Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 119, the girl named Nokigao

Chapter 119, the girl named Nokigao
  The blade pops up automatically. The black blade is surrounded by golden dragon patterns. The blade is red, giving people a strange feeling. The dragon head on the gauntlet bites the blade. The dragon head's eyes flash with azure light. The handle of the knife held by both hands is entwined with the dragon's body. .

The blade of the sword was buzzing. It was obvious that the sword had spiritual intelligence, as if it felt excited by Long Wu's domineering aura.

Long Wu opened his eyes and looked at the dragon-patterned alloy Tang knife in his hand. He felt an inexplicable affection in his heart. He stroked the handle of the knife and said, "From now on, your name will be Wei Feng. There are thousands of knives in the world, but you are the sharpest." "

Wei Feng was already disappointed when he heard this name. He thought the owner would give it a domineering name, but fortunately, the last explanation gave him some comfort.

The blade vibrated a bit to accept the name.

Soon the sound of two footsteps sounded. Long Wu's sense of sight was gone, and he hurriedly stuffed Wei Feng into the system space. Then he pretended to have just woken up and got up from the bed, covering his head.

Just in time to make eye contact with Nokki Gao who came in, Nokki Gao was a little surprised, but he still let the door open, politely led a doctor in, pointed at Long Wu and said.

"Uncle Duodun, that's him. Please see if he has any other injuries."

Duodun looked at Nuo Qigao in confusion, and said in a somewhat unhappy tone: "Nojia, uncle is very busy, don't make jokes casually, this man is obviously not unconscious, and his face is so rosy, and he doesn't want any injuries. If nothing happens, I will I'm leaving."

"Someone else was injured by the fish-men yesterday. I still need to treat them, so I won't stay any longer."

After saying that, the middle-aged doctor with glasses didn't stay too long and left in a hurry, leaving the two of them staring at each other in confusion.

In the end, Nuo Qigao was still worried about the quality of Long Wu himself, and with a cold look on his face, he spoke first.

"Since you are fine, please leave."

Long Wu was stunned. Are you going to drive him away now? He hasn't had time to repay the other party yet. How can this work?

Soon Long Wu's clear and soft voice sounded: "May I ask what your name is, madam..., please allow me to repay your life-saving grace in the future, or if there is anything I can do, please feel free to ask me."

Nokigao's eyes softened a lot when he heard this person's words. Hearing this person's words and wanting to repay him, he felt that the other person might not be a pirate. After all, pirates are so bad that they don't care about anyone. saved him.

Thinking that the other party had just woken up, he didn't push her away too much. He just nodded and said: "My name is Noqigao. Seeing that you have just woken up, I will allow you to rest here for one night. Please leave on your own tomorrow."

Hearing this, Long Wu stood up and thanked her, but after hearing her name, his body stiffened, and he finally realized who the girl in front of him was.

He didn't ask too much about anything, but Long Wu silently guarded the other party. In the next few days, as Long Wu often came in and out, he gradually became familiar with the people around him.

From then on, he often went in and out of Nokigao's orange grove. After getting to know him, Nokigao became accustomed to him. During this period, Nami came back and hid the stolen treasure in the orange grove before going out to sea.

The two didn't have much interaction, but the moment she saw Long Wu, Nami was still shocked by his amazing appearance.

After realizing that the other party had no ill intentions, he didn't pay too much attention to it. He just thought that the other party was a noble who had an accident at sea and drifted here.

On this day, Long Wu was carefully pruning the orange tree, and there was a burst of noise in the village. Seven or eight ugly fishmen came from a distance, beating and injuring people, and collecting protection fees at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Long Wu didn't pay too much attention, because in his opinion, the village was sick. They were bullied to such an extent that they didn't dare to resist. Little did he know that anyone can only beat those who bully you and plunder you. Only then can we live and work in peace and contentment.

The weak have no choice but to live towards death or die under the torture of the other party.

Rather than die cowardly, it is better to fight vigorously. He understands that even if he kills Aaron, there will still be someone similar to Aaron in the future, so he will only help when the other party resists. Fortunately, he calculated the time and knew that this day would not be too far away. Soon Nami would collect 100 million beli and return, and then it would be time to settle the accounts.

So at this time, Long Wu seemed like an ordinary person, doing things he had never done before, helping Nuo Qigao take care of the orange trees and making meals every day. The days were very pleasant.

Until one night, the happy Nami came back and said eagerly to Noki: "Sister, I have collected 100 million beli and can finally buy the village back. We will never have to suffer from Aaron again." of oppression.”

Nokigao looked at Nami with a complicated expression. She didn't dare to break this sister's dream. She knew very well what Nami had paid for this, but she also knew that the pirate's words could not be trusted.

So she worriedly said: "Nami, do you really think Aaron will keep his promise?"

Nami's body stiffened, and she obviously came to her senses, and said, "No, no, a pirate as big as Aaron should keep his promise."


The next day, when Nami went to Aaron's manor alone, the whole village spontaneously gathered together. There was a glimmer of hope in their eyes, but more of them felt sorry for Nami.

Everyone knows that Nami has been out there alone for so long just to collect 100 million beli to buy the village. Fortunately, their conscience has not yet been wiped out, and they know how to be grateful to Nami.

Until the door opened, the girl who seemed to be holding up the sky seemed to have lost all her strength and collapsed on the ground crying loudly.

They were angry, as if a fire was burning in their chests. Aaron actually made this kind girl cry. At this moment, the anger in their hearts completely dispelled their fear.

Soon a voice sounded.

"Nami has protected us for so long, and now we are bullied by these fish-men. What should we do?" At this time, Ajian, who once admired Bellumel, couldn't bear it anymore.

"Fight with them, fight with them."

Soon, angry voices sounded out, and countless villagers picked up all the weapons they could and fought with the fish-men.

But how could their physiques compare to those of the fishmen? Soon, one figure after another fell to the ground.

Nokigao was worried and prepared to rush towards Nami who was sitting on the ground, but a big hand grabbed her wrist. When she turned around, she saw that it was Long Wu.

Just as she was about to scold him to let go, Long Wu pulled her into his arms and said, "The time has come. It's time for me to take action. Don't worry, I will bring Nami back completely."

After saying that, he let go of Nuo Qigao and slowly walked towards Aaron Paradise with his complicated eyes. At the same time, a dark blue armor covered Long Wu, exuding an astonishing momentum and approaching step by step.

During this period, countless murlocs rushed forward to attack him, but he slapped each of them at random, blowing their heads off. Nokigao in the distance covered his mouth in shock.

She didn't expect that the other party was so powerful. In her eyes, the extremely powerful fish man was killed with a slap in his hand, although the bloody scene shocked her.

But she didn't feel anything, but her face became much pale.

(End of this chapter)

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