Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 183, finally meeting Bai Xing

Chapter 183, finally meeting Bai Xing

As the Two Stars returned, Neptune fell into silence as he looked at Daken IX tied into a rice dumpling on the ground.

Who would have thought that they actually caught Daken IX. What he said at the beginning was that Mu Ding and the others could not find Daken IX.

Who would have thought that it would only take so long for the other party to throw this guy in front of him.

Looking at Long Wu who looked expectant and even a little playful, Neptune sighed inwardly.

He stood up, took the knife and chopped off Daken IX's head without hesitation, and made a gesture to the guards.

Soon, groups of soldiers poured into the hall and cleaned up the corpses in front of them.

"Please, Master Long Wu, I will take you to see Bai Xing. Although I don't know where you know about Bai Xing, please don't leak it."

Neptune said helplessly. Immediately, a fierce momentum swept through the hall, and the aura of the superior was clearly revealed.

His eyes widened angrily, his beard turned upward, he stared at Long Wu, and spoke word by word.

"If you really can't keep your promise, I will never make it easy for you even if I risk my life."

"Okay, okay, I'll make you a promise. I'll never talk nonsense about Bai Xing."

Nipton's expression softened slightly after hearing this. He could still believe Long Wu's words. Although this guy didn't have a good reputation, he was very loyal to his promises.

Reluctantly, he walked out and said, "Follow me, I will take you to see Bai Xing."

After hearing this, Long Wu raised his eyebrows at Wu Ge and blinked, which meant that this matter should not be told.

But Wu Ge looked at Long Wu who was following Nipton and scratched his head with questions on his face. He didn't understand what was wrong with his master.

Neptune led Long Wu through the palaces, and finally stood in front of the hard-shell tower. He took a deep breath and shouted: "White Star, my father is here to see you."

Then he ordered the murloc soldiers to open the hard-shell tower, and several murlocs struggled to push the door of the hard-shell tower.

Bai Xing's huge body suddenly came into view. She stood upright, her face was filled with fear and anxiety, and she spoke in a waxy voice.

"Father, why are you here?"

Neptune stepped forward and hugged Bai Xing and said: "Baixing, you don't have to stay here anymore. I have captured the guy Daken IX."

"You can go out for a walk later."

"Really? Father."

A slightly surprised voice sounded, so soft and waxy that people couldn't help but feel soft.

So much so that Long Wu was interrupted from thinking when he saw Bai Xing.

The moment this guy saw Bai Xing, he had already imagined a TV series.

He was quite curious about how the little princess gave birth to Bai Xing? Is it egg-laying? But aren’t the fishmen born viviparously?
  But this thought disappeared the moment he raised his head, completely shocked by Shirahoshi's huge chest muscles.

A woman who was climbing a mountain once said to him, "Try to put on two extra kilograms of fat without getting tired."

Now he understands it deeply.

At this time, Bai Xing also noticed a strange look in his eyes, and looked down at Long Wu on the ground.

Then he timidly hid behind Neptune, sticking out his big head and looking at Long Wu timidly.

Neptune saw Shirahoshi's reaction and said reluctantly: "Shirahoshi, this is the captain of the Black Dragon Pirates, Ryuu Wu. It was with his help that Daken IX was captured."


"Is that so? Thank you Lord Longwu."

Shirahoshi hid behind Neptune but completely forgot that his huge body was even taller than Neptune.

After hearing Neptune's introduction, he bowed respectfully.

So that the deep gap was exposed in front of Long Wu, making him take a breath.

At the same time, he said: "For Princess Bai Xing to be able to come and go freely, this is nothing."

All right! In fact, he just wanted to fulfill his wish, but he had no idea about Bai Xing.

It's just the obsession left over from those years of chasing the Pirate King.

Now that people have seen it, they feel nothing, so they said to Neptune.

"King Neptune, I have something else to do so I won't stay any longer. I like today's reception very much."

"But as for the flag, I only have one condition, that is, the sea king must take action for me three times. If you don't agree, forget it." Long Wu held out three fingers and said in a slightly serious voice. Don't give Neptune any choice.

Neptune's eyes suddenly darkened, his eyebrows raised, and his majestic aura unconsciously exuded.

There was no doubt that Long Wu had touched his bottom line.

But Bai Xing doesn't know what's going on, after all, she doesn't know that she is Neptune yet.

It was just the first time I saw Neptune in full force and he was a little scared.

He carefully pulled the corner of Neptune's clothes and said weakly: "Father."

Neptune then put away all his momentum, looked at Bai Xing's frightened look and comforted him: "Bai Xing is fine."

Then he looked at Long Wu who was smiling and said, "Bai Xing can't master this power yet."

"Oh! That's it. So you agree?"

Long Wu heard the underlying meaning of his words and asked without hesitation.

Neptune nodded reluctantly.

"Yes, I agree, but she cannot be allowed to deal with the Four Emperors and the World Government."

"It's okay! It's okay! Who would let her do that kind of thing? It would be overkill."

Long Wu waved his hand and turned around and walked away without any regret, leaving behind a complicated face of Neptune and a bewildered Bai Xing.

Longwu, who walked out of the hard-shell tower, did not go back, but fluttered his wings and appeared on the battlefield of Nami and the others.

Watching the fish-man pirates disappearing on the ground with great interest, he hit him.

The originally arrogant Hody Jones on the ground now had bloodshot eyes. While he resented Daken IX in his heart, he also took a large amount of vicious medicine.

However, he was still knocked away by Tiris' hand and hit the ground unable to move for a long time.

The other murlocs had completely lost their will to fight and fled from here with frightened expressions on their faces.

The next moment, Long Wu, who was still in the air, appeared in front of Hody Jones. He looked at him in an extremely embarrassed state with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth and organ fragments spilling out from time to time.

He slowly squatted down, reached for a small wooden stick and poked him and said.

"Racial xenophobia is a common feature of every different race, but the weaker races have no right to speak."

"Tiger protects you so well, allowing you to live in a false world every day."

"Thinking that they are the superior race, haha, they are a bunch of guys who sit in a well and watch the sky."

"Do you know why Neptune didn't get rid of you directly?"

As soon as these words came out, Hody Jones' thoughts changed.

Holding back the fatal state of his body, he asked with difficulty: "What...what...what do you mean."

"Hey, poor guy, don't you understand? After all, you are still fishmen."

"He originally wanted to build you into a force that wears the title of pirate group but protects Fish-Man Island."

"Until the Shichibukai, Empress Boya Hancock, and you also have Jinbei."

"When it develops, at least there won't be any pirates poaching fishmen on Fish-Man Island."

Having said this, he looked at Hody Jones, whose expression was constantly changing, and continued.

"But he never expected that Jinbe, who inherited Tiger's loyalty, could not inherit your new fish-man pirate group."

"As a result, it fell into your hands and slowly developed into a cancer on Fish-Man Island."

"In order to prevent the vitality of Fish-Man Island from being damaged again, he has tolerated you again and again. I have to say that he is a good king."

"So now I have no choice but to plot against you. I don't want the soldiers in his hands to be lost due to civil war again."

"Otherwise, Fish-Man Island is just a place where people can come and leave whenever they want."

"Okay, you can go die, at least be a sensible person."

Long Wu, who was squatting on the ground, drew a trajectory with the wooden stick in his hand, ending Hody Jones.

(End of this chapter)

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