Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 918 Speaking arrogantly? Beat it down?

Chapter 918 Speaking arrogantly? Beat it down?

" save us?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, whether it was Gong Tianchun, Wang Tianba, or other Xifu disciples, they were all stunned, and everyone looked at Tang Yi in surprise.

"Special Envoy Tang Yi, you said you are here to save us, but... you are the only one?"

Wang Tianba thought he heard wrongly, so he couldn't help but confirm with Tang Yi.

"Yeah! What's the problem?"

Tang Yi nodded and answered seriously. He didn't know what was wrong with his words.

"The problem... there is no problem, it's just..."

Wang Tianba asked hesitantly: "I just want to ask, do you have our Xifu's magic weapon?"

"Xifu's magical weapon? I don't have it. Xifu has never given me such a thing." Tang Yi shook his head.

"Then do you have the protective treasure of our Xifu?" Wang Tianba asked again.

Tang Yi also shook his head and said, "No."

"So, are there magical elixirs and rune formations?" Wang Tianba asked again.

"No, Xifu didn't give me anything except this warship." Tang Yi answered honestly.

"Since there is no such thing, how can you save us by yourself? Maybe you don't know, but there are ten war emperors, hundreds of war lords, and thousands of war sects and war emperors from the Heaven-Eating Clan here. What can you do to defeat them? ?What can you do to save us?"

Wang Tianba glanced at Tang Yi and said angrily. He felt a little unhappy. He felt that Tang Yi seemed to be joking with them. However, at a time when life and death were at stake, Tang Yi still came out to do this. It was a joke, it was too much.

"Ten War Emperors, hundreds of War Lords, thousands of War Sects and War Emperors?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi smiled, and then said in a disdainful tone: "There are only ten War Emperors, hundreds of War Lords, and thousands of War Sect War Emperors. Is it difficult to defeat them? If that's the case, I don’t think it’s very difficult.”


Hearing this, everyone present was stunned again.

This time, everyone in the audience looked at Tang Yi like a fool, feeling that Tang Yi was like a fool.

This is too crazy and arrogant!

No one expected that this young special envoy could be so arrogant and arrogant, and even ignored ten war emperors.

Moreover, he also said that he could defeat ten war emperors, hundreds of war lords, and thousands of war sects and war emperors!

This cowhide is so awesome.

"You're a young boy, but you sound quite crazy. Even I don't dare to say such big words." Wang Tianba said with a frown.

Wang Tianba originally called Tang Yi Tang Yi's special envoy, but at this moment, he became Tang Yi's boy.

Now Wang Tianba also saw that the young man in front of him was very unreliable. Of course, for young people, bragging is normal. Even Wang Tianba himself boasted when he was young. However, Wang Tianba has never boasted as much as Tang Yi does now. This is too much. .

And 'I don't think the difficulty is high'?
  Why not go to heaven?

Oh, no, he is in heaven.

Wang Tianba complained crazily in his heart, not believing that Tang Yi, a teenager, could do this.

At this age, no matter how talented you are, no matter how powerful you are, being able to defeat one War Lord is already very impressive, but you still want to defeat ten War Lords? This is a joke, a complete fantasy.


On the side, hearing Tang Yi's shameless words, Gong Tianchun did not speak. Instead, he looked at Tang Yi with a pair of curious eyes, seeming to be very interested in Tang Yi.

Although Tang Yi's words sounded very arrogant, what he said also sounded a bit unbelievable. After all, ten war emperors were not something that a teenage boy could defeat.

However, inexplicably, Gong Tianchun felt that Tang Yi seemed to be able to do such a thing that was like a fantasy and a miracle.

Gong Tianchun didn't know why he felt like this. Maybe it was because of the confidence on Tang Yi's face. Maybe it was because of Tang Yi's calm and composed look when facing thousands of people from the Heaven-Eating Sect. Maybe it was because Tang Yi was the leader of Xifu. The most genius and youngest envoy ever?
  In short, Gong Tianchun didn't know the reason.

"Defeat us by one person? Just ten War Emperors, hundreds of War Lords, thousands of War Sects and War Emperors? It's not that difficult? What an arrogant boy!"

"Where did this kid come from? Are you crazy? Are everyone in Xifu already crazy to this extent?"

"I heard that he is also a special envoy of the Xifu! Although it is really amazing to be honored as a special envoy at such a young age, but each of the special envoys of the Xifu is just trying to provoke the War Emperor? It is simply courting death."

"Yeah, he still wants to challenge ten war emperors, a hundred war lords, and a thousand war sects. Who does he think he is? It's ridiculous, let alone ten war emperors, a hundred war lords, and a thousand war sects. Now that the War King is here, even if there is only one War Lord, he may be unable to withstand it.”

"It's unbelievable that a teenager with no hair on his head actually said he wanted to challenge the War Emperor. This is simply the funniest joke I've heard today."

Tang Yi did not cover up his conversation with Wang Tianba, and his voice was very loud, so all the disciples of the Heaven-Eating Clan present heard Tang Yi's arrogant words. However, after hearing Tang Yi's arrogant words, all the disciples of the Heaven-Eating Clan were He laughed disdainfully, thinking that Tang Yi was crazy for daring to say such a thing.

At this moment, no one on either the Xifu side or the Heaven-devouring Clan side believed that Tang Yi could defeat ten War Emperors, hundreds of War Lords, and thousands of War Sect War Emperors.

Everyone felt that Tang Yi couldn't defeat even one war emperor, let alone ten war emperors, hundreds of war lords, and thousands of war sects and war emperors.

This is simply a complete impossibility.

However, Tang Yi ignored everyone's ridicule and disbelief, and said to everyone: "Whatever you all think, anyway, as long as I am here today, I will not let anyone touch a hair of the Xifu disciples." , and no one who is against our Xifu and wants to murder our Xifu disciples is allowed to leave today!"

"Hahahahahaha! It's really ridiculous. We are not allowed to leave, and we are not allowed to touch a hair of the Xifu disciples. Who do you think you are, the God of War? How dare you speak such arrogant words."

Xifu undercover Zhen Tianfeng sneered disdainfully.

Emperor Wen also said: "It's really crazy. I haven't seen such a crazy young man for a long time. Now we have to deal with these people in Xifu quickly anyway, so let's start with this young man! Shanyong, you go, will He brought it down to me and, to be honest, I really don't like people talking over my head, he was up there for too long."


A disciple of the Heaven-Eating Sect named Shanyong responded, then swayed and flew towards Tang Yi in mid-air.

(End of this chapter)

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