Chapter 127, Recruiting Chefs

In an alley somewhere in Rogge Town, Bucky watched the confrontation between the two and said in shock: "That brat is so strong? Fortunately, he didn't notice me."

"But what was that with wings just now? Its aura is a bit scary."

"Forget it, forget it, now let's think about how to get the map to the Straw Hat boy."

"If the red-haired guy hadn't said that he had found the guy who would inherit the captain's will, how could I have stayed here for so long? My dominance has begun to fade a little."

Bucky rubbed his shoulders and walked out. He suddenly thought that Nami was with the boy just now. He had to take a beating. Well, he would have to find a navigator for him.

On the other side, Luffy, who was confused, arrived at the dock in a daze. Without thinking much about how he had escaped death, he ran towards his ship while shouting that he wanted to eat meat.

"Sanji, I want meat, meat, meat."

His eyes unconsciously caught sight of Nami who was cleaning the boat next to her. He immediately slowed down his steps on the boat and shouted in Nami's direction: "Nami, Nami, it's me, Lira."

Nami, who was cleaning, heard the sound, paused, but continued wiping. She recognized that it was Luffy's voice, but she didn't want to have anything to do with them, after all, they were pirates.

At this moment, a huge figure flapped its wings and rushed towards Nami's ship. Luffy looked at the huge figure in the sky, his eyes looked like stars, and he shouted: "So handsome."

Then his expression changed and he shouted: "Nami, get out of the way, that thing is about to fall."

After hearing this, Nami looked back and was startled. Then she calmed down. After these days of getting along, she already had some understanding of Long Wu, and she probably knew that this should be Long Wu's masterpiece.

As expected by Nami, the huge figure turned into little stars and dispersed when it was about to land on the ship, revealing the armor-covered dragon weapon that fell in a free fall.

In front of Nami, Longwu knelt down on one knee and slowly stood up. His armor automatically fell off and disappeared. Looking at Nami who was in shock, he said hello: "Hey, Nami, I'm back."

Nami's forehead was filled with black lines, and veins appeared on her fists. She punched Long Wu on the top of her head and roared loudly: "You want to kill me or scare me to death. If you didn't know that this whale shark-like woman would have run away long ago."

Long Wu covered his head and looked at Nami aggrievedly. He couldn't help but miss his gentle Ye Lingling. This girl couldn't be offended.

Fortunately, his physique has been transformed into a strange energy form, and the injuries on his body will be assimilated unconsciously, but there is no big bump left on his head. In other words, as long as it is not fatal, any injury will only consume supernatural energy.

But if you consume too much supernatural energy, you will die of poverty.

Luffy looked at Nami's figure, then looked at Long Wu's figure, then returned to his ship silently, and murmured: "It turns out she already has a partner."

Sanji who rushed out looked at the limp Luffy and was surprised that this guy would be in this state. Even if the barbecue was placed in front of him, he would just hold it in his mouth without any intention of chewing.

He asked Sauron, who had just arrived, "Hey! Green Algae Head, what's wrong with this guy?"

Zoro said deeply: "Luffy saw Nami."

"What? Nami-chan, where are you, where are you?" Sanji looked around excitedly.

Zoro pointed at the ship where Long Wu was and said: "There, okay, Nami doesn't want to be a pirate, do you still want to force her, and do you think the man on her ship is easy to mess with? That guy is at least as good as Hawkeye is on the same level.”

After hearing this, Sanji fell silent, but still asked without giving up: "Is it possible that Nami-chan is being coerced?"

Zoro shook his head and said, "It doesn't look like it. He didn't even fight back when Nami hit him."

Sanji also became depressed upon hearing this.

On the boat, Long Wu was eating the rice cooked by Nami, and it was hard to swallow. His desire to have a cook became even stronger, so he whispered to Nami, "Nami, do you know where there is a chef?"

Nami raised her eyebrows and said, "Why does my cooking taste so bad?"

"No, no, no, the main reason is that I can't bear the oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar faced by a cute girl like Nami every day. Think about it, the irritation from oil smoke every day must be bad for your skin, right?" Long Wu said seriously .

Upon hearing this, Nami touched her face and nodded in agreement, saying: "What you said is not unreasonable. Let's see. I heard that there was a gourmet showdown in Rogge Town. It seemed that it was because of a kind of elephant tuna. Ingredients."

"Although it is over now, most of the chefs seem to have not left yet. This competition has brought together the top chefs from the East China Sea."

Before Nami could finish speaking, Long Wu's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait.

"I heard that the first place in this competition is Sanji, so there is no need to worry about the first place, but you can give it a try for the second place."

Nami stopped eating after saying that. She hurriedly packed up and returned to the house. She took out exquisite beauty products and applied them on her face, then lay down comfortably.

I thought to myself, is this guy really good at talking? Well, he's cute, hehe.

Watching Nami return to the house, Longwu couldn't sit still at all. He detonated the supernatural energy and the Cloud Bat Super Beast flapped its wings and disappeared on the ship.


In Rogge Town, Long Wu got news from a shy young lady. The second place has not left yet, but he heard that some pirates have gone over to recruit him.

Hearing this, Long Wu's energy concentrated on his legs, leaving a small crater on the spot and then he rose into the sky, leaving the young lady stunned.

Soon Long Wu arrived at the food festival. Needless to say, the little girl surrounded by pirates in the distance was probably the second place. After all, the first place pirates couldn't afford to offend them. Sanji had a bounty of three. Billionaire is the chef of the Straw Hats. How can other chefs be as good as the second best?

At this moment, Benchia, who was wearing an exquisite uniform and short pink hair, looked anxiously at the ferocious pirates surrounding her, helpless in the face of their recruitment threats.

There were simply too many pirates to fight for it for a while, but as several people announced their bounties, a few with small bounties slowly withdrew.

Although they are pirates, they still dare not fight and kill in Rogge Town, otherwise they will attract Smoker, the smoker, and there will be no need to leave.

At this time, Long Wu straightened his clothes, showed his most charming smile, and confidently walked towards Ben Qiya. Along the way, countless people looked at Long Wu and avoided him like a fool.

There were so many pirates over there that he was still going over there, and he was probably going to die in their hands in the next moment.

Long Wu stepped forward and said softly: "This beautiful lady, I still need a chef on my ship. I wonder if I would be honored to have you come."

Ben Qiya was stunned. To be honest, Long Wu's appearance was so lethal that she was stunned.

After coming back to his senses, he blushed and said, "I'm sorry, I...I'm not ready to be a pirate."

Unexpectedly, after saying this, Long Wu's smile became even brighter, but several pirates were not so friendly.

A guy with a big belly and a fierce face came forward and was about to step forward to push Long Wu away and teach him a lesson.

Suddenly a cold light flashed, and he opened his mouth but no sound came out. Just as his left hand was about to touch Long Wu, Mu De collapsed to the ground, and a blood line suddenly expanded on his neck.

The next moment the bodies were separated, the place was filled with screams, and some girls fled frantically.

At this time Long Wu spoke, "This beautiful lady, I am not a pirate, I am a bounty hunter.

At this moment, Long Wu didn't know that this was not the second place in a chef competition at all, but an orphan. However, the food she cooked was very fragrant, which was why she attracted so many pirates.

The real No. 2 Calumen is long gone.

(End of this chapter)

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