Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 120, Untie Nami’s knot

Chapter 120, Untie Nami’s knot
  As Long Wu continued to advance, Aaron, who was far away in the paradise, felt an astonishing momentum forming in the sky, as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling. His legs and feet were shaking unconsciously, and his eyes finally became panicked.

He shouted in disbelief: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could that kind of existence come to this weakest East China Sea."

But how to explain that astonishing coercion.

There was a clear sound of combat boots at the door, the sound of "ta, da, da." and the sound of fishmen screaming passed into Nami's ears. She raised her little face with tear stains and looked back.

Her pupils shrank, and a tall armored figure came into view. The other person stretched out his armor-covered right hand and landed on her head. At the same time, a familiar voice sounded.

"Stop crying, little Nami. Nokigao won't be happy if you cry. Let's see if big brother takes it out on you."

At this time, Nami finally saw the face of the man in front of her clearly. It was Long Wu who she had always thought was her sister's suitor.

Countless villagers lying on the ground looked in disbelief at the man who blew up the fish-man with a slap in front of them. In their impression, he seemed like a good old man who had helped many people during the time he came to the village, but because he always avoided the fish-man , and also made some villagers look down on him.

Aaron, who noticed the aura in the paradise, was ready to escape. After all, he had only felt this aura from the top pirates, and he was by no means an opponent.

Even his eldest brother, Jinbei, who is a Shichibukai, does not have such a powerful aura. In the final analysis, he is still a bully and shy of the strong, and he has not waited for him to make a move.

A huge coercion came, and the overlord-colored domineering blackness instantly enveloped the manor. Some fish-men were instantly killed by the impact, and even countless buildings were cracked by the impact.

Aaron was lying on the ground in pain and was unable to move. However, with his fish-man body and the baptism of the overlord's domineering spirit, he had some resistance and did not fall into coma.

However, he couldn't move his whole body and lay on the ground in a shameful posture.

When Long Wu saw Nami who was no longer crying, she stretched out her left hand. Wei Feng appeared in her hand, put the knife in front of Nami and said: "Go, let everything out, and finish Aaron with your own hands."

Nami looked at the buzzing sword standing in front of her, stood up, grabbed Wei Feng's handle and was about to chop Aaron, but the result was.

  She found that she couldn't pull him anymore, and looked at Long Wu with a slightly resentful look.

Only then did Long Wu snap his head and realize that his sword was intelligent and he didn't like others to touch it.

So, he touched the knife and said, "Weifeng is obedient."

The blade no longer trembled, and seemed to understand what Long Wu meant. He reluctantly ejected the scabbard and let Nami drag it heavily, walking step by step towards the interior of the paradise.

In the East China Sea Windmill Village, a dog-headed warship was parked on the coast. Garp, dressed in casual clothes, looked solemnly in the direction of Long Wu. He originally just heard that Luffy went to sea and came back to take a look.

Unexpectedly, I felt a terrifying overlord-like aura permeating the East China Sea, and Garp, who was pinching his nostrils, no longer looked silly and funny.

He casually ordered: "Sergeant, turn the bow of the ship and go in that direction."

"Huh?" Countless exclamations suddenly sounded.

Countless soldiers who were preparing to disembark looked at this god-like man with resentment.

But he waved his hand nonchalantly, took out the Senbeika Zikazi from his arms and started eating it.

The helpless petty officer could only wave his hand to signal all the listless sailors to come back again, and maneuver the hull to start heading towards Cocoa West Village.

Nami's eyes flashed with emotions of hatred, and she walked step by step into the house. She looked around and didn't even see Aaron. She shouted emotionally: "Along, come out, you owe the debt to Cocoa West Village." Changed."

Suddenly there was a "crack" sound, and the frightened Nami quickly raised Wei Feng's hands to protect her chest. Following the sound, she saw an embarrassed figure lying on the ground deep in the hall, with teeth scattered all over the floor.

It turned out that the voice was from Aaron who couldn't bear the pressure and bit his teeth into pieces. Although it grew again, he found the girl holding a knife and looking at him indifferently. He said fiercely: "Nami, it seems that you have forgotten the terror of us fishmen. You humble humans, don't think that it's enough for someone to help you. Don't forget that I still have Moo Moo. Even if I die, it will still be there." It will destroy your village."

Nami looked panicked, and subconsciously recalled the terrifying figure of Mo Mo. She also knew that a powerful person like Xiang Longwu would not protect them forever, and he would leave one day.

The hand that was holding the knife unconsciously loosened a little, and at this moment a voice of surprise came into her ears.

"Hey! Nami, why haven't you finished it yet? I found a really big cow. I must try it today. Nokiko has prepared the pot and is waiting for you."

At the door, Longwu, holding a bull-headed Neptune with one hand, appeared at the door and shouted to Nami inside.

Nami looked back, and saw that the tall figure looked extremely weak in front of the Sea King, but she was holding up the huge body, with a greedy expression on her lips.

Nami smiled and raised her head and replied, "Well, let's drag it out first, Brother Longwu. It's a bit scary."

Countless veins appeared in his originally relaxed hands. He held Wei Feng firmly, and his heart felt relieved.

"Oh? Okay, then I'll go out first."

After that, Moo Yuan walked away with his huge body.

Aaron was completely panicked now. He didn't expect that Moo Moo would be caught and eaten by the human.

He said in horror: "Nami, Nami."

Nami had a happy smile on her face, and at that moment she felt grateful to Long Wu.

He raised the knife, and in Aaron's horrified eyes, he stabbed it tirelessly one after another, venting countless hatreds.

Until he was exhausted, and a corpse with countless knife marks on the ground stared wide-eyed, unable to die anymore.

After venting her anger, Nami arranged her hair, looked at the blood on her body with a flash of disgust, and then walked out happily.

Completely forgetting that Wei Feng was still with Aaron.

Wei Feng felt the girl leave and was stunned. Then he was shaken crazily and his consciousness fluctuated: "Hey! I haven't gotten in the car yet, I haven't gotten in the car yet."

What Nami saw after she came out shocked her. The huge Moo Moo was divided into countless pieces of meat, some of which had been roasted on the fire. A strange aroma filled the air.

This was naturally done by Long Wu. How could these villagers have the ability to cut the Neptune type? And Long Wu, who has inherited the sword, is as strong as the great swordsman in the pirate world. The neatly cut meat chef was shocked when he saw it. shed tears.

Looking at Nami with a happy smile and nothing in her hands, Long Wu was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Nami, have you forgotten something?"

"Ah? Brother Longwu?" Looking at Nami's confused and cute expression, the corners of Longwu's mouth twitched.

He didn't expect Nami to have this point, so he pointed to her hand and said, "Nami, where is my knife?"

"Ah, haha, I forgot that one inside, I'll get it, I'll get it." Nami ran inside with an embarrassed look on her face, covering her face in shame, thinking it was blood on her hands that had not been washed.

Wei Feng looked at this hateful woman, buzzing and trembling. If anyone could hear it speak, they would find it saying: "This hateful woman, a scumbag, will be abandoned when she is done with it."

(End of this chapter)

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