Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 169, the seeds planted that day

Chapter 169, the seeds planted that day
  Warring States looked at a small x-shaped scar on his face, his blood-red hair was blowing up, a tiger tooth was exposed in his grin, and he was holding a stick wrapped with armed domineering force.

I couldn't help but sigh deeply. The navy's generation was beginning to die out. Instead, pirates and bandits were born, and new stars were born one after another.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, he already has general-level combat power, so how terrifying will his future be.

As the call was connected, a childish voice came: "Who are you?"

"I am the Admiral of the Navy. You should have seen the reward notice. I need you to deal with him in return for two Devil Fruits."

Wu Ge, who was sitting on the top of the mountain opposite, held a reward order in his hand and sneered: "Okay."

Seeing his promise, Warring States said, "Someone will pick you up."

After saying that, he hung up the phone, but he didn't know that Wu Ge on the other side was staring at the reward order with his brows furrowed.

Then he shouted to the foot of the mountain: "Zuo Liang, come here."

Soon a thin child flashed in the forest and quickly came to Wuge and said, "What's wrong with Brother Wuge?"

Wu Ge handed over the reward order in his hand and said, "Let's get to know each other!"

Zuo Liang blurted out when he saw it: "Is this a benefactor?"

Wu Ge nodded and said: "Yes, I didn't expect that my benefactor was no longer a bounty hunter. He is now the captain of the Black Dragon Pirates."

"This time the navy actually called me and asked me to deal with my benefactor, and I agreed."

"What? Brother Wuge, you want to deal with your benefactor, why?"

Zuo Liang said emotionally.

Wu Ge put his hand on Zuo Liang's head, stabilizing him, and then said quickly: "Zuo Liang, listen to me, how can I deal with my benefactor? You think that since the navy can contact me, it must be able to contact others."

"The benefactor will be in danger then. If I go too, I can help the benefactor better then."

Zuo Liang was delighted when he heard this and said, "That's right, Brother Wuge, I wrongly blamed you."

Wu Ge continued: "I asked you to come first to seal the mountain after I leave and not give the army a chance to attack us. Secondly, I called my eldest sister and asked her to go with me."

"Although her superhuman cloning fruit is flawed and can only clone one person in her lifetime, some of the top warriors will surely fall in this naval battle."

"When the time comes, eldest sister will become the same existence as me. Go call eldest sister!"

Zuo Liang happily disappeared into the jungle after hearing this.

A group of children were conducting various trainings in the open space on the mountainside. Most of them were children that Long Wu had rescued.

They were strangers to each other and gathered here under Wu Ge's deliberate search. There were also some street children among them.

As for Wu Ge, he was one of the survivors who was rescued by Long Wu when the pirate massacred the village. His eldest sister Leilei was a survivor of that disaster just like him.

Perhaps he was the son of destiny. After Long Wu left, the earth collapsed and a huge pit swallowed up the original village.

He accidentally fell into a cave with a milky white spring water and a Devil Fruit growing inside.

Wuge's body gained an almost immortal body after absorbing the spring water, and the fruit was swallowed by Lei Lei.

After the two escaped, Wu Ge relied on his nearly immortal body to practice fighting and squeeze out his life potential. In each battle, he awakened his armed color, his knowledge color, and even his overlord color.

In the end, Leilei attracted the attention of the top bandits because she was too beautiful. After a shocking battle, that little bloody figure completely shocked the top bandits.

The bloodthirsty Crazy Man is the most difficult to provoke among the five bandit kings, because this guy is not afraid of death, and no one can get anything from him.

In fact, what he didn't know was that the milky white spring water was actually a seed of the Avenue of Life, so his body was almost a seed of the Avenue of Life.

Possessing terrifying regeneration ability, it was a fragment that accidentally broke when the world was shattered.

As for Leilei, although she also fell into the pool, she did not absorb the Taoism, but she also obtained amazing changes.

Her skin is like cream, her face is like white jade, and her every move is full of fairy spirit. Because of her special temperament and appearance, she often gets into trouble. I can refer to the skin of the person who ate the slippery fruit, but his temperament is different and he is tall, so he often wears a fox mask now.

Soon at Zuo Liang's urging, Leilei came to Wu Ge.

Looking at Leilei Wuge in the fox mask, he said, "Sister Leilei, let's go."

"Well, is the benefactor really here?"

"Of course, the Navy is in a critical period and they won't lie to us with this. I guess the benefactor is very powerful and they can't handle it, so they came to use the Devil Fruit to tempt us to take action."

The navy, a state machine, unleashed terrifying energy at the behest of the Warring States Period.

In less than a day, the five bandit kings had gathered together and were heading to Marineland by boat.

The five people sat on the table in the cabin and looked at the other people. Of course, except for Wu Ge, they didn't want to provoke this madman.

Looking from left to right, they are the bandit king and Philolida. Their faces are full of flesh, their left ears have disappeared, and they have a sharp knife on their waist.

Bounty: 1.83 billion Bailey. He is a great swordsman.

Bandit King Kachizoro.

His complexion is pale, as if he has overindulged in sex, and his body is thin. He is a superhuman being with the speed fruit ability. The former army lieutenant general later defected.

Bounty: 1.8 billion Baileys.

The bandit Kumu Langxi, nearly five meters tall, sat like a hill, exuding an astonishing pressure, and the muscles on his body bulged to form muscle knots.

The bald man gave people a naive look, but anyone who thought he was a fool was beaten to a pulp by him.

A person with animal type black bear fruit ability and a fighter. Have you ever seen a fist the size of your head?

Bounty: 2.56 billion Beli

Bandit King Kalensi Luna
  She is an aunt with a voluptuous figure. The reason why I say this is because this guy is simply a peerless beauty just by looking at her figure. That European style cannot be ignored.

However, he has an old face, giving people two extreme experiences, with blond hair tied into a ponytail and cold eyes.

Animal type dog fruit and moon wolf form.

It is said that on the night of the full moon, her strength will skyrocket, similar to that of the fur tribe, and her beautiful appearance will be restored at the same time.

Bounty: 2,080,000,000 Baileys.

Philolida looked at Leilei behind Wu Ge with a cruel smile, and a touch of greed flashed in her eyes, although it passed away briefly.

But Wu Ge was keenly aware of it and said coldly: "Filolida, if you look at my eldest sister with that look, I will cut off your other ear too."

Philolida opened her mouth and said cruelly: "Kid, give it a try."

Wu Ge heard the words and held the stick beside him, and Philolida also held the handle of the knife tightly.

The atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out, and a depressing atmosphere enveloped the small space.

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight, the other three panicked. Neither of them had abilities, so they had nothing to be afraid of facing the endless sea.

But the three of them are all ability users. If the ship is sunk, none of them can escape.

Kallensi Luna twisted her delicate body and stood up, standing between the two of them and said: "If you want to fight, you have plenty of time, and you, Philolida, it's enough for me to look at you so beautiful. Do you want me to go at night?" Your room?"

Philolida's face darkened, but she had no intention of taking action. It was not because of what Kallensi Luna said.

But the other two people were staring at him coldly, and one of them might be in a four-on-one situation.

Because they know to some extent that this guy Wu Ge attaches great importance to his eldest sister. As long as he doesn't offend her, he will not do anything casually.

(End of this chapter)

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