Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 102, Nalan Mili’s token

Chapter 102, Nalan Mili’s token
  A dark trace was also drawn in the sky that could not disappear for a long time. In fact, Long Wu ignored one point. He was able to achieve this effect not because of his energy, but because after the fusion of several people's energy souls, his own energy had already It can't be called soul power.

It is a higher level of divine power, and this effect is just a qualitative change in energy, forming a divine power. It has high lethality but is powerless.

So Long Wu looked at his unconscious girlfriends and brothers, feeling weak and powerless himself. He was glad that he held back, otherwise he would have left irreparable damage today if he had just drained them.

It seemed like it was impossible for everyone to rest for a few days.

Otherwise, based on the concentrated divine power at that time, if they used all their strength, it is estimated that several people would have to be sucked dry. After all, their levels are still very low, and it is impossible to output the same energy as Long Wu.

Just because Long Wu is fine doesn't mean they are fine.

Fortunately, the venue was large enough, otherwise most of the people in the audience would have been killed by the terrifying energy shock just based on the energy aftermath of the two people.

Even so, the venue at this moment was in dilapidated condition. Many sparking lines were exposed on the broken venue, and some equipment flickered from time to time.

Fortunately, the referee was running fast and was not affected. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead from a corner, walked to the broken corner of the ring cautiously, and announced.

"I...I declare...the winner of Lanba Academy."

The strange thing is that there is no sound in the venue, there are neither cheers of victory nor boos of defeat. The entire venue is only the painful groans of the spectators who were injured by the fragments of the venue.

This scene is destined to be deeply remembered in the minds of everyone who is awake. Following this huge roar, Emperor Xueye, who was far away in the palace, frowned and shouted.

"What's going on? What happened? Where did the sound come from? Send someone to investigate quickly."

As Emperor Xue Ye's majestic voice fell, Qian Renxue, whose eyelids had been twitching all the time, stepped forward and bowed to the side: "Father, I'm afraid something happened in the city. I'll go take care of it before I leave." .”

Emperor Xueye's brows slowed down slightly, his mood calmed down, and he said: "Go and see what's going on. Who dares to make trouble in the imperial capital? The majesty of the royal family cannot be violated. I order you to lead the imperial army. I want to see it when I arrive." See who is so presumptuous and catch him."

"Yes, Father." Qian Renxue's clear voice sounded. Then he called the guards on the side and notified the imperial guards to go and check together.

Soon Qian Renxue took the lead from the front, followed by a group of soldiers in armor from the rear, accompanied by a group of infantry.

And countless citizens in the city began to appear on the streets from the broken houses one after another. Fortunately, because they were in the imperial capital, the buildings in the imperial city were of high quality. Except for some unlucky people who were injured, other citizens were frightened. No substantial harm was suffered.

Along the way, countless civilians gave way, fearing that they would collide with the troop of soldiers.

As the sound of the explosion got closer and closer, Qian Renxue also saw clearly that the source of the explosion was from the venue of the Soul Master Competition. Thinking that her enemy seemed to be competing today, she felt anxious and urged: "Quick, speed up the pace. .”

However, he rushed into the competition venue first, but he happened to be helped out one after another by the spectators watching the competition. Because it was not easy to reveal his strength, he could only watch the crowd anxiously, but did not see the person he wanted to see.

So he stopped a girl with a pretty good figure and pretended to be calm and asked: "Sister, can you tell me what happened inside?" And when this petite girl saw what was in front of her, it turned out to be The Imperial Crown Prince looked at the other party's handsome appearance and said excitedly: "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Immediately, this voice caused countless people to stop and watch. Hearing this, Qian Renxue frowned, and then said softly: "Little sister, can you tell me what happened inside."

This gentle tone instantly captured the little sister who admired him, her face flushed with excitement and she said: "I know, I know, it was the competition between Lanba Academy and Canghui Academy today, and then I heard an uncle say that both sides used it. Martial soul fusion skills, and then countless stars fell down from Canghui Academy, a metal mechanical dragon appeared from Lanba Academy, and the attacks from the two academies shattered the zenith."

"There was also a big explosion. This was the most exciting game I have ever seen, especially that handsome and cool man who waved his hand and turned into a huge mechanical beast."

Qian Renxue frowned when she heard this. The girl didn't say what she wanted to hear for a long time. She could only interrupt the nymphomaniac girl and said: "Is there that handsome, cool guy you mentioned? thing."

The girl looked displeased and was about to say who interrupted her thoughts. Then she remembered that the person in front of her was the Crown Prince, so she answered honestly: "No, he used his mechanical beast to carry them earlier. That person from the academy left, and I didn’t even have time to strike up a conversation.”


The girl who accidentally revealed her true thoughts subconsciously covered her mouth, looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, and slowly relaxed.

Qian Renxue breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that the other party was fine. She then called on the soldiers who came to maintain order and organized the evacuation of everyone in an orderly manner.

Then a person went in and looked at the traces at the scene, thinking, based on her understanding of Long Wu, with his strength, it should be easy to sweep through Canghui Academy, how could he hit to such an extent, and with his level of genius, in this world Except for himself, almost no one can match him at this age. Why are there people who he can't solve?

The three people who talked to Emperor Xue Ye gradually came to mind, and he pondered: "Could they be their people?"

She couldn't help but not think about it. After all, based on the news and information about Wuhun Palace, if there was such a young and powerful soul master, it would have been recorded long ago.

This suddenly appeared. Apart from the hidden family that Xue Ye mentioned to her after those three people appeared, there is probably no other family that has the strength to cultivate such a young and powerful soul master.

Without knowing whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, I am afraid that Emperor Xue Ye will still be alive. Otherwise, with the strength shown by the other party, the family behind them may not have a titled Douluo-level figure.

If Emperor Xue Ye desperately invites the other party to take action by then, it will definitely be a blow to Wuhun Palace.

No one knows how many such families there are, so the ones seen in the main hall should be three different families. Even so, just three families can make Xue Ye lose his temper. This shows that the other party is very confident and does not want to lose his temper at all. Fear of empire.

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue sighed faintly and murmured: "Mother, when can I go back? We have underestimated them in the Tiandou Empire."

At this time, a commander of the Forbidden Army walked up quickly, holding a crystal-like square token in his hand. One side was like a prism, with two irregular ancient Chinese characters "Nalan" on the bottom of the other side was a totem-like symbol. , but above is the starry sky.

The commander walked up to Qian Renxue and spread his palms and said: "Your Highness, our people found this on the ring. It may be a token representing the identity of a certain big family. Maybe they are causing trouble here."

(End of this chapter)

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