Chapter 159, Tianlong people
  A group of people came to the island in great numbers, looking at this beautiful scene and exclaiming in exclamation from time to time.

"Wow, it's so beautiful. What's with those bubbles?"

Weiwei, who was dressed elegantly, pointed at the floating bubbles and Nami looked at the fantastic scenes around them in amazement.

For the two of them who have never seen the world, this is indeed a heavenly feeling.

Others didn't react so much. Although Xiaoya also sighed, she was always shy and would not be too showy.

A few people walked on the street as if there was no one else around, not feeling that the people around them had unknowingly left the center of the road. They were the only ones walking abruptly in the center.

Opposite them, an ugly guy wearing a glass protective cover on his head was holding a chained man, kneeling and crawling with a dull expression.

Like a walking zombie, he only knows how to move forward mechanically. He was once the captain of a powerful pirate group, but was later captured and sold to the Celestial Dragons and became a slave.

Under the constant torture, he has collapsed. Now he has no consciousness, but the trained instinct of his body is following the command.

Everyone around who saw this scene was trembling, trying their best to avoid being noticed and reducing their sense of existence.

The Celestial Dragon walking on the road is named Odepark Haruofizi Saint, one of the Celestial Dragons.

He and Charles Saint are both trash among the Celestial Dragons. Due to the incident of Straw Hat Boy beating up the Celestial Dragons some time ago, most of the Celestial Dragons will not appear again easily for safety reasons.

But because this guy lost a bet with Charles Saint, he appeared on the Chambord Islands again, preparing to buy a slave.

At the same time, he also saw the three girls facing each other, and his eyes lit up. They were much prettier than Charles Saint, and he thought of the next gambling fight between the two.

He waved his hand and shouted excitedly at the CP who was protecting him behind him: "You guys, catch those beautiful slave girls. Let's see how he compares to Saint Charles this time."

"Yes, Lord Haruofizi."

Several men in suits bowed in response.

Then he rushed towards Nami and his group.

Nami and her group, who heard the words of Haruofezi Holy on the opposite side, looked ugly. How could they not know that the sky people could not be provoked, even if they were beaten, the general would probably come here soon.

But now is not the time to worry about this. The other party didn't want to let them go and took a step forward. Left hand reverse kick.

"room slaughterhouse."

Circular covers covered several CPs. They drew their swords and changed their positions, easily repelling them.

When Haruofezi Saint saw several bodyguards being repelled, he immediately jumped to his feet and shouted.

"Trash, a bunch of trash."

Several bodyguards immediately knelt on the ground, listening to Haruofezi Saint's abuse, not daring to resist at all.

At this time, Luo had quietly escorted several girls to leave. If you don't leave at this time, I'm afraid everyone from the naval base will come by then.

Seeing Luo and others about to leave, Haruofezi Saint suddenly shouted in a panic: "Call me the CP agency to catch them all."


A CP immediately took out a phone and started calling people. At the same time, a team of navy saw the scene here and rushed over.

Realizing that she couldn't escape smoothly, Nami was heartbroken and winked at everyone. Xiaoya immediately put her hands on the ground and shouted sweetly.

"The scroll of the Lion's Prestige Palace."

Suddenly the earth floated and rolled, a large number of naval soldiers were covered by the earth, and countless moans were heard.

Smoke and dust were everywhere. "sandstorm"

At this time, Weiwei's serious face waved her hand, and countless sand and dust rose out of the air, forming a terrifying sand and dust area that blocked the view.

Amidst the bursts of panic, several people quickly evacuated the battlefield. After the smoke and dust faded, they looked at Nami and others who had disappeared. Haruofizi Sheng was so angry that he held the slave in his arms and said, "Contact the admiral and tell me that I have been attacked, and ask them to come over and catch them."

"Yes, my lord."

He quickly took out his phone and made a call to the Navy Headquarters.

At the naval headquarters, a navy man quickly rushed to the marshal's office, knocked on the door and said: "Marshal, the Tianlong people were attacked again and asked for the general's support."

Sengoku, who was bending down to hand a document to the sheep to be destroyed, turned dark and shouted at Garp, who was eating senbei silently at the side: "Is it your grandson who did something bad again?"

Garp paused, then said in a daze: "It's not Luffy."

Warring States looked at the decadent Garp, looked at his hair that was mostly white, and sighed.

He shouted to the door: "Go and inform General Kizaru to take care of it."

Sengoku leaned back on his chair tiredly. He had been busy enough during this period. Not only did he have to actively prepare for the war, but he also had to guard against the interference of other four emperors. Now the Tianlong people are causing him trouble.

He felt a little tired. He still had three generals with problems, and all the problems had developed to the point where he was unable to control them.

Thinking of it, he gritted his teeth at Blackbeard. The other party used a cunning trick and directly threw Ace, the hot potato, to him.

Then he revealed Ace's true identity, which forced him to publicly execute Ace. Whitebeard's plan was just to take the opportunity to weaken the Four Emperors.

He and Garp were life-and-death friends. Didn't they turn a blind eye to Luffy until they saw it? No matter how much Garp tried to hide it, he still knew something about Ace.

Although he didn't know that he was Roger's son, he didn't feel too sorry for Ace. After all, there were many people in the navy who didn't appreciate Garp's kindness.

Now, although he couldn't bear Garp's condition, he couldn't do anything about it.

At this moment, in Huang Yuan's office, Mo Yu Yuan was sitting comfortably with his legs crossed, drinking tea, and looking at his watch from time to time.

Obviously, if there was no shortage of wages, he might not even be here.

"Dong Dong Dong!!"

"General Kizaru, the Tianlong people were attacked again. Marshal Warring States asked you to deal with it."

The person at the door said calmly.

He is Kobis, Kizaru's lieutenant. He has become accustomed to his boss's fishing behavior, so he is not so respectful to Kizaru.

After all, this guy leaves everything to him in order to catch fish, so that he can live a fulfilling life every day. Except for a few things that require him to go out, the other time Mr. Kizaru hides in the office and catches fish.

Kizaru in the room lazily stood up from his chair and reluctantly replied: "Okay, I'll go right away. Who did it this time?"

Kobis at the door looked at Kizaru who opened the door and stood in front of him, took out a pile of information and a reward order from behind, and handed it to Kizaru.

Looking at the disgusted Kizaru, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Admiral, these are all the information on that group of pirates. If there is nothing else, I will leave first. There are still a lot of things that I need to deal with."

Anyone who sees Kizaru's bitter face now can laugh out loud, not to mention Kobis, who is often squeezed. Looking at his happy steps, it can be seen that he is in a good mood.

However, compared to Kobes' happiness, Kizaru's already ugly face turned even worse after seeing the reward order.

Just because it was none other than Long Wu's handsome smiling face. As early as Qingzhi's return, he overheard that Qingzhi guy saying that he was not necessarily this guy's opponent.

You must know that even if he dealt with Aoki and the two of them, he would only be 60% or 40% better. This was because his fruit ability was too cheating. In fact, the difference between the two was not that big.

Even Aoki Pheasant can't take him down and there's nothing he can do against him, but since Long Wu hasn't appeared for a long time, he still has hope of catching his crew.

He sighed and said, "Why must it be me."

After thinking about it for a while, I found that it seemed that no one else could do it except him. The other generals did not have his speed, and the public execution was coming soon, and they couldn't do it without him. He could run back and forth without wasting time.

(End of this chapter)

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