Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 103, the prophecy of the past

Chapter 103, the prophecy of the past
  Qian Renxue's pupils shrank and her expression was shocked. The sophistication of this token was very similar to that of the three families, but the family emblem was different. She thought to herself: "As expected, there are more than just those three families like this. So not impulsive."

Then he quietly took the token in his hand and played with it, and said in a cold tone: "I know this matter and ordered the news to be blocked. I will report this matter to my father personally. It is of great importance. I believe Commander Wang should know." How to do it."

"My subordinates understand." Commander Wang immediately understood that this was not something he had the right to know, and hurriedly lowered his head and responded.

After learning that Long Wu was fine and understanding some of the situation, Qian Renxue didn't stay here long and quickly returned to the palace to meet Emperor Xue Ye. She stepped forward and bowed slightly, speaking respectfully.

"Father, we have investigated clearly. Something happened at the Soul Master Competition. It was not someone who deliberately provoked the royal family, but I found this there. Look."

After saying that, Qian Renxue took out the token of the Nalan family from her body and handed it to Emperor Xueye.

Who would have expected that when Emperor Xue Ye saw the two big characters on the token, he took a step back in confusion and could no longer hold the delicate token in his hand.

It fell to the ground with a "ding" and made a crisp sound. The original majestic and calm expression disappeared, and the whole person sat back helplessly.

He stared blankly at the token on the ground. At the same time, the words that his father said to him solemnly before his death echoed in his mind.

"Your Majesty, remember a family. It is called the Nalan Family. It has been active on this continent since ancient times. The martial arts of its people can predict the future. We were able to establish the Tiandou Empire back then because an elder of his family gave him prophecy."

"Ahem, this attracted several major hidden families to help us build this huge empire, but the elder also said something else."

"When the Nalan family is born again, it will also be the time when the empire is destroyed. This is the prophecy given by the one who gave it."

"You must remember these two words. If one day you see the empire collapse in your hands, don't resent them, but strive to leave a fire for the empire."

After saying these words, he completely lost his life, and he also understood why his father's palace always hung a brocade cloth with only two strange big characters.

Later he learned that those two characters were the characters "Nalan", and his father always lived in fear of the prophecy.

After many years, when he saw these two dazzling characters again, he knew in his heart that the huge empire would eventually become a passing cloud. He couldn't help but cover his eyes, and his eyes were blurred by turbid tears.

He clenched the scepter in his hand and said: "Qinghe, go down, I need to be quiet. You don't need to worry about this matter, and there is no need to investigate."

"As for the Soul Master Competition, postpone the start and find another venue. This competition cannot be stopped. This is the agreement of the mainland forces. I will leave this matter to you."

"Father? You."

"Okay, don't ask any more questions, I'm fine."

Although Qian Renxue was curious as to why the other party was so rude, Emperor Xueye's obvious lack of desire to speak prevented him from speaking.

He could only respond: "Yes, Father, I will go down first."

Then he turned around and disappeared into the hall. Just after he disappeared, Emperor Xueye clenched his scepter and struck the ground hard.

A moment later, a figure shrouded in black mist appeared next to him, and said without any emotion in his voice: "Your Majesty."

Emperor Xueye sighed leisurely and said: "Xiao Ying, do you still remember the plan? Let's get started." "Yes, Your Majesty."

The figure responded and then disappeared. Emperor Xueye looked at the disappearing figure in a daze, covered his mouth and coughed violently several times. A trace of blood flowed down his fingers. This aloof emperor laughed at himself: "It seems that I am also destined to die." It’s been a while, cough cough.”


In a ward of the infirmary of Lanba College, Long Wu was peeling fruit for a few girls. After this period of recuperation and Ye Lingling's treatment, the girls were no longer in a coma except that their faces were a little pale, and they were chatting away. The clothes in that clothing store look better.

At the same time, he was enjoying Long Wu's careful feeding. Like Long Wu, there was Oscar who was guarding Ning Rongrong, always guarding him.

Ning Rongrong, who was originally arrogant, now showed rare gentleness. Ning Fengzhi, who had come to see her, was still doubtful when she left, thinking, is this Rongrong's family?
  And knowing that it was his daughter who looked a little weird after falling in love, although his daughter did inherit the beauty of him and his wife, the temper spoiled by the sword and bone Douluo was not something ordinary people could endure.

Especially when he learned that the other party was actually an auxiliary soul master, he almost became angry. Fortunately, Long Wu saw that his expression was not right and said hurriedly: "Uncle Ning, I have something to talk to you alone."

After saying that, he pulled Ning Fengzhi, who was about to get angry, out of the medical room and the two walked in the college. At this moment, Ning Fengzhi's expression gradually became calm, as if nothing could arouse his emotions.

Seeing that his mood had stabilized, Long Wu smiled and said, "Uncle Ning, you don't have to worry about Sister Rongrong. Oscar will never be an ordinary auxiliary soul master. I guarantee you this."

"First of all, Sister Rongrong, they really love each other. If they were to be broken up, I'm afraid Sister Rongrong would hate you. And with Oscar's talent, I believe you have heard of it. There are not many food-type soul masters with innate soul power in the entire continent. See."

"I know you are doing this for the sake of Sister Rongrong. After all, two auxiliary soul masters are very dangerous, but I guarantee you that in a few years you will see an auxiliary soul master with powerful force. I also hope that Uncle Ning will Give him some time."

"I believe you don't want Sister Rongrong to be sad." Long Wu promised Ning Fengzhi solemnly.

"Oh? Boy, did I ever say that I disagreed with the two of them."

Ning Fengzhi smiled gently and said, "If Sister Rongrong is in danger, can you, my younger brother, help me?"

"Xiao Wu, I know you are a child who values ​​affection and righteousness. My uncle is more at ease with you. Your sister Rongrong is not bad in nature, but she was spoiled by us. She can know brothers and sisters like you. It is hers." Lucky."

"Uncle's only request is that she be safe. I owe her a lot."

Ning Fengzhi looked dazed as he recalled the past, and patted Long Wu on the shoulder with emotion.

Then he said to Long Wu: "Xiao Longwu, I will go back first. Please tell Rongrong a word. Her mother is actually an auxiliary soul master. She died to save me. In order for our tragedy not to happen to her and the clan again, That’s why the disciples have that rule.”

"Who can say clearly about love in this world? As the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, I just want them to live well."

Seeing the lonely Ning Fengzhi disappear from his eyes, Long Wu was stunned for a moment and then smiled bitterly and said: "Are you asking me to make a girl cry? After all, you have to find someone to solve this problem. I really want to save face." Is it so important?"

Long Wu shook his head and sighed, "I hate it when a girl cries. How to deal with it? I'd better discuss it with my wives."

(End of this chapter)

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