Chapter 122, Rejecting Luffy

So he stepped forward and pressed down with his right hand, signaling the villagers not to be so excited, and said in a deep voice: "Pirates are not welcome in our village, and Nami will not be a pirate. You can leave."

Luffy was about to rush forward and say something when Zoro beside him grabbed him and shook his head at him, telling him not to be impulsive. If there was a conflict, the other party would only hate them even more, let alone Nami.

Then Zoro stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, he's mentally ill. We are friends of Nami who met outside. If you can say hello, just say that Luffy and the others are here, Nami will know."

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be lying, Ajian went back to the village to call Nami. Besides, even if they were pirates, they probably wouldn't be able to make trouble here with their dragon martial arts.

After all, Aaron's pirate group in the East China Sea is also the group with the highest reward, but even so, they have no power to fight back in Long Wu's hands, so there is no need to be afraid of this.

When A Jian arrived at Nuo Qigao's courtyard, he was overwhelmed by the scene in front of him. Nami and Long Wu were carrying their luggage and preparing to leave. Nuo Qigao was explaining something to Nami.

It turned out that Long Wu was ready to leave early in the morning. After all, all the troubles had been solved. Although Xiao Hei didn't say much, he probably understood that he wanted to disrupt the world or change the world. Only then can he go back.

After solemnly thanking Nokigao, he submitted his resignation, just as Garp said that a person of his strength will eventually go to the new world.

Naturally, Nami, who had just woken up, heard this scene and insisted on going along, saying that she wanted to fulfill her dream and draw a map of the world.

At first, Long Wu was not very happy. How could a girl be so different from him?

Nami said with a persistent smile: "Brother Longwu, do you know how to sail? Do you know where to go? Do you have a boat?"

"I have all these, so you can't go to sea without me."

Long Wu was startled, and then said that he could walk from the sky, but then suddenly thought that there was a sea all around him, and it would be difficult for him to find the right direction even if he walked in one direction.

The real person also wanted to protect Nami. After all, if he let him fight to the death without Luffy, she didn't feel any gratitude to Luffy, so she probably wouldn't get on Luffy's ship.

Moreover, the rules of this world are chaotic, which is naturally fine for the locals who have adapted to it, but for Long Wu, it feels a bit acclimatized.

So he could only nod helplessly and said: "Okay! You win, let's go together."

This led to the scene just now. The two people with their backs to A Jian didn't notice A Jian's arrival, and Long Wu was thinking of where to get the boat, so naturally he didn't use his sense of sight to sense the surroundings.

This scene was noticed by Nokki Gao who was facing them, and he simply said hello.

"Chief Ajian, what's the matter?"

Nokigao waved his hand.

Ajian pondered for a moment and said, "I'm here to find Nami. Today, a few people came to the village. They said they were pirates and Nami's friends. I'm afraid they are here to cause trouble for Nami."

"But I don't think they look like pirates, and they asked me to tell Nami that Luffy is here."

"I think it's someone Nami knows. I can't drive him away because I don't want Nami to come over and have a look."

Nami was shocked when she heard the voice, and thought to herself: "Luffy and the others are actually here. Are they coming to settle accounts with me? After all, I stole their ship. Although I like the days with them, they are after all. Pirates.”

"Pirates and stuff are the most annoying."

At this moment, Nami has resolved her hatred with the arrival of Ryuwu, but she still hates pirates. Although Luffy makes her feel good, she will never become a pirate.

What's more, there was no scene where Luffy stood up for her, so she didn't have any special feelings for Luffy.

With a sweet and charming smile, she decided to return the money to Luffy and the others to put an end to this matter.

So he looked at Long Wu warily and said, "Brother Long Wu, don't try to get rid of me. I'll come as soon as I go. If you dare to run, hum." Nami waved her fist, indicating that she would not let him go.

Seeing this, Long Wu could only wave his hands repeatedly and said with a bitter smile: "How is it possible? Where would I be without you as a navigator?"

"That's good, as long as you know."

Looking at Nami's disappearing back, Nuo Qigao solemnly said to Long Wu: "Long Wu, Nami will leave it to you."

Long Wu's face straightened.

"Don't worry, she won't get hurt in any way while I'm here."

Seeing Long Wu's assurance that Nuo Qigao finally felt at ease.

Luffy, who saw Nami appearing from a distance, waved happily and shouted: "Hey! Nami, we are here."

Nami looked apologetic. She didn't expect that Luffy and the others were not here to settle accounts with her, even if she stole all the treasures of the other party.

Holding all the money she got from Luffy, Nami stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry everyone, this is your treasure, and it will be returned to you now. The ship is on the west coast. I'm sorry I lied to everyone."

Nami said apologetically and handed the things back to Luffy, thinking that this would save Luffy from stalking her.

But he didn't expect that Luffy didn't care about the treasure at all. He looked at Nami calmly and said, "No, I want my navigator."

When Nami saw this scene, she straightened her face and said: "I hate pirates the most. I will never become a pirate. You should give up this idea."

After saying that Nami was no longer in charge, Luffy and the others put down their things, turned around and left, leaving several people looking at each other. Naturally, Luffy refused to give up. He didn't speak, but he didn't leave either. He just watched Nami go away calmly.

"Hey! Luffy, Nami is gone."

Usopp came over and patted Luffy on the shoulder and said.

Luffy ignored him and then grinned and said: "Souga, let's go then..."

After Luffy and others left, Nami's familiar figure appeared behind a big tree. She watched them leave with a complicated expression. She patted her face and said, "Nami, they are pirates, and you are the best." Those who hate pirates, fine. Brother Longwu is still waiting."

Tianshang Longwu looked at Nami's performance, shook his head and said: "I didn't force you, you are reluctant to let go, and you can't pass the test in your heart. You are really a contradictory girl."

When Nami returned and the two said goodbye to Nokigao, Long Wu followed Nami all the way to the beach, and then the two of them were dumbfounded.

Long Wu looked straight at the endless sea and asked: "Nami, where is the boat you are talking about? Why didn't I see it? Is there something wrong with my eyes at such a young age?"

Next to her, Nami twitched her lips and thought, how do I know.

"Um, Brother Longwu, do you believe it when I say the boat was stolen?" Nami replied, looking ahead in trance as well.

She has been parked here for so many years and no one has touched her ship. Today she has really learned a lot. It is a bit heartbreaking to say that she still has some supplies on the ship.

What she didn't know was that somewhere in the East China Sea, an octopus-shaped fish-man was carefully tapping the supplies on the ship. It was Xiaoba who had escaped. Although it was a fish-man and could walk through the sea, there were dangers in the sea. Very big.

His own strength was not enough to cross the huge sea area, so he stole the boat directly after seeing it, and helped him hold on for a while at least, and then returned to the fish-men tribe from the sea area.

(End of this chapter)

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