Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 181, Neptune’s helplessness

Chapter 181, Neptune’s helplessness

After seeing them all leaving, Long Wu followed Nipton into the palace, skillfully found a seat and slumped down on it.

He said without hesitation: "King Neptune, don't be nervous. I'm not that vicious pirate, and you don't have to worry about what I will do to Fish-Man Island."

Fujitora on the side smiled when he heard this and said, "Does the king want a flag?"

Neptune sighed after hearing this: "Mr. Fujitora is right. Since Whitebeard's death, pirates have appeared more frequently on Fish-Man Island."

"Some human traffickers who were originally deterred by Whitebeard also began to appear, and Fish-Man Island once again entered an era where everyone is in danger."

"So I want to use the flag of the Black Dragon Pirates that has just become famous in the sea to continue to deter those pirates."

Hearing this, Long Wu burst into laughter.

He reached out and picked up the fruit on the table and stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "Why don't you go find the red-haired one? As for Big Mom and Kaido, I don't think you dare."

Neptune smiled bitterly and said: "Red Hair is too busy taking care of himself right now. Blackbeard and Kaido have now reached a tacit understanding and are encroaching on his and Whitebeard's territory, so they don't care about this at all."

"Also, Auntie has set her sights on Fish-Man Island and has sent people to inform her. There is nothing that can be done about Fish-Man Island. You should know about the life-long donation under the Ten Thousand Flags."

"Well, indeed, you don't seem to have much choice."

"But you haven't thought about using Neptune to separate Fish-Man Island? Wouldn't that be better?"

Long Wu didn't seem to see Nipton's sinking face and said to himself.

"What Poseidon? Lord Longwu, please stop joking."

Neptune tried to change the subject.

But Long Wu stared at Neptune with a rare look and said: "I heard that Princess White Star has an ability to summon large-scale sea kings. I don't know if it is true."

"Can I meet you?"

Neptune immediately narrowed his eyes and said, "Mr. Longwu is joking, they are all lies. Princess Bai Xing doesn't know these things at all."

"That's it, then can I meet the princess?"

Neptune couldn't refuse after hearing this, so he could only say: "I'm sorry, Lord Longwu, because Vander Deken IX, the target fruit ability user, keeps harassing Bai Xing. In order for Bai Xing not to be harmed, I bear the pain." She was locked up in the hard-shell tower and never came out for a long time.”

"I'm afraid it won't be convenient for you to meet me."

Listening to the defensiveness in Neptune's words and the sense of prevarication inside and outside his words, Long Wu knew what he meant even if he wasn't smart.

Beware of wolves! Not shabby.

It’s also his fault that he went straight to the girl as soon as he arrived. There were so many girls on the boat. Although he only touched one, who knew the rest?
  But when he said this, Long Wu became interested instantly. He was just Vander Deken IX. It was trivial.

He turned to look at Wuge who was doing the cooking and ordered: "My good disciple, don't eat yet. Didn't you hear what King Neptune said? Someone is harassing Princess White Star."

"It's not for nothing that they set up such a big table. We also need to do some work. Go and kill that guy from Daken or the ninth generation."

Wu Ge took the seafood in his hand and looked like he couldn't accept it. He hadn't eaten it yet.

But seeing the look in Long Wu's hand as he handed it over, he responded: "Yes, master, I'll go right away."

After saying that, he stood up and complained wildly in his heart.

"What does the mermaid princess look like that makes Master think about her like this? Is she as good-looking as Sister Leilei?"

Neptune looked at the two masters and apprentices who were singing in harmony, and his original shock that Long Wu actually had an apprentice was instantly ignited by anger.

He didn't expect that the other party would be so shameless. He kept clenching and unclenching his fists, and finally said solemnly.

"Cartoon Star, go and take this little brother to capture Daken IX."

Cartoon Star looked at Neptune hesitantly, and finally nodded and said, "It's my father."

Looking at the reluctant Neptune Longwu, he finally stopped teasing him and said seriously: "King Neptune, don't worry, I have no intention of harming Shirahoshi."

"On the contrary I'm helping you out of trouble, aren't I?"

"I guess my ship is now surrounded by pirates from the New Fish-Man Pirates. Whether it's you or someone else, you have to pay something for borrowing my hand."    "Or do you think I'm really easy to talk to? ?”

Long Wu's tone was full of displeasure, asking him to work in vain? What are you thinking about?

Only then did Neptune realize that the other party knew what they were doing.

Yes, Nami and the others are now fighting. After deliberate guidance, Nami and the others will inevitably clash with the new fish-man pirates.

Countless ugly fishmen in Fishman Street surrounded Nami and the others, but they did not dare to take action.

The shadow of the famous tree, as the pirate Nami with a bounty of over 100 million, their intimidating power should not be underestimated.

However, due to the deception of Hody Jones and the lack of information on Fish-Man Island, this group of minions had no fear.

But the cadres are different. One or two of them know their identities.

"Captain Hody, we are sure to take action against them. They are his partners."

Geo asked with a hint of anxiety in his tone.

Hody Jones had dead fish eyes, opened his mouth, exposed sharp teeth, and said ferociously.

"How can these low-level and despicable humans be the opponents of our noble fishmen? You forgot that we still have it."

Hody Jones spreads his big hand to reveal a bottle full of poison. Said with great confidence.

Although she wasn't quite sure what was going on, Xiaoya had already started defensive actions in advance.

Nami glanced at the surrounding fishmen with disgust, and asked the eldest prince beside her.

"Should His Highness give us an explanation?"

Shark Star said extremely apologetically: "Sorry Miss Nami, they are the new fish-man pirate group on the island. I'm really sorry to disturb you all."

Then he looked at Hody Jones and said sternly: "Hody Jones, what do you want to do? They are the companions of that adult. Do you want the entire Fish-Man Island to be buried with them?"

Hody Jones laughed maniacally.

"Is Prince Shark afraid of these inferior humans?"

"Don't worry about Shark Star. Let the others catch them. Don't forget how these inferior people treated us fishmen."

As Hody Jones's voice fell, these Fishman Street pirates were immediately ready to move.

"Stop, stop me, what do you want to do? They are guests of Fish-Man Island."

At this time, a fat blue man walked quickly, who could it be if it wasn't Jinbei.

Jinbei's chubby face was full of anxiety.

Hody Jones looked at Ji Ping who was running with no change in his expression, and said in a cold tone.

"Jinbei, you are no longer our boss. You have forgotten the glory of the Sun Pirates. You have forgotten how boss Aaron died."

"Do you know that Boss Aaron was killed by that man named Long Wu? Look at what you look like now? You look like a puppy with its tail curled up."


Jinbe interrupted the excited Hody Jones with a loud shout.

Then he said seriously.

"I told Aaron a long time ago not to hate humans. He himself committed an unforgivable sin. I am very sad about his death."

"Don't forget that I am his eldest brother, and don't forget the prophecy that Xia Li once gave him."

Listening to what Jinbe said, all the cadres looked at Hody Jones and asked.

"So what, don't forget how Boss Tiger died, come on."

(End of this chapter)

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