Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 151, mandatory ship doctor in place

Chapter 151, mandatory ship doctor in place

Seeing this scene, Luo suddenly broke into cold sweat, but when he saw Gui Cry falling on the ground, he quickly flashed there, grabbed it and ran away.

Looking at Luo who was about to escape, Long Wu couldn't help but said: "Hey! Boy, I've fallen in love with you. Come and work as a ship's doctor for me. How about I help you get revenge."

"How about it, even if he is Shichibu Kaiten Yaksha."

Luo Ben's running figure paused for a moment, then turned back and stared at Long Wudao: "Who are you?"

Few people knew about the hatred between him and Don Quixote, and they became alert the moment Long Wu shouted out.

Long Wu pointed at himself and smiled: "You should know me. Don't worry about how I know. As long as you know that as long as you get on my ship, I will help you."

"You must have a rough idea of ​​my strength. I am fully capable of helping you."


Luo covered his face and smiled bitterly: "The other party is Tianyaksha."

"So what." Long Wu said with an indifferent expression.

"Do I have a choice? Will you let me go?"

Long Wu grinned, "No, you can only promise me, or I will tie you to the boat."

"Okay then! Master Long Wu will give you more advice in the future."

Luo spread his hands helplessly, but seemed to be in a good mood, as if he was happy because he could finally defeat Tianyaksha.

"Hahaha, Fujitora has nothing to say now."

Long Wu stepped forward and patted Luo on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, since I promised, I will definitely fulfill my promise. Come with me."

"Hey, today's harvest is good. If we get Adam Wood, it will be complete. Let's go, Luo, Adam Wood is still waiting for us."

Long Wu was walking in front in a good mood, followed by Panda and Luo, who were staring at each other with big eyes.

Tiris said to Luo arrogantly: "Hey! You haven't appreciated enough of my heroic appearance."

Luo was surprised, she could actually speak?

Then he smiled and realized that there was nothing strange about the sea. It might have something to do with Devil Fruit.

"Hmph, it's just a bear. How dare you be so arrogant."

Tiris was furious when she heard Luo mocking her as a bear. She felt extremely insulted.

"Ah! Who are you calling a bear? Who are you insulting? I am a noble cat. Don't look at me with your humble eyes."

Luo's face turned darker and darker, and his thumb had already pushed open the knife's grid, revealing a cold light. I almost couldn't help but take out the Guiwei in my hand and give Tilis a knife.

At the same time, the prediction of danger from animals made Tiris stand up unconsciously, with fluffy hair and sharp nails exposed, entwined with dark armed domineering energy.

Feeling that a fight was about to start, Long Wu slapped his forehead and shouted with black lines on his head: "You two have had enough, why do you want to fight? Come, I will fight with you."

The two of them trembled in fear and looked at each other.


He turned his head to the other side in unison.

"You two better behave, otherwise I'm afraid you two won't be able to bear my passionate sword."

After Long Wu finished speaking, Weifeng immediately unsheathed his waist and pushed Long Wu's arm aggrievedly.

He seemed to say, "I am the supreme divine weapon. How can you insult me ​​with any sword?"

Long Wu twitched the corner of his mouth and ignored the funny Wei Feng.

Take big strides forward.

………    On the eastern island, countless pirates are fighting, and the sound of weapons clashing can be heard endlessly.

A two-meter-tall guy with a one-eyed face, greasy hair, and a swollen face shouted wildly at the guy who bought the Adam wood.

"Yuri Luo, give me the Adam Wood honestly. You, the Yuri Pirates, can't hold the Adam Wood with your strength, so let me take care of it. Hahahaha."

"Kuluo Muji, I want to see how you can defeat me, so let's give it a try."

"Then come on."

boom! Ding!
  The two of them didn't say much before the swords in their hands collided with each other. Cold light shot out as they swung the swords, and each one hit the vital point.

On the cliff, Long Wu took Luo and Tiris to sit on it and watch the show. He looked at the dead pirates around Adam Wood and said, "See, Luo, when they are almost dead, you and Tiris Go down and get Adam Wood.”

"Yes, he belongs to Master Long Wu, but if this guy is strong enough, be careful if someone kills him, the pet you just got will be gone."

Luo answered Long Wu's words seriously, but his tone couldn't help but look down upon Tiris.

When Tiris heard this, she immediately bared her teeth and yelled, "You hater, don't look down on the cat. This queen is much more powerful than you."

Luo hugged Gui Cail and shrugged, unable to comment, looking like he couldn't understand what people were saying, which made Tiris extremely crazy.

"Okay, you two, it's almost done. Go ahead and let me see how strong you are."

Long Wu rubbed his forehead and looked like he had a headache. Why didn't he expect that Luo could be like Tilis? He was obviously a stable guy (=_=).

After hearing Long Wu's instructions, one person and one cat looked at each other indifferently, and then started to jump down.


Luo's right hand was reversed, and a halo of light appeared. He instantly exchanged positions with a stone on the ground, and landed smoothly. Tiris waved her claws behind her, and a force of wind surged around her, dragging her downwards.

The two pirates who were fighting suddenly stopped attacking each other when faced with the sudden appearance of a man and a bear. At the same time, they looked at Luo and Tiris warily.

"Yuri Luo, how about we deal with the two of them first? You saw it, it should be the devil fruit ability. Why don't we beat them away and decide the outcome?"

Kuromuji's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, and he said to Yuliluo. Obviously he didn't think he could defeat the guy with the hat. He knew the guy to some extent.

The recently emerged Captain of the Heart Pirate Ship, Trafalgar Law, is a great pirate with a bounty of 130 million. He is no match.

Yuriluo snorted coldly and said: "Huh! Kuromuji, put away your little thoughts. If you hadn't come to snatch the Adam wood, I would have left long ago. Do you think I can agree?"

"Hey! Hat Man, take action and kill them. I don't even bother to take action against such little minions."

The giant panda stood upright with its arms folded across its chest, and a sweet and arrogant voice sounded. At the same time, he took a step back.

Luo chuckled while holding the knife, looked at Tilis with trembling legs and said, "Oh, what are you afraid of? The Longwu Master is watching from above? Where do you want to go?"

"Who~ who is scared? How could I be scared? You must have seen it wrong."

Tiris said pretending to be calm.

She was just an ordinary cat. How could she have killed someone? Looking at the pirate's ferocious eyes, she felt a little scared unconsciously.

Otherwise, with her strength, she would not have been easily captured by the Don Quixote family. After all, she could even awaken her armed Haki.

Even the cadres of the Don Quixote family would have to work hard to capture her. But after all, she had never experienced these things, so a few ability users came and caught her.

But how could these things be told to Long Wu and Luo, who pretended to be fearful and domineering, covering their claws, and a fierce aura emitted instantly.

Luo shook his head, as if he saw something, and said: "The one on the left belongs to me, and the one on the right belongs to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards Yuriluo. A halo of light appeared and turned into a cover, covering Yuriluo and the pirates around him.

"room, slaughterhouse."

Guiwei kept waving in his hand, and suddenly countless stumps and broken legs were suspended in the air, but they still maintained the breath of life, and countless heads screamed in terror in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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