Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 155, Arriving at Sky Island

Chapter 155, Arriving at Sky Island

Long Wu looked at the pensive empress and said cheerfully: "Empress, Boya Hancock, you are overthinking. I am just hungry and begging for food."

Hearing Long Wu's hearty voice, the empress relaxed her brows slightly and breathed a sigh of relief. She was the empress and she couldn't bow her head. She was the belief of her tribe.

As a result, Long Wu's next words immediately broke her guard.

"Hey! Luffy is here with you. Let him bring something to Ace. Just tell him that Ace, you still owe me money for several meals. Don't even think about dying."

As Long Wu finished speaking, the empress's expression seemed to melt. She said carefully: "Are you and Luffy friends?"


"That guy hates me."

Long Wu said with a nonchalant expression.

Before the empress could understand why, Luffy had already come out after hearing the sound, holding an unknown meaty leg in his mouth and gnawing on it.

He looked at Long Wu calmly and said, "Ah, it's you. Is Nami okay?"

"Of course, I can make her suffer? By the way, is your life good? You don't have to worry about food and drink."

Long Wu said enviously.

The empress now understands a little bit after hearing this. The two of them are not too familiar, but they are friends because of a guy named Nami.

Suddenly the empress became wary. The name Nami was a girl's name, so she couldn't let others take her away from her.

Long and Wu ignored the musing empress. Luffy stopped biting the meat leg and asked curiously: "You and Ace know each other? Is he okay?"

Long Wu's mouth twitched, what's the problem? He is already in jail and you ask me if he is okay?
  "Can you agree to a permanent job in the city? Don't say you're not going to find him, otherwise I won't let you give him a message."

"Also, I will take action this time as a repayment of the favor you saved us in the first place. Don't show me such a dead look when we meet in the future."

Listening to Long Wu's bored tone, Luffy didn't pay attention, but solemnly bowed deeply and thanked: "Ali is the best."

How could he not know the danger this time? It was a good thing for him that Long Wu could take action. He must be grateful.

Fortunately, no navy heard the conversation of several people, otherwise it wouldn't have exploded.

In this regard, the Empress has long used her willful character to petrify all the navy on the ship, just to prevent Luffy from being discovered on the ship. Otherwise, do you think the Empress will petrify people for no reason?
  She's not that boring. Secretly plotting against Chen Cang and blatantly doing so are two different things. At least even if Luffy finally found out that she was the one who sent her to Impel Down, there would be nothing the Navy could do to her if she didn't admit it.

But if the navy saw it, that would be another story. Not to mention that her position in the Shichibukai disappeared directly, and I am afraid that Nine Snake Island will no longer be peaceful.

"Okay, no need to be like this."

After Long Wu finished speaking, he turned to look at the empress standing there and said, "Hey! Luffy's wife, prepare some food for me. I'll leave after I have something else to do."

The empress's cheeks turned red with embarrassment when she heard this, and her mind was filled with the words of Luffy's wife, and she couldn't help herself for a long time.

Long Wu looked speechless. He wanted to stimulate her a little and get her something to eat quickly, but this was obviously going too far.

But Sonia sighed inwardly when she saw the empress' intoxicated look, and then said to the female warrior beside her.

"Go and prepare food for this adult."


The female warrior responded.

Turning around and walking into the ship, he greeted several female warriors and soon placed meals in front of Long Wu.

Ignoring the still intoxicated empress, Long Wu sat cross-legged on the small table and began to chop off large pieces of ears.

After a while, Long Wu, who had eaten and drank enough, stood up and looked at the still intoxicated empress, a little speechless.

Such a woman is really rare to see in a thousand years. Long Wu felt nothing about her and even felt that she was a little pathetic. He felt that it was the result of the manipulation of the world's will. Otherwise, even just because Luffy beat the Celestial Dragon, would it be worth her falling in love with him instantly?

But obviously these have nothing to do with him. Different energy fusions and high-level life auras explode.

The empress suddenly woke up, and her eyes flashed with deep fear as she looked at Long Wu, who was full of energy swimming around his body.

Summon the cloud bat super beast, blend into everyone's eyes, flutter its wings and disappear in their eyes.

Luffy looked at the place where Long Wu disappeared, and the meat in his mouth suddenly lost its aroma. At this moment, he had already felt how powerful Long Wu was.

After this small episode, they continued on their way. The surrounding warships seemed to have no idea what was going on on the ship, and continued to proceed to Impel Down City normally.

Of course, it's not that they couldn't feel it, it was just that Hancock had a bit of a mental breakdown at the time, so they could only lead the way from a distance.

As for what happened later, they didn't care about it, and they pretended not to hear anything when they heard anything.

Two days later, Luffy, who successfully sneaked into the fifth floor of Impel Down City, shouted and looked for Ace as if no one else was watching. Behind him was a group of pirates.

"Ace, Ace, I'm here to save you."

The prisoners in the surrounding cells immediately rushed to the cell door, promising benefits.

"Hey! Let me out, kid, and I'll give you all my treasures."

"Don't listen to him, kid. Let me out. Do I know where Ace is?"

"Fart, you've been here for so many years and you know what the hell."

At this time, a fat blue man heard the noisy sound in front and frowned. After listening carefully, he immediately knew that he was here to save Ace.

A rich voice reached Luffy's ears, "Ace is in the cell at the back."

Luffy looked over after hearing this, and without hesitation opened the door and let Jinbe out. Jinbe was startled, and then led Luffy to the last cell.

After a while, the two fell into silence as they looked at the empty cell.

Jinbei said seriously: "Straw Hat Boy, we are late. I'm afraid he was taken to Marineland."

Luffy said nothing, turned around and said to the pirates who were following him: "You are free, now find a way to escape."

Longwu didn't know what happened to Luffy. He had already arrived at Gaya Island, and after judging the location, he rushed into the sky.

As the altitude gets higher and higher, the snow-white clouds come into view.

At the same time, the moment Long Wu arrived at the Sky Island, Anilu, who was far away in the depths of the Sky Island, had already sensed the Haki through seeing and hearing.

The source of energy that seemed to be glowing made him instantly vigilant. A thunderbolt as thick as an arm burst out and escaped according to the position he sensed.

He wanted to give this outsider a warning that this was his territory, and at the same time test his strength.

At this moment, Long Wu was surrounded by Sky Island people, who regarded him as a god. According to their records, their ancestors also had such giant steel wings, and their technology was extremely advanced.

Although they look slightly different, the same physique and huge steel wings are all similar to the patterns they left behind.

Long Wu didn't want to hurt them, mainly because he wanted the various shellfish on it. If modified, they would instantly become terrifying weapons.

Once he becomes emperor in the new world, how can he fight against others without weapons? In his opinion, Sky Island is a huge treasure.

Long Wu faded away from his super beast state and revealed his true body. There was a sudden pause in the voice.

I heard a sound of thoughtful words, "He is not our god. Judging from his appearance, he should be from Qinghai."

"I guess so, but this guy from Qinghai is so handsome, he shouldn't be a bad guy."

(End of this chapter)

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