Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 101, Martial Soul Fusion Skill

Chapter 101, Martial Soul Fusion Skill
  Countless people fell into silence as they looked at the twinkling star-like points of light on the field. People seemed to be in the starry sky up close, and Nalan Mili was sitting on a throne similar to the void like a queen.

The eyes of Long Wu and others were filled with majesty as they were suspended, as if they were a different person.

Powerful and noble.

This is the top secret starry sky ritual of the Nalan family. Because the Nalan family is good at prophecy, it is a formation created by the Nalan family in the past generations through invisible communication with the starry sky calculations.

Using oneself as the starting point and the martial soul as a supplement to construct rituals and borrow the power of the stars, this is one of the reasons why the Nalan family can exist without being suppressed.

The stunned referee also began to doubt whether he was presiding over a fake competition, because there had never been so many young soul emperors in the continent's senior soul master competition in the past.

He had seen it today, and the two of them were facing each other. He forgot to start shouting for a moment. If it weren't for the shouting in the field, he might not have been able to react and shouted hurriedly.

"Game start."

He hurriedly exited the ring.

Seeing this scene, Long Wu felt a little complicated. This person never appeared in the original work. He was so powerful and could not be unknown.

Fortunately, after realizing the changes he had made to the world, Long Wu had already studied martial soul fusion techniques, and the success rate was already high.

At that moment, the huge body collapsed, and he nodded to the people behind him, indicating that everyone should prepare the second plan.

But he himself flashed with purple light, and threw the condensed energy ball into the void with his right hand, summoned the Cloud Bat super beast, and transformed into a Cloud Bat shield to block everyone.

At this time, the attack of Nalan Mi Li in the sky also arrived. Six different gems were flashing, dragging different tail lights with the power of stars, and kept attacking the cloud bat shield. Within the body of the cloud bat super beast, the dragon Wu Ye's energy and blood surged in waves.

After all, the opponent's strength is not weak, and with the blessing of the power of the stars and the fusion of martial arts, the strength of the newly promoted Contra may not necessarily be his opponent.

When Long Wu was struggling to resist the attack, Zhuqing and the other girls behind him looked worriedly at Long Wu in front of them. After years of smooth sailing, they originally didn't care too much about this game.

Now looking at Long Wu who was resisting in front, the sisters looked at each other and nodded. Starting from Dai Mubai, they lined up in a row, holding each other's shoulders. Their soul power rose, all their soul rings lit up, and then they began to As soon as he broke away from himself, he was suspended above everyone's heads, and everyone's soul power was also transferred to Dai Mubai.

At this moment, an energy ball with a diameter of about twenty centimeters gradually appeared in Dai Mubai's hand and was still growing. Dai Mubai struggled to drag the increasingly larger energy ball in his hand.

Veins appeared on his forehead, steam was rising from his body, and his face turned red from holding back. He shouted, "Long Wu, hurry up."

Long Wu, who was still trying to defend himself, saw this and thawed his body. He flapped his wings and flew towards Dai Mubai. Dai Mubai looked at the approaching Long Wu and used all his strength to push the energy ball with a diameter of nearly one meter in his hand towards him. Long Wu.

When the energy ball collided with Longwu, there was no explosion. Instead, it gradually merged into it. The Longwu Cloud Bat Super Beast immediately disintegrated, and he quickly rushed to Dai Mubai to hold him up, almost unable to stand still. He said.

"Boss, leave it to me next."

Dai Mubai nodded lightly and sat down cross-legged. At this moment, the soul rings suspended in the air appeared layer by layer at Long Wu's feet as if they had found their owners, and a huge energy field suddenly burst out.

A wave of wind spread out with Long Wu as the center. The ice blue armor that Long Wu had changed into unknown when was now covered in light, as if covered in energy.

He himself condensed energy, raised his hands to the sky, and a shadow of energy broke away from his body and rushed into the void. Suddenly the void seemed to be detonated, and a mechanical dragon poked its head out of the void. The bodies of Di Longwu and others suddenly became empty, and turned into a stream of energy that rushed into the body of the dragon, and then energy bases were arranged in the body from the dragon's head to the dragon's tail.

Dai Mubai and others were sitting on it. At this time, the mechanical dragon also poked out of the void. Its dark front paws, golden back paws, twinkling white pupils, and a red line running through its back and body were filled with bursts of fire and purple. The stripes are wrapped around its arms like tattoos, and a colorful ring is suspended on the dragon horn above its head, with energy pouring down from time to time.

After appearing, he faced an arrow of stars penetrating from the opposite side, and a golden breath entwined with purple spurted out.


The energy ripples caused by the collision of energy were layer upon layer, and some of the spectators far away in the auditorium who were not strong enough were immediately knocked unconscious.

Even those who were not fainted looked at the behemoth in the field with horrified expressions.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the mechanical dragon, Nalan Mili thought to himself that although there was some gap between him and him, he already had that power.

With a heartbeat, he mobilized all his soul power, stood up, and surrounded the six gemstone martial souls in a circle. His own martial soul was suspended in front of him. Countless starlights were poured into the gems, and then the gems were poured into the diamond-shaped energy ball. Suddenly, a feeling of insignificance appeared in the hearts of all the viewers. It was the feeling of human beings facing the stars.

As the energy poured into the prismatic crystal ball, it suddenly expanded, almost like a mountain, and pressed towards the dragon in front.

Facing this superstar who was almost several times his size, Mechanical Dragon's changes were unexpected by everyone. His own energy gathered in his mouth and gradually condensed into a black bead, and the halo on his head dimmed in an instant. Go down.

However, the void around the bead in his mouth caused ripples.

It seems that it cannot bear its mass, and once it breaks out, it will be a devastating disaster.

As if he realized that if the energy really exploded, maybe everyone present might not be able to survive. At this moment, Long Wu subconsciously controlled the energy so that only a black light would emit from it.

At this time, Long Wu really felt that he had truly reached the black hole level of strength. Although he did not even have the energy of a black hole, the strength from Xiao Hei's comments in the past always gave him a huge difference.

However, due to the limitations of his own martial arts, he could not reach the energy of the Whale Shark King and Lion King until Xiao Hei explained that it was analyzing the world and the progress was not ideal, so their supernatural energy was being suppressed.

Once the analysis is completed, Yuan Zheng, whose strength is as high as five white holes, will be as powerful as Shura God King and others.

However, due to Long Wu's intervention, preliminary analysis has been possible. The more Long Wu intervenes, the faster the analysis will be.

When everyone watched with their mouths wide open, the black energy beam, which seemed to hit the stone with an egg, easily penetrated the huge stars. Nalan Mi Li, who was immediately hit by the backlash, and six Canghui Academy students appeared from the void and fell on the There is no life or death on the ground.

As for Nalan Mili, who was penetrated by a martial spirit, he naturally felt uncomfortable. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he fell heavily from the throne. Fortunately, he had a special soul guide on his body, which saved his life. There was no injury after falling to the ground. It didn't cause much damage, but he passed out.

The energy in the void was like the destruction of stars. There was a violent energy riot. The roof of the entire venue was destroyed immediately, and an energy ball with a huge diameter shattered.

It turned into a ring of energy and dispersed in all directions, almost all the houses within a hundred miles were cut off.

(End of this chapter)

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