Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 178, a backstab from a certain boss

Chapter 178, a backstab from a certain boss
  Long Wu looked at the almost unchanged panel, feeling a little melancholy. He hadn't checked himself for a long time.

Although he felt as if he had made a breakthrough, of course the feeling this time was very strong. He gained a lot from the fight with Wulaoxing and Garp.

But this is not the most important thing. What is important is that the martial arts skills he created did not appear on the panel at all.

Then he understood that the martial arts skills he created were always extensions of the original rules and had nothing to do with him.

Therefore, the system defaults to "Sea-Covering Flame Strike", etc., which is no different from "Fire Cloud Art", except that the form has been changed and the essence has not changed.

Always the source of fire released.

Soon the night fell, and Long Wu looked like he had no energy as he ate the delicious food carefully prepared by Xiaoya.

Weiwei was not interested in the food that was brought to her mouth, and she was listless.

Weiwei's outstretched hand never fell, and she looked at Nami Xiaoya with doubtful eyes, asking them what was going on.

Nami frowned slightly. She had some impression that she had been in such a state before. She clearly remembered every name that came out of this guy's mouth.

Those might be his former relatives, or maybe he misses them.

Facing Weiwei's inquiry, she shook her head slightly, while Xiaoya was dumbfounded and confused.

Nami's heart moved. She once asked Long Wu where his hometown was, but what she got was a hand pointing to the sky.

She knew it was because he missed his hometown, but she was reluctant to let him leave. She admitted that she was a little selfish and wanted him to stay with her forever.

I can only pretend to be nonchalant.

Luo and Tilis looked at each other and couldn't understand that this guy Long Wu could behave like this.

As for Fujitora, he could easily feel Ryuwu's emotions through seeing and hearing the color, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

After hastily finishing the meal, Long Wu returned to the house alone and fell asleep.

Nami also hurriedly dropped her chopsticks and disappeared from the dining table.

At midnight, a figure tiptoed in front of Longwu Gate, easily opened the door and slipped in.

Vaguely, she saw a figure in the distance that seemed to be watching here. She glanced around in confusion and quietly closed the door.

After she entered, an arm suddenly grew out of the boat, and a blinking eye appeared in the palm of her hand.

Then disappeared.

In Robin's room, Robin was lying on the bed holding a book and said with a sweet smile: "Giggle, this girl can't bear it anymore?"

Suddenly Robin fainted, and when he sat up again, his crystal clear eyes bent unconsciously, with a dark smile on his face.

He murmured: "Hey, Xiao Junwu, I'll help you, otherwise it won't be so fun when you come back."

"How can my child-bride take advantage of outsiders? I'm really looking forward to the scene when your cold little face collapses, hehe."

The seals on his hands kept changing one by one, the sky was changing, thunderclouds were gathering, and a huge, crystal-clear palm suddenly appeared on the world barrier.

The next moment, he stretched out his index finger and poked a hole in the barrier, and a breath came in smoothly.

At the same time, deep in the heart of the deep sea, a figure sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes, his brows twitching.

He is the strongest person in this world. Mi Xiu, who was originally a member of the Six Divine Realms, was injured later, and the two started a fierce battle.

He destroyed half of the world and was victorious. He has been stealing the source underground to recover. He felt the frightening aura above the sky and couldn't help but shrink his neck.

He couldn't help but be surprised: "There are only a handful of emperor-level life forms even in the six major divine realms. How could they come to such a broken place?"

But he didn't dare to think too much at this time, and he just ignored them if they didn't bother him.

The emperor level is almost at the top based on the realm of the gods.

Ninth-level mortal, eighth-level dragon, seventh-level king, sixth-level emperor, fifth-level immortal, fourth-level daoyuan, third-level emperor, second-level saint (also known as Hunyuan), and first-level ancestor.

In other words, there are nine major stages for mortals, eight major stages for dragons, and so on.

He is only at the sixth level of the emperor level, and according to the aura displayed by the other party, he is at least the second level of the emperor level, which is the middle level of the emperor level. This means that the other party is also outstanding among the emperors.

Not daring to think too much, he hurriedly tore apart the space and escaped the moment his breath disappeared. At this moment in Long Wu's room, Nami fell on Long Wu in confusion.

Long Wu was awakened by the intense pressure. As Nami tore him apart, he screamed: "Nami? What's wrong with you?"

Nami seemed to feel something, opened her eyes, and punched Long Wu on the head.

He put on his clothes in front of Long Wu and said: "I will be yours from now on, put away your stupid look."

The corner of Long Wu's mouth twitched, what is this?

Looking at Nami going out like nothing happened,

Well, he settled down, pushed open the door, picked up the fishing rod skillfully, and walked to the bow of the boat.

Soon he came to the bow of the ship, but what embarrassed him were six guys with dark circles under their eyes, staring at him maliciously.

Luo raised his eyebrows tiredly and gave a thumbs up secretly, Wuge grinned, and Leilei meant something.

Weiwei had a resentful look on her face, Xiaoya pursed her lips and looked unhappy, and Robin covered her mouth and snickered.

The empress looked disgusted, but she became infatuated again after seeing Luffy.

Long Wu coughed.


"What are you doing standing here? Go ahead and do what you have to do."

"And you Boya Hancock, don't look at me like that. If you have the ability, you can find your own way to fly."

After everyone dispersed, Long Wu breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the dragon's head and stretched out his fishing rod to recall the weird scene yesterday.

After several days of sailing, Nine Snake Island gradually came into view. Just as they were about to approach, a group of female warriors holding bows and arrows faced each other from a distance with domineering arrows.

A chubby, muscular woman stood up and shouted.

"The ship in front will leave immediately. This is Kuji Island, the territory of Empress Shichibukai. Outsiders are not welcome."

Long Wu, the leader of the dragon, raised his eyebrows and shouted: "Boya Hancock."

The empress' forehead was covered with dense black lines. She put down the food she fed Luffy and looked at Long Wu unhappily. Long Wu also looked at her unwillingly and pointed at the female guard on the land in front of her.

The empress jumped on the bow of the boat and said to the shore: "I am back, please get out of the way."

The female warriors below all knelt down on one knee when they saw the empress.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Then they were divided into two rows to welcome the return of the empress.

The empress turned back to look at Luffy who was eating so much, her majestic face instantly softened, and she spoke softly.

"Luffy-kun, please follow me."

Luffy hurriedly stuffed all the food in front of him into his mouth and said vaguely: "Wait for me, Hancock."

Three black lines instantly appeared on Long Wu's forehead. This guy had been eating and drinking on the ship for so long, and even the 500 million beli wasn't enough for him to eat.

Now that you are leaving, you still want to eat from the rich?
  Ryūwu flashed in front of Luffy, lifted the back of his neck, kicked him out, and yelled at the same time.

"piss off."

A meteor transformed into Luffy's appearance and flew down from the ship and grew on the ground.

Hancock immediately glared.


"Hey, hey, hey, I got it, let's go, let's go."

Long Wu looked like he didn't want to say too much, waved his hand in disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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