Chapter 170, the war begins

Seeing both sides temporarily put aside the idea of ​​​​fighting, the navy guarding the corner touched the cold sweat on his forehead.

These are simply five explosive packets. If he is not careful, he may die heroically.

Soon, under the leadership of this marine, several people were arranged not far from the place where Shichibukai rested.

Wu Ge saw through the window sill opposite Hawkeye who was silently sipping red wine, and returned to the room with the other person's surprised eyes.

Although Hawkeye was a little surprised where the navy found such a strong man, he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, Wu Ge was not a swordsman.

What surprised him was the childish face. He took a sip of red wine, raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Interesting boy."

With his eyesight, he could easily tell what level Wu Ge was in terms of strength.

Wu Ge went back to the house to find the reward notice, looking at the eagle eye above, thinking about something in his heart.

After a night of silence, countless naval forces began to mobilize the next day, and countless naval families began to evacuate early. The last group completely left Malinfando this morning.

The entire Marineland has begun to be under full martial law, and countless marines have arranged live phone bugs in an orderly manner.

An execution platform had been built early, with three generals sitting on it and the Shichibukai gathered on the other side.

Wu Ge and other bandit kings were also beside Shichibukai, and the other two army generals were beside Sengoku.

All preparations began. As the video phone bug dialed the world, Sengoku walked onto the execution platform and began his classic scene.

Announced to the world: "Ace, tell me your father's name."

"My father is Whitebeard."

"No, your mother is Portcas D. Luju. One year and three months after his father's death, the baby who inherited the most evil bloodline in the world was born."

"that is you."

"Your father is."

"One Piece, Gol D. Roger."

Just when Sengoku was preparing for execution and was wondering why the Whitebeard Pirates didn't come, the door of justice opened without warning.

Pirate ships appeared faintly one after another, and at the same time, a huge current surged in the center of the port, and four coated pirate ships appeared in front of many navy.

Whitebeard stepped onto the deck with powerful steps, holding a child's knife in his hand and smiling proudly.

"La la la la la, I haven't seen you for decades, Warring States Period."

Whitebeard positioned himself and punched the space beside him with both fists, and white cracks spread from the center of his fists.

Suddenly the sea shook, and a terrifying tsunami roared in.

Qing Pheasant hurriedly stepped forward and froze, then stepped forward to attack White Beard, but was knocked down by White Beard's punch and fell onto the sea, forming a huge ice surface.

At this time, on the last pirate ship, Long Wu and others floated to the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard was a little surprised but didn't say anything. He originally wanted his pirate group to hold off the navy and let Long Wu and others rescue Ace.

Long Wu looked at Ace who was kneeling on the execution platform and shouted: "I told you to be honest. If you are disobedient and you don't have the strength of your father, you should use your brain more in the future."

Ace looked at Long Wu who spoke out and couldn't help but reply.

"Why are you here with dad? You should go back. It's my own willful advice."

Then he shouted to Whitebeard: "I'm sorry, dad. Let me pay for my willfulness. You guys should leave quickly."

Whitebeard smiled and said: "La la la, Ace, my son, dad arranged for you to go there."

At this time, Whitebeard couldn't let Ace talk nonsense, otherwise the morale of the army would be shattered. These pirates relied on him to tie the knot together.

Although no one questions him, it is inevitable that morale will be low.

Immediately afterwards, countless pirates jumped off the pirate ship, and countless marines also jumped onto the ice. The two parties were completely locked into a melee.

At this moment, Hawkeye jumped out in front of everyone's surprised eyes, pulled out the black knife and said, "I want to test the gap between me and this man."

After saying this, a huge green slash struck Whitebeard head-on.

Without even looking, Long Wu raised his hand and struck out with a huge black slash. Two huge slashes collided violently, and a sheet of ice instantly turned into ice powder.

The scattered sword energy fell heavily into the navy and pirates, causing a wave of people to fall on their backs.

Eagle Eye's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stared at Long Wu closely, his fighting spirit rising, and then he seemed to think of something.

No longer attacking. Although he was very excited to finally find his opponent again, if he really fought Long Wu at this time, the last two people might not be able to escape intact.

So he quietly retreated and started killing some ordinary pirates.

But he could no longer suppress the joy in his heart. After all, it was so difficult to find an opponent of the same level at his level.

While the navy was still shocked that Long Wu easily blocked Hawkeye's slash, Kizaru looked at Long Wu with an ugly expression.

As if feeling the attention, Long Wu turned his head and looked around, and when he saw who it was, a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Said: "Kizaru, it's time to settle our accounts."

Kizaru stood up with a gloomy expression, disappeared in a flash, and then turned into yellow points of light that condensed in the sky.

A squeeze with both hands.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama."

A large number of yellow laser light spots filled the sky and began to attack Long Wu on the Moby Dick indiscriminately.

Long Wu snorted coldly, raised his right hand upwards, white rays of light began to converge on the palm of his hand, and then pinched it.

"The Shining Technique, Light Energy Flare."

Throwing it upwards with all his strength, the ball of light suddenly exploded after flying a few meters, turning into countless white glass fragments and hitting the sky full of light-colored lasers.

Occasional collisions were like illumination bombs being continuously released in the sky. Several pirates and marines who were watching covered their eyes in pain.

A trail of blood flowed from the fingers, and it was obvious that their eyes were disabled.

At this time, Kizaru fell from the sky. He didn't dare to think too much and turned to look at Sengoku. Sengoku took a deep breath and nodded to the two people beside him.

At the same time, he said to the bandit kings: "It's your turn to take action."

Sakaski frowned, and Aokiji, who was also fighting Marco, looked at him at the same time, with confusion visible in his eyes.

Obviously they don't know the identities of these people.

Facing the sudden appearance of several people, Long Wu raised his eyebrows and looked at Warring States. He saw full of vigilance in Warring States' eyes.

He said to Fujitora behind him: "Uncle Yixiao, I will go meet them, and you should be on guard against the Shichibukai over there."

Then he looked at Nami and others and said, "Protect yourself. There are several major generals and lieutenants over there. You can go."

Several people nodded, and Long Wu disappeared in their eyes in a blink of an eye. With a domineering and domineering look, he slashed down with his sword. The look of the mountain bandit king Kumulangjian changed.

The body instantly transformed into a huge black bear, with its body covered in armor and its hands folded on its chest.

Accompanied by a huge roar, it was like cannonballs embedded in the ground.

Except for Wu Ge, all the remaining people's expressions changed drastically and they didn't dare to hold back. It was obvious that they had been targeted by Long Wu.

The moment they jump out, they have no room to retreat.

Wei Feng swung Filolida's blade away at will, and at the same time swung a few slashes to temporarily force him back.

A beast claw suddenly appeared behind Long Wu and grabbed it hard. It was Kallensi Luna who had gone around behind, taking advantage of the dragon's neutral position to prepare to attack.

But her speed was still a bit slow for Long Wu, and the right leg that gathered this hazy energy kicked her in the abdomen.

I saw a black line flying out at a faster speed and falling under the original seat of Qingzhi.

Sakaski frowned, but did not make any move, because he was waiting for the guy who instigated the rebellion to take action, so that he would be sure to leave his white beard.

Otherwise, even though Whitebeard is getting old, his physical condition is declining, and he even has a lot of hidden injuries, he is actually the strongest person in the world.

He wasn't sure.

(End of this chapter)

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