Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 180, Entering Fish-Man Island

Chapter 180, Entering Fish-Man Island
  Rayleigh pushed up his sunken glasses and looked at the embarrassed Long Wu and the panting Bei Bo with a smile.

The shopping bags scattered on the ground all told him what the guy in front of him had been through.

He wiped his hands and said, "My little friend, the boat is almost fully coated. If you want to go to Fish-Man Island, I have nothing to say."

"It's just that I hope you can give me some face and don't cause any harm to Human Fish Island. I still have a few acquaintances there."

Long Wu lay comfortably on the beach chair, covered his face and said, "Don't think of me as bad. I'm too lazy to do anything when no one messes with me."

"Besides, do you think I am willing to go to Fish-Man Island? Robin and the others wanted to see it, otherwise I would have gone to the New World long ago."

Lei Li smiled helplessly and said nothing, but scolded Long Wu in his heart.

After all, this guy took Robin away by force, causing their plan to go awry. Robin was the person they planned to send to the spaceship early in the morning.

As a result, he was suddenly intercepted by this guy. The key is that this matter is not easy to handle, especially since Long Wu's strength is not low.

Fortunately, there is still one person in this world who understands ancient writing, and that is Kozuki Oden's son, Kozuki Momonosuke, who is still alive.

However, all this seems meaningless to Long Wu, because he influenced major events, causing the system to also cause a wave of major disasters.

Since yesterday, the 80% progress bar has been placed in front of Long Wu.

All he needs to do now is rush into the new world and cause chaos. Although he can't beat everyone with his current strength, he can't challenge anyone in a one-on-one fight.

The main reason is that the eighth skill is too abnormal. Although it has no substantial damage or substantial control, it can turn the tide of the battle at critical moments.

Sometimes those one or two seconds are enough for a top warrior to kill his opponent several times.

This is what gives him the confidence to be fearless, even in the deep sea, he is not afraid.

A terrifying phantom appeared behind Xiao Hei in another space. The phantom looked exactly like him, with his hands constantly waving runes one after another embedded in the space.

Originally in the middle of the space, the appearance of Luffy's Will of the World gradually blurred and turned into the appearance of Long Wu. Xiao Hei looked at it expressionlessly.

It wasn't until a beam of luck suddenly fell on him that he murmured: "Finally we are almost successful. A broken world is indeed easier to deal with than a weak but complete world."

"It's coming, it's coming. I'm afraid I will become a monarch-level life form by then, and it's time to let him know what I am."

After speaking, a hint of contempt appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said disdainfully: "System? What is that kind of thing? The highest technology in the outer universe? It's just an alternative life form in the inner universe, a kind of parasite."

"Wait a minute, it seems like I'm no different now."

Not knowing Xiao Hei's plan, Long Wu had already started to go to Fish-Man Island through coating. Lei Li left without saying goodbye after finishing coating.

After all, there is a kid on Nine Snakes Island who is waiting for his guidance, and they paid a huge price to train him.

The dark seabed ushered in an uninvited guest. The huge figure of the whale shark was wandering on the bow of the ship, causing countless sea kings to avoid the sharp edge.

Hitting the Fish-Man Island under the sea without any hindrance. After roughly penetrating the Fish-Man Island, the whale shark automatically disintegrated.

The ship was immediately exposed to everyone's eyes, and groups of Dragon Palace soldiers, led by the eldest prince, respectfully stood in front of the ship.

The Dragon Palace had long known about the arrival of this big pirate, and the eldest prince who sensed the movement summoned a group of guards in advance to greet him.

At this moment, he stepped forward and floated on the bow of the ship and said: "Master Longwu has been waiting for you for a long time. Please give me a brief introduction from the Dragon Palace."

Long Wu didn't answer him immediately, but just raised his eyebrows. He didn't want to get too involved in the affairs of Fish-Man Island. He just wanted to be a passer-by. You must know that Fish-Man Island might be gone once he takes action with all his strength.

And the companions he brought with him and his family were all capable people, so the chance of survival would be zero.

However, people came to visit him and he agreed directly.

"Okay, since the eldest prince is so interested, we won't be polite. Beibo will watch the boat and let's go."

The eldest prince looked at Beibo, who was left on the boat without tears. The corners of his mouth moved and he said, "Isn't it not good, Mr. Longwu, to leave him here?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Long Wu looked at the eldest prince with interest.

The eldest prince wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "There have been a lot of pirates on the island recently. I'm afraid your ship is not safe."

Long Wu waved his hands indifferently and said: "It doesn't matter. Even though that bear is stupid, ordinary pirates can't beat it." "Besides, it is the bear of my Black Dragon Pirates, and it is also famous among pirates. , I don’t think anyone will mess with me casually.”

The eldest prince didn't speak, he just prayed that Hody Jones and the others would come quickly. After all, Aaron died in his hands.

Just use this person's hand to remove the cancer on Fishman Island.

Long Wu twitched the corner of his mouth without any sense of violation and thought to himself.

This guy really thinks there is something wrong with his eyes. In front of someone like him who knows everything, poor acting skills are no different than taking off his pants and farting.

Fortunately, he didn't care. He didn't need to take action for such a trivial matter. He could just destroy it when the time came.

Under the curious eyes of a group of mermaids, ride the bubble to the Dragon Palace.

Soon Neptune's huge mermaid figure outside the Dragon Palace appeared in Long Wu's eyes.

With a kind smile on his majestic face, he said loudly.

"Welcome Master Long Wu to the Dragon Palace as a guest. Everyone, hurry up and invite me. I will prepare a banquet. Please take your seats."

Long Wu hurriedly greeted him and said, "King Neptune, you're welcome. Excuse me. Please."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to gesture for us to go in together.

Old Neptune was stunned for a moment, then he realized and happily led Long Wu and his party forward.

In his opinion, it is inevitable for a strong man of Long Wu's age to be arrogant, and he has been mentally prepared.

Who told people to have big fists? I didn’t expect that Long Wu was not that kind of person at all. As the saying goes, it is easy to reach out and not hit the smiling person.

Neptune received him warmly, but he was too embarrassed to do anything.

Long Wu looked back at the twitchy and restless postures of the girls and couldn't help but say to Neptune.

"King Neptune, please help find some guides. They have long wanted to see the style of Fishman Island."

"Ah haha, it's easy to talk about, Shark Star, please make arrangements."

Neptune ordered.

"Yes, Father."

The Great Prince Shark Star responded quickly.

Then he said to Nami Robin and others: "Please follow me."

Nami stepped forward and approached Long Wu. In a position where no one could see it, she twisted her little hand and whispered with a smile: "Don't think I didn't see it. If you get a mermaid on the boat, I will chop it up for you."

Long Wu's face tightened, and he whispered unnaturally: "Nami, what are you talking about? Why don't I understand? Come and play with Robin and the others."


Nami snorted softly and said, "Sister Robin, are you going?"

Robin shook his head and said, "No, I heard that there is a historical text on Fish-Man Island. I am going to look for it with Leilei. You go ahead."

"Okay, let's go Xiaoya Weiwei."

Several people quickly disappeared from sight under the leadership of Shark Star.

Long Wu breathed a sigh of relief. Recently, Nami has become more and more like a housekeeper. He just took a sneak peek to see what the mermaid looked like.

It's not like Sanji, the hungry ghost in lust.

Is it necessary to guard against him? He has been squeezed dry by her. The ups and downs in the past few days have made his waist feel a little painful.

Any ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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