Chapter 115, Assassination
  Seeing this, Nalan Mili hurriedly stepped forward to carve something on the ground. From time to time, she dropped some strange materials, and soon a formation glowing with white light was formed. She put Situ Jing, who was lying on the ground, into it.

As the formation moved, energy merged into her body, and Nalan Mili took off a strange pendant from her chest. It was a human-shaped pendant wrapped with a chain, and he put it on Situ Jing's neck the next moment. superior.

Immediately, countless energies swarmed in, and countless energy chains appeared outside the body, slowly integrating into Situ Jing's body, and he fell asleep from then on.

At this moment, all the gods in the God Realm looked solemnly in the direction of the flame beam that had just appeared. The pressure at that moment made them terrified, as if they were the emperor of heaven, but they were like ants.

Different from them, in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, the suppressive force of Di Tian and others who felt this aura was even greater. After all, they belonged to the beast tribe, but they were also extremely shocked. In their consciousness, except for the dragon god, the soul beast This clan does not have such a powerful aura.

But the aura that had never appeared today was countless times more noble than the Dragon God. Even though it was just a flash in the pan, it also brought them countless benefits. The Taoist charm contained in that aura benefited them a lot.

Under the Lake of Life, in a small space, a beautiful figure's eyes trembled slightly, as if he was about to wake up early, but eventually fell silent.

Countless strong men on the mainland stared at the direction where the light beam had appeared, with melancholy expressions on their faces. They realized that the sky was about to change.

Since ancient times, visions from the sky will inevitably lead to bloodshed, and the days to come may not be easy.

There was silence in the stands. Countless people stared with their eyes wide open and their mouths wide open. Their expressions were like countless screaming chickens, but there was no sound.

The man in black in the corner clenched his hands into fists with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, and said fiercely: "We must not let him grow any longer, otherwise we will not be able to defeat him with Young Master Tang San's talent. Even with the help of Lord Evil God, so what? That pressure that destroys the world and destroys the world is definitely something that Young Master Tang San can't resist."

"Now he must have used some kind of taboo method. I don't believe he didn't have backlash. He is definitely at his weakest moment. It is not convenient to do anything here and cannot affect the plan. We will deal with him when he is alone."

At this moment, Long Wu seemed to feel something. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the seat, then frowned and thought to himself: "Did I feel wrong? I clearly feel that someone has murderous intentions towards me."

Soon Xueyi left the ring with the weak Nalan Mili and the unconscious Situ Jing. The audience suddenly became excited and shouted Long Wu's name loudly.

"Long Wu, Long Wu, invincible in the world."

A group of young ladies even blushed with excitement.

In the distance, a trembling referee walked over and his voice spread throughout the field along with the soul guide in his hand.

"Let...I...we congratulate Lanba Academy for its victory."

Long Wu on the stage didn't seem to hear the referee's voice and remained motionless until the scales covering his cheeks gradually disappeared and his own breath became weak, then his face turned pale and slowly receded.

At the same time, unseen by outsiders, a murderous intention appeared in the corner of his mouth.

He thought to himself: "I act so weak, I don't believe you can bear the bait, haha, I want to see who wants to kill me."

At the same time, in a corner, a figure in black concealed his aura and quietly followed the weak Long Wu.

Nalan Mili and the others had no idea that Long Wu was about to be assassinated, and they were comforting Situ Jing who had woken up.

"I told you about the small mirror, why can't you let the water go? Do you have to work so hard? You even let her out. Do you know that if Aunt Xue hadn't stopped him, you would have really died today."      A big bed Next to him, Nalan Mili held his waist with his hands and lectured Situ Jing, who had just woken up and looked pale and bitter.

"Sister Mi Li, I didn't mean it. You know, I can't control her. As the second personality of the natural element spirit fused with martial arts, she is sometimes equivalent to me. At that time, she has the aura of divinity. He was aroused and I couldn't stop him. I can only say that Long Wu is a bit special."

Seeing the bitter look on Situ Jing's face, Nalan Mili also frowned and couldn't think of the reason. After all, her situation was too special, with two souls in one body and different consciousnesses. The Situ family asked for help. After staying with the Nalan family for a long time, he finally had the sealing formation to seal another personality.

Generally speaking, as long as the mood swings are not big, it will not come out at all. This time can be regarded as a special case.

At the same time, the Dragon of Luck belonging to Situ Jing dimmed a bit, split into a small dragon and disappeared into the void, turning into a light yellow dragon and integrating into Long Wu's body.

Long Wuruo felt that he had become much more energetic and didn't pay attention. What he didn't know was that the black dragon behind him, which represented his luck, was twisting his body excitedly, and his eyes seemed to be sane.

Long Wu was looking at a skill on the panel and fell into deep thought.

[Spiritual Sense] Intermediate level of seeing, hearing, color and domineering (can be upgraded). It is the product of communicating the arrival of a great being, and can sense power within a ten-mile radius.

  "Why do you keep awakening the domineering power of the pirate world recently?"

Long Wu was confused, and then he stopped thinking about it. Anyway, his strength had increased. The surrounding environment came to his mind, and soon a man in black robes hiding on the roof entered his perception.

The corners of Long Wu's lips curled up into a smile, and he pointed his right hand to the sky. Dragon War God appeared. He jumped on top of his head and started to go to a remote place. Feeling the black shadow following behind him, he slowed down to seduce him.

Otherwise, with Long Wu's current speed, the opponent may not be able to catch up with him. This is because Long Wu did not use too much supernatural energy.

Soon the two of them appeared in the sky above a dense forest far away from Tiandou Imperial City. At this time, Long Wu stopped where he was, feeling the quiet environment around him and couldn't help but nodded.

The man in black in the treetops of the forest watched Long Wu's murderous intention flash away as he stopped on the spot. He smiled evilly and said, "I found a good place for myself."

Then the soul rings on his body flickered layer by layer, and his own evil aura filled the air. He muttered silently in his heart: "The first soul skill, Shadow Sneaking. The third soul skill, Soul Seizing Hand."

The next moment, the figure disappeared, and the figure appeared above Long Wu's head. His right hand was filled with black mist, and it was about to fall on Long Wu's head.

But suddenly he discovered that the young man in front of him turned into energy and merged into the Dragon War God beneath him to avoid this fatal blow.

The man in black frowned and secretly thought that it was not good. The other party seemed to have discovered him a long time ago, but then he wondered where the other party had the confidence to deal with him with a seriously injured body. However, thinking that he had just broken through the ninety-fourth level of the Titled Douluo, he was very powerful. So what if he finds out.

After thinking about it, I reaffirmed my idea. Now that I have discovered it, I will kill it forcefully.

He silently recited in his mind: "The seventh soul skill is the evil ghost's true form. The eighth soul skill is the night walk of a hundred ghosts."

A huge ghost shadow filled with black aura disappeared, and countless evil ghosts behind him roared and transformed into ghost shadows that frantically bombarded the body of the Dragon War God.

(End of this chapter)

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