Chapter 156, Meeting Enel

Long Wu was speechless for a while but ignored them. Gan Fule, the original god of Kongdao, stood up and said to Long Wu: "It has been many years since anyone from Qingdao came here."

"Hurry up and leave. Outsiders are not welcome on the empty island."

A hint of bitterness flashed in his eyes.

Because of Eniro's dictatorship, their lives are already very difficult. As a Qingdao native, Long Wu may die here. He couldn't bear it and had to try to expel Long Wu.

But as soon as he finished speaking, a bolt of thunder came with a roar of thunder, causing his next words to be blocked in his mouth.

Looking at the thunder that was coming in an instant, Long Wu raised his eyebrows and said to himself, "The action is fast enough. It is worthy of the observation and color enhanced by thunder and lightning. You found me so quickly, I am envious."

The surrounding Sky Islanders scattered in panic as soon as they heard the sound. Apparently this scene had happened countless times and they had formed a habit.

In Gan Fuer's regretful eyes, the thunder struck Long Wu with a crackling sound, and the dazzling light made people dare not look directly at it.

After the light dissipated, Ganfu looked up and was stunned for a moment. He saw Long Wu standing there unharmed, as if the thunder had never appeared.

If it weren't for the constant arcs of electricity on the ground and the scorched black land, it proved that this place had indeed been struck by thunder.

Gan Fuor instantly understood that the Qinghai man in front of him was very powerful, powerful enough to ignore Thunder's attack.

Looking at the dazed little old man, Long Wu took a step forward, waved his hand in front of him and said: "Hey! Old man, tell me where is Anilu?"

"I want to borrow something from him that I will never pay back."

Long Wu opened his mouth to reveal eight white teeth and said solemnly.

It was obvious that he was a little dissatisfied with Enelu's greeting and wanted to say something in return.

Ganfu shivered, and looking at Long Wu who was smiling, he suddenly felt a little cold for some reason, but that was not important anymore.

The important thing is that this Qinghai man knows Enelu from nowhere and wants to find him. Although he doesn't have a good impression of Enelu, he is the god of this island after all.

For the sake of peace on the island, he couldn't say anything, even if the other party snatched his throne and became a new god.

But he couldn't help but talk to others. Weibo, who was heard in the distance, drove up to Long Wu in a Viba and carried a cannon barrel on his back.

"I can take you to Enelu, can you defeat him?"

Looking at the other party's disdainful eyes, Long Wu twitched the corner of his mouth. Being too handsome often makes people think that he is powerless.

Drawing out Wei Feng and swiping, a huge black slash suddenly rushed out. A huge crack appeared in the island cloud, and the sea below could even be seen through the island cloud.

Weibo's pupils shrank and he wanted Long Wu to go to Weiba and take him to find Enelu, so he said respectfully: "Sir, please come up and I will take you there."

Long Wu waved his hand and said, "You are too slow."

The strange energy surged, and the Cloud Bat Super Beast appeared. Long Wu blended in, grabbed Weber, and said, "Point in the direction."

Weber pointed to the center of the island and said without awe: "Sir, Enel and his priests are in the center of the island."

Long Wu raised his head and took a look. The Cloud Bat Super Beast seemed to be flying away as fast as a fighter jet.

In the shrine, Enel was lying in the middle of the two beauties, eating grapes and some other fruits peeled by the two beauties, and enjoying them leisurely.

Suddenly his expression became gloomy, and he struggled to sit up. A huge black shadow within the range covered by the sight was rushing towards him at a high speed.

He waved his arms to signal the two beauties to retreat, and said with a gloomy look: "Since you want to die, I will help you. I am Kamisa. I want you to know the consequences of offending God."

With a flash of lightning, the whole person disappeared on the spot. A moment later, he held a golden trident in his hand and looked at the enlarging black shadow in the distance with flickering eyes. His eyes were full of curiosity. He had never seen such a huge mechanical creation, which was comparable to a small mountain.

Soon a strong wind hit, and Long Wu landed steadily in front of him. The huge cloud bat super beast looked down at Enelu on the ground, with a terrifying sense of oppression.

A majestic voice sounded at the same time, "Are you Enelu? Let me lend you something."

Enelu said rebelliously: "Outsiders, you have violated the realm of God. If you withdraw now, I can pretend that you didn't see it."

Enilu seemed to feel that Long Wu was not easy to mess with, and the vague sense of crisis was clearly transmitted into his mind through the sight and color of domineering.

So he wanted Long Wu to withdraw from Sky Island, but why did Long Wu come? How could it be possible to leave.

Long Wu put down Weber, dissipated the super beast state, took a few steps forward in armored state, and said: "Oh? God's realm? Where is the god? Why don't I know, but it doesn't matter, I just want one thing, get it I'll leave immediately after that, okay?"

Enelu heard the body relax and asked: "What do you want?"

"Nothing, it's just the fruit you ate back then. As long as you give it to me, I'll leave immediately."

Long Wu said easily, not caring about Enilu's increasingly gloomy expression.

As soon as he said these words, Eniru immediately understood why he came. After eating the fruit, he had the ability of thunder and lightning, which was the basis for his claim to be a god.

How the other party knows is not important. What is important is how could the fruit he had already eaten be given to him?

The right hand holding the trident quietly tightened, and the faint electric light kept neighing.

When Long Wu wasn't paying attention, he swung his trident with thunder in an attempt to kill this arrogant guy.

How could Long Wu be unprepared for this? After all, his goal was there, and his advanced knowledge could easily predict the direction of the trident's attack.

Weifeng's right hand was unsheathed and blocked there in advance. The collision of the weapons sparked sparks. The thunder and lightning on the trident seemed to have found an outlet and poured into Long Wu's body crazily.

Seeing this, Enilu was doubtful that the other party actually knew the network, but the lightning entering his body made him seem to see Long Wu's miserable appearance.

The corners of his mouth gradually rose, and as time passed slowly, Long Wu showed no signs of anything strange, which made him wonder whether the thunder and lightning had lost its effect.

Long Wu pushed away the trident and said, "Have you had enough fun?"

Seeing Long Wu's grinning look, Eniro's hair suddenly exploded. The tail of the trident gently hit the three magatama drums on his back, and a bolt of thunder emerged.


Turning into a small snake and rushing towards it, Long Wu raised his right hand without hesitation and pinched the violent thunder, tightly confining it and letting it fail to break through the space area of ​​​​that hand.

Anilu's eyes widened across from him, his mind was filled with questions, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground. There was someone else in this world who could control thunder and lightning besides him.

His face gradually turned ugly, which meant that the damage he caused to Long Wu was limited, or that he could not cause any damage at all.

But when it got to this point, it was no longer enough to fight tooth and nail. He could clearly sense the pure killing intent in Long Wu.

"One hundred thousand volts, Brontosaurus."

Without further ado, Anilu summoned a more powerful thunder dragon again, twisting his body and baring his teeth and claws to pierce Long Wu's body.

But it was like a mud dragon entering the sea, all of it was submerged into Long Wu's body, without a trace of waste, and Long Wu felt a little comfortable.

For his current body, these thunder and lightning are just replenishing his energy. The body is compatible with the seven attributes of fire, ice, thunder, water, earth, darkness, and light. The natural element can cause him very little damage.

(End of this chapter)

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