Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 121, Luffy and others arrive

Chapter 121, Luffy and others arrive

At night, Cocoyasi Village, which has been silent for many years, is brightly lit, and countless long tables are set up in the village to hold a grand banquet.

Everyone ate the Neptune-like meat and frequently raised glasses to Long Wu. Naturally, Nami was not willing to be outdone, and frequently raised glasses to Long Wu, making Long Wu panic.

Nuoqi Gao, who was on the side, watched this scene gently without disturbing her. She knew that her younger sister had too much depression in her heart, so she didn't stop her too much.

So this scene appeared in the field, and people kept falling down drunk, but Nami, who was the center, looked at Long Wu in confusion and wondered why he hadn't drunk enough.

Little did he know that Long Wu's life form had changed, and this amount of alcohol could not make him drunk at all.

And it seemed that Long Wu's arrival had affected something. In the distant sea, the Straw Hats and his group actually kept circling in the sea area of ​​​​Nuo Da, which led to the delay in the arrival of the other party.

However, a dog-headed warship on the other side of the coast landed on the island, smelled the fragrance, came to the village, and saw the banquet.

Garp, an old man who was not shy, sat down at the table and prepared to eat, but a shadow of chopsticks knocked the piece of meat from his hand and let it fall on the plate.

Garp glanced subconsciously, and saw a young figure sitting at the head table and a little girl drinking wine.

Kapa paused and said, "Why don't you let me have some? It's been a long time since I've had such delicious Neptune food."

Nami, who was sitting in the front seat, looked at Garp suspiciously, but didn't recognize him. Mainly because she was a little drunk now, so she didn't say anything.

Long Wu picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth to chew, and then said: "This is my gift to them. How much can you leave after eating it? Naval hero, Garp. You won't be out of points, right?"

"You want to enhance their physique?" Garp asked.

Long Wu nodded and agreed with what he said. This was what he had thought about from the beginning. Neptune meat is rich in energy, and eating too much to strengthen your physique is not a problem.

For a Neptune of Moo's size, it is enough for them to digest it for a month. After one month, their physique will definitely reach a higher level.

Even if he is gone in the future, ordinary pirates will not be able to hurt them with their physical advantages. However, there are no powerful pirates in the East China Sea because of Garp. These are enough. This is what Longwu killed Moo Moo. Reason, otherwise he wouldn't be interested in taking care of it.

"Ah haha, then I won't be loved by others."

Kapu laughed and then said solemnly to Long Wu: "What is the purpose of your coming to the East China Sea? With your strength, I am afraid that you are very rare in the new world. I am very uneasy with you here. If there is no reason I’m not polite.”

The reason why Garp did not take action directly was also very simple, because in his impression, among the powerful pirates, there was no figure of Long Wu, which meant that the other party did not belong to any organization.

It is very likely that he is a master among the people. For this kind of people, if you can win over, you can win over. If you can't, there is no need to make bad friends. Otherwise, a powerful pirate will appear again in the new world.

"Hey, I have no intention of fighting you, old man. I don't have any purpose. It's just that this village was threatened by pirates, and I just helped solve it." Long Wu waved his hand to indicate that he didn't want to fight him.

Although he looked very old, Long Wu still felt a hint of danger from Garp.

So I don't want to conflict.

Garp was just about to say why he didn't join the navy in that case, but he sensed the strange looks in the villagers' eyes and immediately straightened up. He knew that something seemed to have happened that made these people unfriendly to the navy.

His face darkened, and the thought of recruiting Long Wu also faded away. Garp had never experienced anything in his life at such a long age. He thought of it after just a quick guess, but he usually didn't want to think too much about it. After all, his fists were big enough.

But now he is a little angry. He knows very well that the navy is now facing a deficit in high-end combat power. After all, the three generals are more unreliable than the last, and there are almost no new generations of the navy.

And Long Wu is so strong at such a young age. If he joins, he can protect the navy for at least sixty or seventy years. What can he say now?    Although he is usually unreliable, in the final analysis he still does not want to embarrass his old friend Warring States.

Looking at the silent Kapu Longwu smiled, he knew what he wanted to say by looking at the shape of Kapu's mouth just now, but now he suddenly shut up because he must have sensed something.

Originally, he wanted to kill the rats and his gang directly after leaving to avoid any trouble later, but now it's time to see if Garp will take action.

It would be nice to have someone do it for me. He raised his glass and said to Garp: "Although that is my gift to them, it is nothing else. Are you interested in having a drink?"

After speaking, his right hand pointed to a seat opposite, signaling to Garp.

"Haha, you're welcome, then." A hearty laugh came from Garp. He sat across from him boldly and drank from Long Wu's wine glass in one gulp.

He knew that this was a gesture of goodwill from Long Wu. The other party had no intention of becoming an enemy of the navy, so he gave the other party face.

Nami, who was already drunk, was helped back home by Nokigao. Unexpectedly, as soon as she put Nami on the bed, Nami opened her eyes and said, "Sister, have you fallen in love with him?"

Nuo Qi stood up and said nothing. Even without Aaron, she had already fallen in love with him after being together for such a long time, but she also knew that he would not stay here.

Even if she had some ideas, she had already rejected them. Nokigao shook his head and said: "Don't think too much, he is just repaying the kindness of saving his life. I can see that he has no thoughts about me. I'm afraid it won't take him a few days." Will leave."

Then he said melancholy: "We cannot keep people like this."

Nami suddenly realized, and at the same time she felt a little secretly happy in her heart. She didn't notice it herself, she just fell asleep as if she had put something down.

The next day, after wandering around for several times, Luffy and others finally set foot on Cocoa West Village. As soon as they landed, Luffy started shouting Nami's name loudly.

"Nami, where are you Nami?"

Still jumping up and down from time to time, Zoro on the boat had black lines on his forehead, covering his face with his left hand as if this guy is my captain.

This guy Usopp lies and brags without drafting, and there is no normal person on the ship.

But after feeling the behavior of a pervert next to him, he already regretted getting on the boat.

Sanji, this guy, moved in small steps, his eyes were careful, and he muttered: "Nami-chan."

So Zoro was extremely proud to think that he was the only normal person on the ship, completely forgetting that he was so stupid that he could go in the opposite direction of what others pointed at him.

The people in the village naturally noticed these three strange people and thought they were people who wanted to cause trouble for Nami, so each villager spontaneously picked up farm tools and surrounded them.

A Jian, the only police chief in the village, walked out first and asked warily: "Who are you, and what are you doing with Nami?"

As a result, before Zoro could cover Luffy's mouth, the guy spoke plain words with astonishing effect.

"We are pirates. We still need a navigator. I came to find Nami to be my partner."

This exploded instantly. The villagers raised their farm tools completely and looked at the trio in front of them with dangerous eyes, as if they would beat them without hesitation as long as someone gave the order.

But after all, Sheriff Ajian is still a bit knowledgeable. Looking at these people, they don't look like the kind of vicious pirates. The disgusting pirates can be clearly seen at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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