Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 128, Long Wu’s thoughts

Chapter 128, Long Wu’s thoughts
  At this time, someone finally recognized Long Wu, and a young pirate shouted tremblingly: "He is the most vicious bounty hunter in the East China Sea, the Waverider."


Immediately, the pirates retreated crazily, quickly creating a blank area with only two people.

Benchia looked in shock at the pirate who had retreated so far, and was a little confused. However, Longwu's face turned completely dark when he heard the wave rider.

Fortunately, he still remembered what he was doing and could not scare the chef away, so he said: "This beautiful lady, the world is so vast and there are all kinds of ingredients. Don't you want to go and see it?"

"If you want an ingredient like elephant tuna, I can get it for you easily. Don't you want to defeat Sanji? As far as I know, they are already preparing to go to the Grand Line. The top ingredients there will definitely help him improve." It’s huge.”

"Sa, come join us."

Long Wu extended his hand to invite Ben Qiya.

Ben Qiya was so excited by Long Wu's series of questions that she put her hand on him as soon as her mind got hot.

By the time he realized it, it was already too late. Long Wu had already laughed happily, pulled Ben Qiya and disappeared into the sea of ​​people amid the surprised eyes of everyone.

It wasn't until Long Wu pulled her around a place several times that Benqiya asked doubtfully: "Have I been to this place before?"

Long Wu slapped his forehead, and he forgot that he shouldn't walk.

Then he said: "Wait for me."

The supernatural energy was detonated on the body, and the cloud bat took the super beast form. In Benqia's shocked eyes, a huge thing rose from the ground, and the next moment a huge palm stopped beside her.

Long Wu's voice sounded at the same time.

"Miss Calumen, please come up here we have to go."

Caluman? My name is not Caluman?
  Benqia didn't think so much, she stepped onto the palm of her hand, and clasped her fingers in panic as she rose, Long Wu flapped his wings, and the sound of the extremely fast wind lingered in his ears.

In the moment when Ben Chia was in a daze, the two of them had returned to the boat. At this time, she found that she was holding Long Wu's neck with both hands, and she was being held by the princess, facing such an indecent posture.

Blushing, he got off Long Wu's body, looked at the surrounding environment, and then went to the kitchen. He couldn't help but nodded when he saw the kitchen utensils inside.

Nami, who heard the voice, walked out of the room and saw that Long Wu actually brought the person. She quickly stepped forward, but when she saw that it was a girl, her face was a little resentful, and then she stepped forward to lead Carumen. Went to clean up the room.

How did she know that the other party was a girl? If she knew what to say, she wouldn't listen to Long Wu's nonsense.

Since then, Long Wu finally got what he wanted.

This trip to Rogge Town ended successfully, and the ship gradually moved away from the dock and headed for unknown waters.

When Long Wu was idle, he touched his chin when he saw the frail appearance of the two of them. He was already thinking about getting two Devil Fruits for the two of them, just in case he encountered any unexpected situation and he was too weak.

You can protect yourself, but this thing is not easy to get. The famous fruits are in the hands of powerful people, but I remember hearing that Devil Fruits will be reborn on nearby fruits within a certain probability.

Thinking that in order to avoid suffering from scurvy at sea for a long time, Longwu bought a lot of fruits this time and promised that Nami would be allowed to plant an orange tree when she gets a new ship.

I thought I could give this kind of thing a try, just in case I succeeded. Anyway, there are so many pirates that I don't have to worry about not having any test subjects.

Thinking of this, Long Wu quickly took out the reward order and looked for anyone with Devil Fruit abilities. Soon his eyes were fixed on a reward order.

The Jackal Pirates, with a bounty of 20 million Baileys, are suspected of being in the form of a canine fruit and a gray-tailed wolf.

The claws exposed in the corner of the bounty order made Long Wu decide that he would be his next target.

