Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 177, Long Wu is being watched by all parties

Chapter 177, Long Wu is being watched by all parties

At the same time, on the Onigashima Island in Wano Country, Kaido of the Beasts was also staring at the bounty order. He was not as worried as Lingling. He was rough-skinned and thick-skinned and did not take everyone seriously.

Although he was wary of some people, the other party couldn't do anything to him. After taking two sips of wine, he ordered: "Jhin, keep an eye on the Beast Pirates. I'll go meet this brat, hahahaha."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge dragon shadow rushed into the sky.

In the waters of the New World, the red-haired man put away the bounty order in his hand and laughed loudly: "Luffy already has a bounty of 500 million. I don't know when he will be able to fulfill our agreement."

Van Beckman wiped the gun in his hand. When he heard the laughter, he stopped what he was doing expressionlessly, took out his cigar, lit it and took a deep breath.

"I'm telling you, Captain, you should think about how to deal with the new world that is going berserk. The arrival of that brat will definitely turn the whole sea upside down."

"The bounty for all members is over 100 million. They may be a little immature compared to us, but their strength cannot be underestimated. Top Fruit Team, don't you have anything to say?"

The red-haired man picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

"Chaos is chaos. It might not be a good thing to let him mess up a little bit. It just gives Luffy a chance to grow."

Beckman squinted his eyes in the scattered smoke, took off the cigar from the corner of his mouth, and blew out a puff of smoke.

"You think so highly of Luffy? You don't hesitate to use yourself as a stepping stone? Although you didn't say it, I can guess it."

"Maybe it's because of the illusory prophecy. Sometimes I really don't understand. Are prophecies important?"

The red-haired man's eyes sharpened instantly, and then he lay on his back and said lazily.

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you. What you said is right, but this is the agreement between me and that person!"


In the windless zone of the Great Route, a large ship on Nine Snakes Island was walking on the calm sea. Undercurrents surged under the ship, and a giant sea king with a head of a thousand meters surrounded the sailing ship.

Their eyes were filled with greed but fear, not daring to move forward. The terrifying repressive force from the top of the food chain made them dare not act rashly.

In their perception, five intimidating auras were constantly exhaling. In the past, the empress was the only one who traveled to and from this sea area, even so.

The empress also took the less dangerous waterway, unlike now she was directly at the lair.

In response to this, the Empress held her head high and pointed at Long Wu.

"This road is full of lairs of large sea kings. If you don't listen to me, something will happen sooner or later. It doesn't matter if you die, but nothing can happen to Luffy."

Long Wu rolled his eyes at this and ignored the tactical leaning back, even though the opponent's already plump chest became tight due to the leaning back.

It didn't affect his mood for cooking at all. What he had in front of him was the top-quality Neptune meat that Xiaoya had spent a lot of time preparing.

Didn't you see that Luffy was already greedy and wanted to snatch the food from Longwu's hands, so Xiaoya angrily played with Luffy's top form.

The grateful Luffy could only cry and angrily bite the ordinary meat in his hand.

Faced with the constant temptation of the wisps of fragrance, he turned his head forcefully to face the empress Hancock.

As a result, the Empress consciously activated the idiot template, her face turned red, and the embarrassing things about Luffy and her kept echoing in her mind.

At this moment, Ace has left long ago and went to the New World to fight Blackbeard in advance. After all, the New World is so big, and if Blackbeard wants to develop, it will inevitably touch the interests of the other four emperors.

And he didn't have much chance of winning against the other four emperors. After all, even if he could really fight with the red-haired, big mom and others.

But his subordinates are not good at it. Once there is a conflict, it is very likely that he will become a mere commander.

As the Whitebeard Pirates who lost Newgate is undoubtedly his best direction of invasion, he is looking gloomy at this moment.

Since the war, he has not obtained the Shock Fruit that he has longed for. With his physical skills that have been neglected for so many years and the Dark Fruit, he is really no match for Big Mom and Kaido. But Auntie has begun to invade Whitebeard's territory, especially the territory he just acquired recently is also under attack by Auntie.

And he himself was completely exhausted after being dragged along by Marco, Ace and others, and he could only watch the territory he had just conquered fall into the hands of Big Mom.

Regarding this, Long Wu said that the Zhenzhen Fruit was really fragrant, and look at how Wuge killed a large sea king with one blow, which was no weaker than Whitebeard at that time.

Of course, there is still a long way to go from Whitebeard's heyday.

Long Wu was lying comfortably on the deck chair wearing sunglasses, and beside him were several beauties in bikinis playing volleyball on the deck.

I have to say that the empress has a very impressive figure, and her movements make people fascinated, but her attraction to Long Wu is just that.

The most surprising thing is that the girl Xiaoya has begun to take shape without realizing it.

The dark glasses fully played their role, allowing Long Wu to admire them unscrupulously, and no one said anything about him yet.

Except for the empress, no one knew anything about this. Under the inexplicable rule that girls become friends instantly, they were successfully pulled into the car.

Hancock, Nami, Weiwei, Xiaoya, four-person volleyball, back and forth.

Robin was lying next to Long Wu with his long legs crossed, holding in his hand the rubbing of the historical text that Long Wu got from Kongdao, studying it carefully.

As for Fatty Lan and Luffy, Longwu had already thrown them to Uncle Fujitora, and of course he still had a message for him.

This is what he said: "Just don't die."

Now Long Wu's mind was filled with all those white things, he couldn't help but turn over, and he couldn't help but recall that Zhuqing and the others were here.

Sighed, "Hey."

Robin heard the sound, looked at Long Wu who suddenly became decadent for some reason, and asked: "Lord Long Wu, can't you stand it anymore?"

Long Wu froze, turned around and said angrily: "Robin-chan, don't talk nonsense, no one is looking at them, I am not."

Robin spread his hands in disbelief, and moved his eyes towards Long Wu's lower body, looking at Long Wu with some surprise, who had no reaction.

Many inhumane pictures appeared in her mind, and she felt sad, and a bold idea appeared in her mind.

Then an expression of "I understand everything" appeared. Long Wu couldn't explain it at a glance, just do whatever you want.

Turning around, he opened the familiar panel.

Name: Long Wu

Age: 19 (four years of life expectancy)

Realm: Level 87 Soul Saint (eighth level)

Soul ring: purple, purple, black, black, red, light gold (soul rings are being superimposed) The rules of the world change, and the soul rings break and merge into the body.

Martial Spirit: Super Beast Arms (eight statues, second form activated)
  Soul Curse: Fusion of belief phantoms, (eight saints, no need to recite them) can communicate with powerful people who exist in the dark.

Artifact: Throne of Technology (the highest crystallization of a certain technological civilization!!!) The information is unknown and you can explore it by yourself

Weapon: Dragon pattern alloy Tang knife
  Sword Technique: (Cangtian Ba ​​Dao) inheritance initiation.

Soul skills: Fire Cloud Art, Cold Shadow Art, Running Thunder Art, Death Moon Tribulation, Tsunami Tribulation, Seven Injury Tribulation, Shining Spirit Art, Time Rewind.

Talents: Overlord color is top-notch domineering color, and knowledge color is high-level.

Star Wish: Ask for divine magic (comprehension of stargazing rituals, system changes) to summon powerful people from time to bless you. (Note! It requires the same belief or a certain event to be recognized by a strong person.)
  Extraordinary energy: 0.15 black holes (extraordinary energy form)
  God's Heritage: In the third stage, defeated a ninety-three-level titled Douluo (a strong person in the eighth stage), received five hundred thousand year soul rings and one attribute soul ring. (The world is suppressing)
  (End of this chapter)

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