Chapter 114, God?

No one paid attention to Nalan Mili as he left. Everyone looked at the girl on the field in surprise. The girl's noble and divine aura exuded invisible pressure, like the suppressive force of a higher being.

The next moment, the chains burst apart, the majestic energy suddenly impacted Long Wu, and a line of ice spread crazily from Situ Jing's feet.

Sensing the danger, Long Wu instantly used his newly developed abilities.

I saw Huan Linshen disintegrating, Long Wu's hands united, opening up different energies and integrating them into the strange energy balls in his hands. Six phantoms lined up behind him, and the next moment they all crashed into Long Wu's body.

Long Wu's face turned red as he hovered in the air and blasted the energy ball in his hand into the sky.

He yelled: "Nebula Arms."

The armor on his body immediately disintegrated, and countless lightning strikes, fire, freezing, etc. condensed in the void.

After a moment, a pair of armor that combined all the current abilities was born. The black cloak had a totem dragon painted on the back. The breastplate seemed to be entangled with a coiled dragon. The energy representing the six attributes penetrated the spine at the back.

The arm armor has sharp silver-white prismatic barbs, the shoulder armor has two dragon heads, the helmet is also a symbol of the dragon clan, and the light blue armor on the leg armor has several yellow lines running through it, exuding a gleaming light.

In the void, a matrix of orc totems emitting different lights exuded bursts of majesty. The next moment, a ferocious mechanical dragon head poked out from the void.

Mechanical white dragon claws, six mechanical barbs of different colors erected on the spine, each color represents an attribute, ice blue body. The dragon's horns emitted bursts of thunder.

This is the Star Dragon God that Long Wu fused based on the multi-compatibility abilities of the Dragon Clan. He tried to fuse it with others but was unable to make it compatible. Then I thought of the chaotic harem of the Dragon Clan.

Therefore, the dragon war god was the main one and successfully compatible with all attributes, and he was named "Star Dragon God."

The fused armor is [Nebula Arms]

When the Star Dragon God stood in the air, the expression of a figure shrouded in black robes changed drastically. Feeling the pressure brought by Long Wu's near-titled Douluo strength, he took a deep breath.

This man was an elder sent by Tang San to spy on Long Wu's strength. Through the evil god's methods, he had already reached the strength of the ninety-fourth titled Douluo.

At this moment, even though he was well-informed, he was still shocked by the two of them. Long Wu could still get over it, especially that girl, whose almost divine aura was almost the same as that of their evil god.

He once thought that the other party was also a god, but the other party did not have that kind of strength. He was almost the same as him. The strange thing was that the other party's attacks had a trace of regularity.

Naturally, Long Wu didn't know that someone was still observing him. At this moment, he found that he couldn't compete with the opponent.

Just now, his breath attack containing six attributes was frozen directly after getting close to the opponent.

The other party seemed to be unconscious, and could only feel a soul locked on him.

Situ Jing gently raised his hand and waved to Long Wu, and with just such a gentle wave, it was as if the space was frozen. Fortunately, Long Wu himself had the ultimate ice attribute, otherwise he might have been frozen in place.

Even so, the barbs on Star Dragon God's back were much darker, and Long Wu inside was panting violently, testing frantically on the edge of life and death. This experience really didn't feel good.

In a state of shock, Long Wu found that the opponent's eyes were looking over him again. The feeling of being locked in something came again, and Long Wu's expression changed.

The helpless Long Wu gritted his teeth, and an invisible spiritual wave in his mind came out through the void, which was the magic of inviting gods.

The next moment, far away in the Zhetian Universe, in a huge divine source in the restricted area of ​​life, a will came out.

"I am a descendant of the Qilin clan? A life and death crisis? Can I actually call my ancestor? Interesting, interesting, haha, in that case, give him a little power. So what." Suddenly a force was transmitted through the divine source into the magic circle in the void. At this moment, countless restricted areas of life were shaken, and the human race was also panicked, thinking that the ancient royal family had revived.

After discovering that it was just a trace of energy emitted by the Qilin clan, the other ancient royal families in the restricted life zone stopped paying too much attention and just assumed that the other party was going crazy.

After all, it is not easy for them to accumulate a bit of energy, and they must save their life energy for the sake of immortality.

The figures following Ye Fan in the ancient restricted area looked puzzled and thought to themselves: "What's going on? The plot has just begun."

Then, under the urging of Ye Fan and Pang Bo, he trotted to keep up.

Let's go back to Long Wu. Time and space seemed to have stopped. A red energy column penetrated the world and bombarded Long Wu. Long Wu was bathed in the terrifying energy, and his physical condition improved crazily.

Soon the coercion on his body overwhelmed Situ Jing, the hot breath covered the cold breath, and a huge fire unicorn behind him that looked like a god and a demon gradually faded away after looking at him deeply.

At the same time, pieces of fiery red scales gradually climbed up Long Wu's face, looking strange and powerful, and a majestic voice also resounded in Long Wu's mind.

"A human race with Qilin bloodline? Can you actually contact me as an anti-ancestor? Interesting."

After gaining strength, Long Wu was frightened by the voice and immediately panicked. Didn't others know that he didn't know where he got the Kirin bloodline? Fortunately, the other party left without paying too much attention.

Long Wu let out a long breath, and the next moment he stared at the girl in front of him intently, and gave a low drink.

"Lava Hell."

This is the innate magical power of the Fire Qilin clan, which was temporarily possessed by Long Wu.

Immediately, streaks of burning lava began to erode towards Situ Jing from Longwu, and the ice containing a trace of regular power quickly evaporated like a thin mist.

Faced with these life and death crises, Long Wu was completely murderous. A burst of flame energy wrapped around his right arm, and his body disappeared instantly. The next moment, Long Wu suddenly appeared in front of the girl, holding the girl's neck with his right hand and slowly exerting force. .

Situ Jing gradually regained her consciousness due to physical discomfort, and struggled in a panic. She could feel the murderous intention in the heart of the man in front of her.

Just then an anxious voice came: "Long Wu spare her life, you can't kill her."

A panting figure ran toward the ring from a distance, carrying countless weird materials on his back. This person was none other than Nalan Mili, who had arrived belatedly.

When Long Wu heard this, he turned around and saw a pair of ruthless eyes falling on Nalan Mili, which made Mili's heart skip a beat.

She knew in her heart that she might have really annoyed Long Wu this time. She understood that Long Wu usually didn't care much about anything he laughed about, but once his bottom line was touched, Long Wu would be extremely terrifying at that time.

Facing the eyes that met him, Nalan Mili's legs trembled slightly, and he opened his little cherry mouth in shock but did not dare to say anything more.

At this time, an elegant figure fell in front of Long Wu, stretched out his hand and flicked Long Wu's forehead, and said: "Xiao Longwu, you are not good again, be careful of sister's 18th posture. Put this child down." Bar."

  Long Wu's brain felt like a giant hammer fell heavily. In his memories that he had not yet traveled through, there was always a woman with crescent-like eyes, delicate appearance, and a smile on her face, tapping his head gently. Say something like this.

Long Wu opened his mouth but couldn't remember her name. He unconsciously put down Situ Jing in his hand and looked at Teacher Xueyi in front of him with a complicated expression.

(End of this chapter)

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