Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 160, Return of Long Wu

Chapter 160, Return of Long Wu
  Thinking of this, Kizaru didn't think too much. His body turned into a yellow light and shot into the sky. Relying on the refraction of the light, it moved forward at high speed in the sky, aiming for the Shampoo Islands.

Chambord Islands, Island No. 26, Luo fled here with a few women with an ugly expression on his face. Apparently, they all realized that this unreasonable disaster would soon summon the general.

And they still don't know Fujitora's strength, and the captain Ryuwu is not here. Although they have made rapid progress, he does not think that they will be the opponent of the general.

Looking at Nami with a frown on her face, Dilis patted her cheek from her arms and said softly: "Nami is fine, so what if the general, when that hateful guy comes back, he won't let him go. "

"That's right. Let's go back to the ship now and take shelter for a while. We'll be safe when he comes back."

Weiwei's innocent face was filled with confidence, and she had a mysterious trust in Long Wu's combat power.

Looking at everyone who seemed to have regained their confidence, Nami didn't say anything. Although she didn't know whether Long Wu could fight or not, she didn't want to put him in danger.

That was a naval admiral, not just a cat or a dog. He was the most powerful combat force in the navy.

"Then let's go back quickly. Now the island is basically full of naval forces. Let's break out to the ship with all our strength. We must be fast, otherwise once we are trapped and trapped, we won't be able to leave until the general arrives."

As soon as he finished speaking, a commotion in the distance came into view, and at the same time, groups of navy were gradually approaching.

"There, hurry up. They are there. Surround them from both sides and don't let them escape."

A major general wearing a cloak of justice was anxiously commanding the navy. He couldn't afford to be charged with such a big crime against the Tianlong people. Now that he saw the culprit, he couldn't let them escape.

Groups of marines with guns in hand quickly surrounded this side. Upon seeing this, Nami and others hurriedly began to break out.

Soon facing a group of blocking sailors, Tiris jumped out of Nami's arms and grew bigger in the wind.

A cute giant beast appeared, waving its terrifying giant palm, pressing down on the navy.

"With one move from me, the wind will plow the ground."

The terrifying hurricane slowly fell with the giant claws, exuding astonishing power. Countless powerful winds turned into sharp blades, tearing apart the bodies of the marines crazily, leaving bloodstains, and were thrown away with screams. .

A huge gap appeared in the encirclement. Nami and others broke out without hesitation. Tiris shrank in an instant and landed on Bebo's head.

The rear admiral was stunned, then followed the Sixth Form of the Navy, shaved, activated, and rushed there in a flash, with the standard saber drawn, and a layer of jet black armed domineering winding up.

Facing the few people who were escaping, they kept slashing, and white slashes rushed towards Nami and others.

Several people had worked hard to train for so long to see and hear Haki. It was not for nothing. When they felt the hunting wind behind them, they all turned around to deal with it.

Luo wielded Ghost Cry and slashed away one after another. When Xiaoya activated her fruit ability, countless broken trees blocked her in front. When Weiwei activated her ability, the feet of countless sailors who wanted to surround her suddenly turned into quicksand areas.

One by one, they fell into it and couldn't extricate themselves. The major general looked at the several people who were showing their magical powers in surprise, and was shocked in his heart, especially the armed domineering force that appeared on their bodies from time to time in order to resist bullets.

The major general couldn't help but think that this was a group of geniuses who had mastered Armament Haki at such a young age, and the level was not too low.

And the endless fruit abilities shocked him even more. Although his eyesight was limited, he could still see the rustling fruits and fluttering fruits.

I couldn't help but wonder if I could really stop them.

At the same time, after seeing the scene here, a sneaky figure quickly retreated, turned left and right to a tavern, looked at the owner of the tavern, and hurried to a basement.

In the basement, a tall and mighty figure sat on top, and the trademark white beard raised up showed this person's identity.

The captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Edward Newgate, and sitting next to him are all captains who are famous in the sea.

Marco looked at the figure hurried in and said: "Kachi, what's going on outside? Has one of our brothers been discovered?" Kachi said solemnly: "Dad, captains, none of us have been discovered. , but it seems that someone attacked the Celestial Dragons after the Straw Hat Kid."

"Now that the island is full of navy and under martial law, I am afraid that Navy Admiral Kizaru will arrive soon. This will greatly change dad's plan."

Whitebeard, who was sitting in the first place, laughed when he heard this and said: "Kulalala, Kaqi, don't worry, go and see how the coating on our ship is going."

"By the way, are those brats who attacked the Celestial Dragons from that pirate group? I heard Ace said that the Straw Hat boy seems to be his younger brother. If it's them, they can save him if they can."

Kachi shook his head and said: "Dad, they are not the Straw Hats, they seem to be the Black Dragon Pirates who defeated Crocodile in the Shichibukai."

"The captain is the former bounty hunter Long Wu, who currently has a bounty of 280 million beli. He seems to have disappeared recently."

"And Dad, I found that their strength is not low. They have actually awakened the armed Haki. Moreover, the natural Shasha fruit fell into their hands after the death of Sand Crocodile. The other one is suspected to be a Piaopiao fruit."

"And the strength of that pet should not be underestimated. I estimate that it will soon be comparable to captain-level strength."

Whitebeard was stunned. He realized that it was not because of their strength, but because of the Piao Piao Fruit. Since the Piao Piao Fruit appeared, it meant that the Golden Lion was dead.

His expression was a little depressed, and he murmured: "Old friend, have you gone too?"

After adjusting his emotions, he said: "Kachi, we won't interfere this time."

"Yes, Dad, then I will go and see if the boat is coated first."


Marco looked at the depressed white beard and asked with concern: "Dad, are you okay?"

Whitebeard smiled domineeringly and said, "Who do you think I am? I'm Whitebeard."

Hearing this, Marco didn't say anything, but looked worriedly. How could he not know that his father was in very bad physical condition.


At this moment, a golden light from the sky shot toward the Chambord Islands.

A huge figure in the other direction also flew towards the Shampoo Islands at a terrifying speed. Yes, the figure that looked like a giant bat was the returning Long Wu.

Sensing the mark of Nami and others, he moved quickly. He couldn't help but feel a little missing in his heart, so he couldn't help but speed up a bit.

At the same time, Nami and others finally entered the siege, because the moment the major general was delayed, another lieutenant general came, and two major generals blocked them in place.

The lieutenant general was none other than Sares, the commander of the base of the Chambord Islands. He had a cigar in his mouth, a sharp knife in his hand wrapped around an armed domineering force, and he slashed from top to bottom on the dark body of Gui Cry.

Below is Luo, who is struggling to support himself. The other two major generals are tightly restrained by Xiaoya and Weiwei respectively. Tiris is also restraining the major general at the beginning.

Nami and Beibo relied on their powerful physical skills and armed aura to fight through a group of sailors.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared and slowly transformed into a wretched figure.

Kizaru touched his chin and looked at the chaotic battlefield, especially Xiaoya and Weiwei who said in surprise: "It's so scary."

(End of this chapter)

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