"The Heaven-Eating Clan has ten War Emperors, hundreds of War Lords, and thousands of War Sects and War Emperors. Without support, we are no match for the Heaven-Eating Clan. Now we are completely in dire straits."

"I'm so unwilling to fall into anyone's hands, but it happens to fall into the hands of bastards like Tiantianmen."

"This newly promoted special envoy is also pitiful. Not long after he became the special envoy, something like this happened. He broke into a place he shouldn't have broken into. Now it's better. Even he was implicated. I don't know why. To come here.”


Everyone in the Xifu also said this.

At this moment, the morale of everyone in Xifu was extremely low, and everyone's expressions were full of helplessness and despair.

Of course, can they not be helpless and desperate?

Everyone in the Xifu knew that under such a huge disparity in strength, they had no chance of winning against the Heaven-Devouring Clan. Even if the opponent's ten war emperors were about the same number, their high-end combat power was inferior to that of the opponent. , no matter how many people there are with low-end combat power, it will be in vain.

If they have five or six War Emperors in the Xifu, which is not that much different from the Heaven-Eating Clan, then they can still fight a dozen. However, at this moment, their Xifu has eight less War Emperors than the Heaven-Eating Clan. No, it should be said that it is less. There are nine war emperors, because Wang Tianba has lost his combat effectiveness and can no longer be counted.

With nine war emperors missing, one versus nine, how should this battle proceed?

It simply cannot be done and there is no need to do it.

Therefore, can everyone present in Xifu not despair?


"It's hard to explain why I'm here, but I can tell you the reason why I'm here. I'm here to save you."

Tang Yi, who was floating in the air, said calmly at this moment. His expression was full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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