Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 186, defeating the Dragon Palace

Chapter 186, defeating the Dragon Palace

After speaking, Long Wu clapped his hands and said: "That's all. Now pack up and go to the Dragon Palace. We have helped Neptune a lot this time, and we have to kill him no matter what."

After hearing this, Wu Ge touched his head and his face flushed. He was the person who inherited the origin of life and understood life better than anyone else.

Therefore, he knows how to return life, which is a bit embarrassing. How can I put it this way? He is also a big eater.

Even more edible than Luffy and Garp, but he has been suppressing it, especially Ryuwu who lost his temper because of Luffy.

So he usually only eats a small amount. Of course, in his eyes, it is a small amount, but in the eyes of others, it is calculated in terms of buckets.

But today, Nipton finally treated him to a treat, and since Ryutake was away, Fujitora was invited by Nipton again and was able to speak freely.

As a result, his originally grateful expression slowly turned into surprise, then shock, and finally sluggishness.

Just because this guy ate up all the food reserves in the Dragon Palace in just three hours, let’s put it this way, he could have done it faster if the chef hadn’t been unable to supply it.

So a guard hurriedly came to Nipton's side and whispered: "Your Majesty, go and see, that lord's apprentice has eaten all the food reserves in the palace."

"I still want to eat it now, but the palace really can't get it out."

When Neptune heard this, his face suddenly turned red and white. He originally thought that the evil was Long Wu, who coveted the White Star.

He never expected that his apprentice would go further than him. How much food he had in reserve in the palace would be enough for everyone to eat for five years.

He said angrily: "No more, no more, tell him that he is eating and let his master pay the bill for him."

When the guard heard this, he bowed and retreated.

After telling Wu Ge the original words, Wu Ge touched his head in embarrassment and stopped eating.

However, the sharp teeth in his mouth ruined his honest expression.

When the chef in the back kitchen heard that there was no need to cook, he fainted for the most part.

This was the reason why he was blushing, because he had already eaten up all the Dragon Palace.

He didn't dare to say it, for fear that Long Wu would beat him.

After all, my master always wanted to go out and do it. It was called training, but in reality, he wanted to give Nami, Robin and the others a beating when they got angry.

Others who suffered the same fate as him were Luo and Bebo. Fortunately, he at least had the combat power of a general so that he wouldn't be too miserable, but Luo Ke couldn't.

He wasn't so resistant to beatings that he had to lie down for a week at a time.

But in this environment, his strength has also improved by leaps and bounds, and he has reached the threshold of quasi-general strength.

While watching Dragon Palace, Neptune's face was extremely dark, but he still bought some food from outside.

The chefs who had just woken up were asked to cook again, so that some of the chefs who had just woken up thought they were dreaming and fainted again.

Most of the remaining chefs have also developed their own inner shadows and become chefs who cook until they vomit.

They never imagined that one day they would hate this profession so much.

On the other side, Long Wu looked at the girls in cool clothes, and a touch of warmth crossed their noses, which scared him and touched his nose hurriedly.

After discovering that there was no nosebleed, I breathed a sigh of relief. I really couldn't blame him.

It's just that they were dressed too cool, and their sexy waists and charming long legs were all exposed.

Fortunately, his concentration was much stronger and he gave a slight "cough".

"Xiaoya, let's go."

"Yes, Brother Longwu."

Xiaoya responded after hearing the words, and then the iron plate under her feet levitated out of thin air, carrying Long Wu and his party forward in a mighty manner towards the Dragon Palace.

When they arrived at the Dragon Palace, they saw that there was no fishman in the Dragon Palace, and they were filled with doubts until Neptune walked out of it calmly. He looked like someone owed him eight million, and he was angry.

"The party has started. Let's go."

Long Wu raised his eyebrows, wondering what kind of medicine he had taken to make him no longer afraid of him.

Touching his chin thoughtfully, but finding nothing, Suoxing waved his hand and led the team in.

What came into view was a huge table. Long Wu and the others looked a little pitiful in front of this table.

The table was filled with all kinds of food, as well as a dozen huge dinner plates, which were obviously Neptune's food.

The king brought his three princes and the timid Bai Xing. When he saw the mermaid princess, even Luo, who had never been lewd, was a little surprised.

At this time, Wu Ge also understood the meaning of the master's meaningful words that day.

This feeling of overflowing protectiveness is really heartwarming.

Nami frowned slightly when she saw this scene, and stepped on Long Wu's foot unconsciously.

This move successfully brought Long Wu's attention back to Nami, and he pinched her face in a bit of amusement.

He whispered: "What are you thinking about? How old is she? How old am I? What can I think about her?"

Nami's face turned red when she heard this, she quietly put her feet back, stepped forward and sat on the dining table with Long Wu in her arms.

Others also sat down one after another. Following Neptune's instructions, various drinks were served to the table, and the banquet began.

The only one who didn't fit in was Wu Ge. His usual energy to eat was gone, and now he was eating slowly and gracefully.

There was an awkward feeling about him, but no one paid much attention to him.

The next day, only Long Wu was sitting on the messy table, staring at the sky in boredom.

At the same time, all the attributes on the panel flashed before his eyes. For such a long time, he didn't know how he practiced. Everyone had a technique or something.

He has nothing. His soul power automatically increases in Douluo Continent, and his transformation into supernatural energy also increases unknowingly.

He can only attribute everything to the help of the system, but his system is not the same. People always give him this and that.

There is a task every day, but he doesn't have anything. Sometimes he suspects that this is a fake system.

But looking at the level increasing again, and feeling a bottleneck. I still checked all my information.

Name: Long Wu

Age: 20 (four years of life expectancy)

Realm: Level 89 Soul Saint (eighth level)

Soul ring: purple, purple, black, black, red, light gold (soul rings are being superimposed) The rules of the world change, and the soul rings break and merge into the body.

Martial Spirit: Super Beast Arms (eight statues, second form activated)
  Soul Curse: Fusion of belief phantoms, (eight saints, no need to recite them) can communicate with powerful people who exist in the dark.

Artifact: Throne of Technology (the highest crystallization of a certain technological civilization!!!) The information is unknown and you can explore it by yourself

Weapon: Dragon pattern alloy Tang knife
  Sword Technique: (Cangtian Ba ​​Dao) inheritance initiation.

Soul skills: Fire Cloud Art, Cold Shadow Art, Running Thunder Art, Death Moon Tribulation, Tsunami Tribulation, Seven Injury Tribulation, Shining Spirit Art, Time Rewind.

Talent: Overlord color and domineering energy have just entered the extreme realm, and the knowledge and color is advanced.

Star Wish: Ask for divine magic (comprehension of stargazing rituals, system changes) to summon powerful people from time to bless you. (Note! It requires the same belief or a certain event to be recognized by a strong person.)
  Extraordinary energy: 0.16 black holes (extraordinary energy form)
  God's Heritage: In the third stage, defeated a ninety-three-level titled Douluo (a strong person in the eighth stage), received five hundred thousand year soul rings and one attribute soul ring. (The world is suppressing)
  Although there were many question marks, he also knew that he was not qualified to know yet, but at least he had a direction.

First lay down the new world and integrate the origin of the Dao realm. Then I'm afraid you will be qualified to know.

(End of this chapter)

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