Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 150, Bear Fruit Phantom Beast Species Wind Bear Form

Chapter 150, Bear Fruit Phantom Beast Species Wind Bear Form

Soon the field fell silent. Three hundred million beli was not something that ordinary pirate groups could come up with. Not even the big pirates could come up with it.

In the end, a guy with a bounty of 80 million Baileys paid the lowest price and got Adam Wood.

This means that he has just looted a nobleman's transport ship, and the money he has has not yet been distributed, otherwise he really can't afford it.

As the auction ended, figures followed one after another to the backyard to check out and take away the goods. Long Wu left a mark on the guy who bought the Adam wood.

Then he went to the backstage to collect the cat he bought. Of course, he had no money. The moment he saw the cat, a terrifying domineering aura spread out.

One after another figures fell down with white eyes.

Long Wu looked at the cat in the cage, narrowed his eyes and said, "It's time to go, little guy. Haven't you spent enough time in the cage?"

The kitten glanced at him arrogantly, then stood up straight, and a soft female voice sounded.

"Hey! How did you find this?"

Long Wuhao looked at the talking kitten unsurprisingly. He had already seen that the cat was quite intelligent, and it was probably not what was introduced at the auction.

Long Wu shook his head and said: "You don't need to know this. I just ask you if you are willing to follow me."

After hesitating for a while, the kitten agreed. She was originally the Elvis of a city. She became like this because she accidentally ate the Wind Bear Fruit, a magical beast species.

Because of the malicious killing of the pirate, he casually slashed at her with a knife, and had no choice but to resist and expose the fruit form.

Then he was valued by the Don Quixote family and was arrested at this auction.

During this time, her IQ seemed to have improved, and she was gradually able to understand people's conversations. As she continued to learn, normal communication became no problem.

She had nowhere to go. Although she had no worries about food and drink because of the rare goods, she had also lost her freedom. It was not a bad idea to go with him.

Without too much hesitation, the arrogant tone came.

"Okay, I will temporarily agree to your request, slave."

As soon as she finished speaking, the majestic momentum hit her, and there was a stern look in those calm eyes.

Long Wu's cold voice then sounded: "What did you just say?"

Seeing the man who was gentle just now suddenly become like this, she was so frightened that she couldn't say a word. She didn't understand why the man in front of her suddenly became so terrifying.

It was obvious that when she said this to the cat under her command, the cat bowed down respectfully, but why did she come to this man as if he wanted to kill her.

Looking at the terrifying person in front of him, he could only say tremblingly: "No, it's nothing. I want to go out. Can you, can you help me?"

"Does this little kitten really think that she is a queen? I would kill you without even using my hands. I have my own mouth to think of."

After Long Wu finished speaking, he smashed the cage with one hand and walked out without paying attention to her.

The kitten behind him breathed a sigh of relief, walked out of the cage, and instantly enlarged and transformed into a panda, followed closely by Long Wu.

"Do you have a name?"

Long Wu said.

The kitten quickly said: "Tiris, my name is Tiris."

"Tiris, what a nice name."

"Follow me closely and don't wander around."

Tiris' animal instinct felt that the man walking in front did not seem so scary.

At this moment, there was a chaos outside. The pirates had no money to buy it, so they just grabbed it. There were many greedy ones. After the pirate group paid the payment, they were followed early.

Because of their poor tracking technology, they were easily discovered and are now in a fight.

The swordsman who bought Ghost Cry was currently being intercepted by Luo, and the two were engaged in a battle.

Luo looked at the thin swordsman with a calm face, and said in a deep voice: "Hand over Gui Cry, and I will spare your life." Barrons looked Luo up and down, and said disdainfully: "Boy, when I was roaming the sea , you still don’t know which woman’s arms you’re sucking from? Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this.”

Then he took out Gui Cry and shouted with a fierce look: "Try it, kid."

"I'll fulfill you, room, slaughterhouse."

Luo bluffed with his right hand, and a semicircular cover instantly enveloped the two of them, and countless gravel floated up.

The next moment, Sudden disappeared and swapped places with one of the rocks, holding a knife in both hands and slashing at Barrons.

Barrons's pupils shrank, and his body instinctively twisted to the left. A bloody flower bloomed, and a blood mark was scratched on his back.

Feeling the pain in his back, he put down his contempt and solemnly felt the figure disappearing again.

The two started fighting fiercely in an instant, with blue slashes passing by from time to time, but they never hit.

At this moment, the supervisor looked at Long Wu who was walking out with an ugly expression. He did not dare to step forward to block the way, and allowed him to lead the panda out.

He can ignore others, after all, the money has been received and the rest is none of his business.

But this was a hard grab by Long Wu. He couldn't bear this kind of thing. After hesitating for a while, he still hit Doflamingo.

Doflamingo, who was far away in Dressrosa, was convening a meeting with members of the Don Quixote family.

Doflamingo sat at the head of the long table in the hall, crossed his legs and said arrogantly: "Fufufu, Torrebol, you have recently been keeping an eye on the deal with Kaido. The Navy has dispatched a summons to the Shichibukai. It's not yet When I have a falling out with the navy, I will go there."

"Bulu Bulu, Bulu Bulu."

Um? Doflamingo frowned, took out a phone bug from his arms, and picked it up.

"You'd better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise you will know my methods."

Doflamingo's tone was stern, and a terrifying aura surged out in an instant. He was a little angry because the family meeting was interrupted.

The supervisor on the other end of the phone trembled when he heard the terrifying tone, and said quickly: "Young Master, I, I, that Long Wu robbed our auction house and took away the money worth about 200 million Baileys. A cat."

Veins appeared on Doflamingo's brows. He was clearly aroused and smiled slightly crazily.

"Hmm? Fufufu, fufu, it seems that I haven't taken action for a long time, and anyone can bully me."

"Okay, I understand, you don't have to worry about this anymore."

The supervisor on the other end of the phone touched the cold sweat on his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but be frightened even if Doflamingo wasn't in front of him.

As for Long Wu swaggeringly following the mark sensor, Mu Ranjian saw a familiar hat. He turned around and saw, oh, it turned out to be that guy Luo.

Now he couldn't move any further. The panda behind him bumped into his lower back, knocking him over. He stood up and said in confusion, "Why don't you leave?"

Long Wu narrowed his eyes and said, "Nothing, I'll find you a shit-sweeper."


The panda looked puzzled, then seemed to think of something, and said with fury: "I don't want vulgar humans."

However, Long Wu obviously ignored her and his body suddenly disappeared.

"The sword of the sky cuts off the river."

The terrifying black slash seemed to split the heaven and the earth as it struck Luo's space domain.

Luo's expression changed as he was fighting Barrons. He kept changing his position and was out of Long Wu's attack range in an instant.

But Gallens was not so lucky, and shouted in horror: "What is this? A great swordsman?"

  Terrifying slashes covered his body in his horrified eyes, and a trace of blood flew away with the wind.

A terrifying scar was left on the ground, and Galens had disappeared, leaving only a severed hand holding a ghostly cry.

(End of this chapter)

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