Chapter 185, Jieyuan Spirit

Long Wu didn't know anything about the fact that he was being covered, but Xiao Hei knew very well. Where do you think the magic comes from?

It was researched by so many big guys above, and everything he has is the trophy of these big guys.

It's just that Long Wu is not qualified to know this yet.

And now he was looking at the big blue shark mermaid in front of him with a headache, Charlie, explained.

"Did you make a mistake? I didn't ask you for divination. I just drank a cup of coffee and you asked me to be responsible?"

Xia Li glanced sideways at Long Wu, took a puff from the pipe in her hand, puffed out the smoke, and spoke unhurriedly.

"That's right, it's you, the outsider. I did a divination for my incompetent brother Aaron once in the early years, and that person was not you."

After speaking, the huge body leaned down and blew out a puff of smoke at Long Wu with a sense of oppression.

Long Wu raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he hadn't expected it, but he didn't care. Are these important for absolute strength?

"Oh? So what do you want to express?"

He was just a little curious and came to take a look, and never expected to be entangled.

"Of course I can't do anything to you, but I can give you a piece of information from the future in exchange."

"Please, be sure, don't, let the Fish-Man Island float to the surface."

"Haha, interesting, what did you see?"

Long Wu laughed, then held his chin with one hand and stirred the coffee with a spoon in his hand. Regardless of Charlie, the coffee in front of him seemed to attract his attention more.

Charlie took a deep breath from the cigarette, exhaled the smoke, and said melancholy.

"Endless killing, all the mermaids on the island are almost extinct, leaving only the female mermaids alive lifelessly. Even if Princess White Star inherits such huge power, there is nothing she can do."

"That's all I saw, but what I can probably imagine is that our mermaid clan is imprisoned."

After hearing what Xia Li said, Long Wu took a sip of coffee and said.

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Mermaids or fishmen are too longing for life on the earth. They won't let it go if they have the opportunity. I can't control this."

Charlie nodded and then said.

"No, you can. No one dares to disobey your will. At the same time, I hope you can protect Fish-Man Island."

While speaking, he took out a somewhat abstract picture from his back and handed it to Long Wu.

After Long Wu took it, he looked at it carefully, but he didn't understand what it was.

There is an abstract figure in the painting. Nothing can be seen clearly, as if it is impossible to look directly at it, and it is constantly changing its shape.

But the moment this painting appeared, Xiao Hei's urgent voice appeared in his mind.

[Ask her where this thing is? Agree to her no matter what the conditions are. 】

Long Wu was startled by the sudden sound, but he still replied in his heart.

"What the hell is this."

Xiao Hei was silent, and then said in a soothing tone.

[This is the spirit bred by the origin of the realm. It is ever-changing, erratic, and impossible to find. 】

[But whoever gets it will achieve the highest status, and its benefits are incomparable to anything else. 】

[Anyway, I’ll find a way to get it. 】

Listening to Xiao Hei's emotional words, Long Wu felt a little confused for the first time. In the past, his answers were just mechanical.

He replied indifferently and suddenly spoke like this, which made Long Wu suspicious.

He thought that the other party was just a bunch of data, but now it seems that it may not be that simple.

He agreed for the time being and said to Charlie.

"I agreed, tell me where this thing is?"

Xia Li was not surprised that Long Wu would agree. She had already seen some things through the future.

In other words, what she saw was Long Wu on the boat pointing to the position marked on the chart, the picture placed next to it, and an excited Long Wu.

"That's probably all I know about Ravdru in the new world."

"I hope you didn't lie to me. You should know the consequences."

After saying that, Long Wu stood up with a slightly solemn look on his face, picked up the abstract painting, and disappeared into the coffee shop. At this moment, Charlie exhaled a puff of smoke and said fearfully: "This guy is really scary!"

After returning to the ship, Long Wu quietly waited for everyone to return. This was agreed upon at the beginning, and everyone would gather together to attend the dinner at the palace.

After finally coming here, of course I want to taste the delicious food of Fish-Man Island.

Finally, in the evening, everyone came back one after another, and at a glance they saw Long Wu sitting on the bow of the ship.

Luo's heart moved, and he obediently moved a table out of the cabin.

After being together for a long time, they already knew that as long as Long Wu was sitting on the bow of the boat without a fishing rod, he must have something to say.

Others also began to stop smiling, moved out chairs one by one, and sat down around the table.

After everyone was in place, Long Wu jumped down from the dragon's head and stood on the main seat.

He glanced around, stopped at Robin and said, "Robin, how much do you know about historical texts?"

Robin looked up at Long Wu with some differences. Normally, this guy didn't care about this kind of thing.

But since he asked, Robin would naturally tell him.

He said softly: "The historical texts I read all record some interesting humanistic stories. Only the one on Alabasta records something about Pluto's battleship."

"The history text of Fish-Man Island that I watched with Leilei today records things about Neptune. What's wrong, Captain?"

"When did you start paying attention to this kind of thing?"

Long Wu rubbed his temples and began to explain.

"There's something I really want near Ravdru, so our target isn't the Pirate King, but it doesn't make much difference."

"This time I will face the Four Emperors directly to obtain the historical text in their hands."

"I won't stay anywhere else for too long. Let's start assigning tasks now."

"Xiaoya, leave the Fish-Man Island and start storing a lot of food on the next island."

"Okay, Brother Longwu."

Long Wu threw a bracelet in front of Xiaoya.

"You can use this bracelet with just one drop of blood. There is a hundred cubic meters of space inside. Try to store it as full as possible. If you don't have enough money, ask Nami for it."

"Nami, is it okay?"

Longwu looked at Nami again and said.

"No problem, selling a little gold is enough." Nami replied confidently.

"Okay, next, Luo, you take Tiris to a place in Zuowu Country. There is a red historical text there. Just find a way to rub it."

"Meow! Why should I go with him?"

Tiris said dissatisfied.

Long Wu frowned slightly and looked at Tilis.

Tiris' heart skipped a beat and she waved her hands quickly.

"Oops! Got it, got it, I'll just go."

After speaking, he muttered softly.

"You know how to bully me."

Regardless of whether Tiris wanted it or not, he continued to look at Fujitora and the others.

"The rest began to prepare for war, the first stop is Auntie's Ten Thousand Kingdoms."

"I'm in charge of Big Mom, and Uncle Yixiao is in charge of the leader of the three generals, Charlotte Katakuri."

"Woog is responsible for Charlotte Cracker, and Reile is responsible for Charlotte Smoothie."

"Nami is responsible for Charlotte Perospero, and Xiaoya is responsible for Charlotte Owen. Xiaoya should pay attention to the fact that the other party is a person with the heat fruit ability, and find a way to kite him in the sky."

"Weiwei, you should be in charge of Charlotte Dafu. With your ability, you should be able to win."

"Robin, protect yourself. Although the remaining ones don't have much strength, they are numerous. Try to stay away from our war zone."

"Okay, that's it. The top level is enough. No matter how many other pirates there are, they are just minions and are nothing to worry about."

(End of this chapter)

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