Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 179, The pirate who hit the muzzle

Chapter 179, The pirate who hit the muzzle

The empress glared at Long Wu fiercely, then said goodbye to Nami and others one by one, and jumped off the ship with a kick.

Waving his hands below, he said: "Nami Weiwei, Xiaoya Robin, come to Nine Snakes Island to play when you have time."

"We on Nine Snake Island do not welcome men, especially a certain man, but you are welcome."

After saying that, he glanced at Long Wu with a hint of intent.

As for why people like the Empress can get along with Nami and the others, it has to be said that their strength is part of it.

The only thing left was that they posed no threat to her. It was impossible for Luffy, an idiot, to fall in love with them, and they already had their hearts set on them.

As a result, the relationship between the few of them is quite good, but they can't see through the girl empress Leilei, so they don't have much contact with her.

"Hey! As if no one cares about it."

Long Wu pouted his lips like a child, which immediately made Robin secretly laugh.

It would be strange for Long Wu not to be curious about the Daughter Kingdom, but if they didn't welcome him, there was no need for him to go up and have a look.

I just feel a little unhappy.

He turned to look at the honest Jinbei and asked, "Hey! Fatty Lan, aren't you going down?"

Jinbei looked around, and finally pointed at himself. After receiving confirmation, his forehead bulged.

He said in a muffled voice: "I want to go back to the Dragon Palace first. It just so happens that you are going to the New World. Come along. Take a ride."

"Okay, let's pay for the food, and I'll give you 100 million beli."

Jinbei's eyes widened and he said in a low voice, "Why do you still care about me asking for food expenses? Didn't Ace already pay for it?"

Hearing this, Long Wu burst into flames and yelled, "Then don't you look at how much Luffy's grandson can eat. If I hadn't made a fool of myself from time to time, there wouldn't even be any vegetables left on the ship."

Nami and others covered their heads. This guy is here again. It's not that he doesn't have money. Although she also likes it, there is no need to ask for it because of this.

A few people just thought it was fun. Tiris stretched out, jumped into Nami's arms skillfully, and found a comfortable position to lie down.

"I don't have any, not even a pele."

Jinbei looked like a dead pig and was not afraid of boiling water, and Ryuwu glared at him, acting like a rogue.

"That's it."

Long Wu touched his chin and looked around Jinbei, staring at him until he felt uncomfortable.

He stopped and said, "Weiwei, take a few days off and let this guy clean the house and wash the dishes."

"Okay, Lord Longwu."

Weiwei responded with a smile.

Jinbei walked aside and sat down indifferently. This meant nothing to him.

He used to help with the cleaning, but now he does it alone.

After the farce was over, what came naturally were the malicious looks, but of course Long Wu couldn't see them.

Why did he do this? He didn't just want to escape from here, but as one of the culprits last night, he didn't want to be besieged by those pairs of man-eating eyes.

He is not stupid, how can he not know the thoughts of several women? It's just that it's hard to explain when I get home, so I just hide if I can.

Now that she had eaten one, how could she not think about it, but he didn't want to either. He always felt that his memory of yesterday was a bit confusing, and that was all he was confused about.

A few days later, in the Shampoo Islands, Longwu had two beauties hanging on his left and right, followed by Beibo, a white bear hung with various items.

A straw stretched upward from Bebo's hand to the top of his head.

Above, Tiris is lying on her side with a straw in her mouth, a pair of sunglasses hanging on her eyes, enjoying herself.

Long Wu tried to pull his arm out of Nami and Weiwei's arms, but then gave up and let the two drag him, leaving two clear marks.

People looked at them from time to time along the way. Long Wu's face was so famous that after the war, everyone remembered that handsome face.

As well as the opponent's terrifying strength, there were many pirates around who turned away after seeing him. There are many pirates in the Shampoo Islands at the moment. Due to two attacks by the Celestial Dragons, the Celestial Dragons no longer appear here easily.

The pirates on the island became more unscrupulous and unmanaged. The navy originally stationed in the Chambord Islands went through a major purge.

Now he can't even handle a major general, let alone manage pirates.

Even though many people knew Long Wu and the reward order, there were always a few fools who were blinded by desire and came out to challenge him.

This was a pirate who was attracted by the beauty of Robin Namei. He was drooling, his hair was messy, and he was smiling obscenely.

With a step that would disown his relatives, he stood in front of Long Wu and others. With his size of about three meters, it felt quite oppressive.

Nami, who was blocked, raised her head and stared at the pirate in front of her with disgust. She let go of her hands, and at the same time, Weiwei let go.

  Long Wu was like two hundred kilograms of meat thrown on the ground and no one cared about it.

The crowd instantly exploded.

"Who is this pirate? Is he so brave? Does he know who those people are?"

"I know this man, Arthuri, who has a bounty of 94 million beli. He is the biggest pirate in Shampoo after the supernova entered the new world."

"Stay away and don't get splashed with blood. You're dead. Not to mention the big pirate Long Wu, those two women are not simple people either."

"You are a participant in the war, a user with natural devil fruit abilities."

Everyone around who heard the conversation quietly backed away, and Arthur smiled lewdly.

"Hey, hey, hey, you guys, arrest these two women for me."

Arthur didn't look behind him at all, and waved his hands arrogantly to signal the younger brothers to come forward.

But after a minute, there was no response. When he looked back, his eyes suddenly bulged.

All the younger brothers he brought with him disappeared, and there was nothing behind him.

He quickly pulled out his knife and looked around cautiously.

Nami took out the golden stick from her chest and pointed at Arthur without saying a word.

Dense lightning arcs burst out, and a bright beam of lightning shot out from the front end of the stick, easily penetrating the three-meter-tall body like a laser.

There was silence all around. After doing this, Nami put the stick back on her chest. People couldn't help but wonder how she put such a long stick in.

Turning back to Long Wu, who was still lying on the ground and watching with interest, he said, "It would be embarrassing if you don't get up yet."

Long Wu stood up from the ground without any image, dusted off the dust, and said lazily: "Ah! Nami, can I go back and drink."

After hearing this, Nami walked towards Long Wu step by step, her delicate smile was close to Long Wu, and she exhaled like a blue breath: "What do you think?"

Long Wu paused for a moment, then suddenly kissed Nami with lightning speed. While Nami was in a daze, he quickly stepped back, grabbed the white bear and ran away.

Leave behind a sentence that gradually disappears.

"Okay, Nami, I'll wait for you at Xia Qi's place."

Nami's face turned red with embarrassment when she came back to her senses. Robin and the others watched with interest.

Nami seemed not to see the smile in their eyes and said with a dry "cough".

"Let's go, let's go."

On the ship, Lei Li was busy helping with the coating. Long Wu led two bears, one big and one small, down from the sky. He picked up the wine bottle on the table and started drinking with lingering fear.

Shopping with women is really not his strong point, especially on a summer island like Shampoo, where there are so few clothes.

This almost caused his nose to bleed, but he still had to pretend as if nothing had happened. It was very hard for him, right?

Well, tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.

(End of this chapter)

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