Calmly putting the reward order into his pocket, looking at the two people who were already happily getting along in the distance, Long Wu waved and shouted: "Nami, I'll go out and get you some ingredients."

Benchia's eyes lit up when she heard the ingredients, but then she looked at Nami in confusion and said, "Nami, where can he get it if there is no island here?"

Nami put her arms around Benchia's shoulders and said, "Don't worry, this sea is his hunting ground."

Sure enough, after she finished speaking, a huge whale shark jumped out of the air, and the next moment Long Wu merged into it and disappeared into the sea.

Nami, who was used to it, shrugged, spread her hands and said, "Look, this guy can do anything in the sky and on the earth. Don't worry, there will be Neptunes to eat tonight."

After Nami finished speaking, she dragged Benchia, who was frozen in place due to shock, back into the house. Only then did she come back to her senses. What did Long Wu mean when he said that all the ingredients were available? Yes, the whale shark was so huge that other sea kings were not as good as it. With its strength, it did not have everything.

At the same time, I am not worried about what kind of boat I have gotten into.

Here, Long Wu went deep into the sea and used his huge domineering power to spread wildly. He quickly locked onto a Neptune creature that looked like a sheep, but it had no limbs and only a fish tail. The horns were also slightly different, in the shape of three cones facing the sky.

This made people think about what would happen if they crashed into it. Sure enough, it is impossible for these sea kings to exist without attack power, but at this time it faced a nightmare.

The huge whale shark ignored the resistance of the sea current, broke through the current and rushed towards it at high speed. It just shot out with one tail. Suddenly it broke through the sea surface uncontrollably and was slapped to death on the sea surface.

In order to fear that the meat would become less fresh if stored too much, Long Wu looked at the sea king and nodded: "Well, this should last us a while."

After that, the whale shark took the sea king in its mouth and swam to the location of the ship based on its senses.

At night, Long Wu happily ate the Neptune meat, and unconsciously gave a thumbs up to Ben Qiya who was sitting elegantly while eating. His cooking skills were really impressive.

"Miss Calumen, it's delicious. Please give me more."

"Well, name is not Calumen!"

Benchia said weakly.


Long Wu looked at the weak girl in surprise.

"Then what's your name?"

Seeing Long Wu's huge reaction, Ben Qiya said a little at a loss.

" name is Ben...Benqia."

After a moment, Long Wu figured it out. If it wasn't Calumen, it wouldn't be her. Her cooking skills weren't bad either.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake, but your food is delicious. I'll take care of you from now on, Miss Benchia."

Then Long Wu turned to Nami and took out the Jackal Bounty Order: "Nami, do you know where they are in the East China Sea? I want to make a fortune before entering the Grand Line."

Nami took the reward order and pondered for a while: "According to newspaper reports these days, they should be in the waters near us, but the specific location is unclear."

"That's it."

Long Wu retreated tactically in disappointment.

"However, I see the direction they are heading, and they should go to Snow Town next." Nami chuckled when she saw Long Wu's slightly disappointed expression.

"Oh, that's great, Nami, let's go to Snow Town." Long Wu couldn't wait to test whether that method would work.

Even if it doesn't work, you won't lose anything, and you can still get more than 20 million beli in vain. No matter how you say it, it's a good deal.

After eating and drinking, Nami and the two fell asleep peacefully, while Longwu looked at the direction pointed by Nami and slowly drove the ship towards Snow Town.

The next day, in Snow Town, a pirate group with the flag of a wolf head lying on a skull came here quietly.

On the boat, a middle-aged man with narrow eyes, a thin body, and a big knife in his hand was loudly reprimanding something.

"Young men, Snow Town is ahead. After this, we will have money to go to the Grand Line. Now bring me all the treasures in the village."

This is Galance, the captain of the Jackal Pirates.

"Come to me. Half of the stolen treasure belongs to you."

Suddenly, countless greedy faces and disgusting laughter burst out from their mouths, swarming down, and countless swords reflected the dazzling light under the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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