Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 184, 5 of the 1 True Immortals of Neon Country

Chapter 184, one of the five true immortals of Neon Kingdom
  Long Wu looked at Hody Jones, who was still staring at death, without raising his head, and continued.

"What? Jinbei, do you want to attack me?"

A thick blue figure behind him stood motionless, and the clenched fists around his waist showed that he was not at peace in his heart.

He slowly unclenched his fist and spoke calmly.

"I am not your opponent, and I don't want to cause trouble for you. I don't blame you for Aaron's death."

"I just didn't expect that the king would have such thoughts. He betrayed Princess Otohime's will."


Long Wu couldn't help laughing, and then said.

"Although I have never met the Princess Otohime, I can tell you that she is very innocent."

"She thinks she can gain recognition and tolerance from humans by being sincere?"

"It's the most ridiculous thing in the world. It will only send the entire Fish-Man Island to hell."

"Self-preservation is a problem and you don't think about anything else. A weak country has no diplomacy. Even if humans recognize you, no one in power will let go of this huge benefit."

Fatty Lan frowned and wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to do.

As if seeing his confusion, Long Wu stood up and patted his shoulder and said.

"Don't think too much, it has nothing to do with you now, right?"

At this moment, a white arm stretched out and restrained Long Wu with a chokehold.

At the same time, Nami's soft voice said with a hint of chill.

"What are you talking about? My Lord Longwu, isn't it convenient for you to accompany us? What are you doing now?"

Long Wu opened his arms helplessly and hugged Nami into his arms. Nami looked slightly panicked.

He scratched her nose and said, "Can you give me some space? I won't leave you. You don't have to tie me up at all times, okay?"

"You, you know everything."

Nami suddenly became a little sad. Long Wu said nothing and rubbed her head and said, "Let's go play! We will leave for the new world in two days."

"I'm afraid I won't have time to play by then. Relax now. Go ahead."

On the other side, Robin looked at the huge stone monument in front of him and murmured: "The King of the Sea, Poseidon, the King of Heaven, and Hades. It's really interesting to have disappeared for eight hundred years."

Leilei stood there like a guard, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

She never spoke too much, so even Robin, who could say a few words to her, had a very low sense of presence.

At this moment, Robin had no idea that Lei Lei's eyes behind him were filled with cold light, and a surging murderous intent began to fill the air.

Slowly raising his hand, a beam of yellow laser light condensed on his fingertips, as if it would penetrate Robin's body in the next second.

At this moment, an unnatural flash appeared in her eyes, a struggling expression appeared on her face, and the laser light in her hand gradually disappeared.

And she herself acted as if nothing had happened, although she felt like she had done something.

But he had no memory at all, and he couldn't help but frown.

In a certain world where ghosts are rampant, a huge python is entrenched on the top of a mountain made entirely of bones.

The whole body is dark, and the back of the body is covered with rib-like bone spurs. On the white jade seat on the head, a beautiful woman who looks like a snake and a scorpion is sitting sideways on it.

The head-on look was full of temptation. The huge murder weapon was barely covered by the only bit of clothing, and he was wrapped in a tights that looked like snakeskin.

If she were just looking at her figure, she would be every man's dream girl, but she was a skull, as if she had been placed on a corpse for no reason.

At this moment, two flames were beating violently in her empty eyes, and her right hand angrily hit the jade handrail.

"Damn Chinese people, those are obviously the only training grounds for our Yamato nation, you are going too far."

"If I hadn't noticed a trace of the soul, I'm afraid we would still be in the dark." Then I recalled the matter of controlling Leilei, and I was even more angry. With her third stage of immortality, the power of the true fairy of water could not control a little boy. Girl.

"Hey! It's all my fault that the Yamato people don't have such a deep foundation. Now is not the time to show off."

After saying this, he couldn't control his jealousy and said angrily: "God is really favoring them. There are more than 20 emperors, who can earn more than them."

"I think we, the Yamato nation, have tried our best to only have five immortals. The Bangzi country only has two immortals because its ancestors were their vassal countries."

"The Xiong Kingdom has used external forces to forcibly possess the combat power of two great emperors, which is still unstable. The Eagle Kingdom is even worse. It has barely used genetic technology to cultivate one great emperor, six immortals, and mass-produced incomplete monarchs."

"Fortunately, the plan was successful. Otherwise, I am afraid that the emperor of China at this time would not have exceeded a hundred."

Just then a voice sounded.

"Yo! I'm unhappy, just bear with it."

Hideto Meizi suddenly raised her head and saw that the world she was in was broken open, and a tough-looking young man sat cross-legged in the void.

The unknown barbecue was biting into his mouth, and the dripping grease quickly infected the darkness of this world.

The golden color visible to the naked eye began to spread, constantly disintegrating the original world.

Seeing this scene, Umeko Hidetou clenched her fists, suppressed the murderous intention in her heart, and said.

"I don't know why the Emperor is here."

The young man wiped the corners of his mouth and said unceremoniously: "If it hadn't been for the one who kept you, I would have beaten you to ashes."

"Let me tell you, that boy is our younger brother. Don't do any fucking tricks. You dare to touch even a ray of my sister-in-law's soul?"

"Do you know who she is? Just to remind you, the one who destroyed half of your country the first time she came back."

"If that person hadn't come out to stop you, you wouldn't even have a place to go back now. I'll teach you a lesson today."

After saying this, the young man disappeared instantly, leaving behind the gloomy Hidetome.

This world is also their place of trial. Darkness is the origin of this world. Now that the origin has been half destroyed, the world is almost ruined.

Although she doesn't care, cultivating dragon and king levels is inseparable from such a training ground.

In order to make up for the origin of this world, she reluctantly slapped the big snake that had accompanied her for countless eras.

"Hi, roar?"

The big snake stood upright in pain, its huge beast eyes full of disbelief.

It took a nap, why did its master kill him when he woke up?
  It slowly decomposed under the gaze of Hideto Umeko, turning into pure dark energy and slowly engulfing the gold in the sky.

She breathed a sigh of relief. This trial ground could not be lost, otherwise their formation would be disrupted.

Once the defense formation formed by the five true immortals in the world is disrupted, although the emperor may not care about it at that time, the indigenous true immortals will not spare these invaders.

The masters of the six major divine realms have already turned on the surveillance mode in a targeted manner, which means they are hiding very well.

Coupled with various transfers and replacements of the world, the other party will not find it.

As for the Tyrant Emperor's group? How many great emperors are there in the entire six divine realms? How could they come out to monitor, while they are all practicing cultivation?

How could the remaining people who are only at the first level of Principle Source find out that there is something hidden at the level of the Great Emperor.

This is also the reason why China is so confident. We don’t have many others but only great emperors. You must know that the big boss of the Six Domains is also in the Holy Sun Realm of Hunyuan Qi.

The Great Emperor is almost the top being in this huge world group.

So what Yingteng Meizi doesn't know is that there are nearly a thousand monarchs, hundreds of immortals, and only ten thousand dragons in China. There is no way the population base is too large.

In addition, there is someone covering it, you think it can't be much.

(End of this chapter)

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