Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 187, New World, Blackmail

Chapter 187, New World, Blackmail

At noon, the group of people were completely awake, standing on the boat, and disappeared into Fish-Man Island in Bai Xing's Nunuo tone of farewell.

In the new world, a ship suddenly appeared on the calm sea. It was Long Wu and his party. Nami skillfully took out the pointer and the chart of the new world.

Then he said: "Long Wu, we need to change the pointer. This pointer is not the pointer that goes directly to the Ten Thousand Kingdoms. If we move forward one by one, we won't be able to reach it in a short time."

Yes, the New World also has charts, otherwise it would be so easy to go wherever you want just by relying on the pointer.

It's just that it's not comprehensive, or it only has a chart of a certain area, and others will only use the pointer to go to the designated place.

As for Xiaoya, who has the ability of Piao Piao Fruit, as long as she wants to, she can use the pointer to move forward in a straight line between two points.

Although there are not many islands in the new world, there is no need to waste this time for the eager Long Wu.

Although Long Wu and the others had no pointers, fortunately, they could not trouble Long Wu.

Long Wu took out a phone and dialed.

"Blue, blue, blue."

In the New World Dressrosa, Doflamingo was interrupted by the sound of a phone bug while he was tasting red wine.

The veins on his forehead popped out unconsciously, and the tall wine glass in his hand instantly shattered into pieces, with the bright red wine flowing through his fingers to the ground.

He took the phone bug and said.

"Fu, fu, fu, who are you?"

On the other hand, Long Wu said unhurriedly.

"Hey, Doflamingo, how long has it been since you didn't remember me?"

Doflamingo narrowed his eyes when he heard the somewhat familiar voice.

"What would make the famous Captain Longwu come to me?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just need a pointer to go directly to Wanguo. You should be able to get it."

Doflamingo suddenly exploded with energy and said coldly.

"Who are you ordering? I'm not your subordinate."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

On the other side, Long Wu's face darkened and he called again, this time waiting for Doflamingo to pick up the phone again.

Long Wu's cold voice reached Ming Ge's ears with a chilling air.

"I advise you not to be ungrateful, otherwise I won't mind killing the youngest girl next to you, so that the control you have held for so many years will instantly collapse."

Brother Ming's eyes were filled with murderous intent when he heard this.

"Fu, fu, fu, are you threatening me?"

"So what if I threaten you? Don't think that I can't do anything to you with Kaido protecting you. I don't mind going directly to Punk Hassard and killing the gas man."

Doflamingo's eyes were full of confusion and murderous intent. He didn't know why the other party knew all his secrets and captured his vital points again and again.

The veins on his forehead protruded, but he suppressed his anger and said.

"Very good, I'll remember you. Wait, I'll have your stuff delivered to you, but I'd like to remind you that Punk Hassad's stuff belongs to Kaido."

Long Wu smiled disdainfully and said, "I'm afraid of Kaido? Are you okay with your brain?"

After saying that, Doflamingo hung up the phone without waiting for him to finish.

On the other side, Brother Ming put down the phone bug in his hand, swept the things off the table, and smiled with a sinister expression.

"Who do you think you are? If you dare to provoke Kaido and Big Mom, fu, fu, fu, I'll see how you die."

However, he also remembered Long Wu's threats to him, and sent someone to arrange Sugar to a safe place.

Sugar is an important means for him to stabilize Dressrosa. After all, those toys that will always be forgotten are precious and free of labor.

After pondering for a while, he shouted to the door: "Come here, call Buffalo and baby-5."

A guard at the door responded hurriedly.

"It's the young master."

Doflamingo, on the other hand, took out a box from the cabinet on the side, placed it on the table and opened it. What came into view were the eternity hands.

They were marked and lay quietly inside. They took out the pointer with the mark of all nations and then closed the box and put it back in its place. The Don Quixote family's arms business has been very large in recent years, and almost half of the entire New World's arms supply comes from here.

So the eternal pointer is naturally available everywhere, after all, it has to be delivered.

Soon two figures, one fat and one thin, walked in. Baby-5 shouted as soon as they entered.

"Young Master, what do you want us to do?"

Brother Ming sat at the table, put the pointer on his hand on the table, and said to baby-5.

"I need you and Buffalo to go to the entrance of the new world and give the pointer to the Black Dragon guy."

When baby-5 heard this, he immediately got sick and said, "Ah! I'm needed. Okay, young master, let's go right away."

The veins on Brother Ming's forehead were throbbing violently. He felt helpless towards Baby-5 and said, "Buffalo, give him the things and leave immediately. Let Baby-5 cover you. That guy might kill you."

When Buffalo heard this, he smiled stupidly and said in a loud voice: "Don't worry, young master."

Watching the two people leaving, Brother Ming lay back, crossed his legs and thought for a moment, took out a phone bug, and called.

"Buru buru buru, kaga."

A fierce voice came from the other end of the phone.

"JOKER? What's the matter? When will the devil fruit be delivered?"

"Fu, fu, fu, don't worry, I have news you want to know more."

"Oh, hey, hey, hey, JOKER, you kid, do you want to die?" Kaido looked unhappy as his appetite was whetted.

Brother Ming knew that if he didn't say anything anymore, I'm afraid this madman wouldn't listen.

"That brat from the top of the war has come to the new world. Kaido, haven't you been looking for him?"

"The guy who calls himself Black Dragon."


A violent noise appeared on the phone, apparently Kaido smashed something again.

"Tell me where he is?"

Brother Ming grinned, and an uncontrollable smile crawled onto his cheeks.

"The entrance to the new world, I'm afraid you can catch up if you go now. If you go late, that guy will go to Auntie's territory."

"toot toot"

Brother Ming was stunned for a moment, and then put away the phone bug. He knew that the guy must be eager to leave.

In Wano Country, Onigashima, a huge dragon shadow rushed into the sky. The three disasters on the island looked at Kaido who had disappeared, and they were not only confused.

"Where is the Governor going?"

But soon he went to do his own thing indifferently. After all, who is Kaido? A fierce man who can't even be contained in Impel Down City, his reputation as the strongest creature is not for nothing.

After all, nothing would happen to this guy if he fell into the sea, he couldn't be locked by the Sea Tower Stone, and he couldn't be beaten to death because he was thick-skinned and thick-skinned. Even the navy couldn't do anything to him, but no one could do anything to him.

An hour later, in the sky, Buffalo appeared in the sea with baby-5, and he spotted the flying black dragon flag in the distance.

With a dive, the two of them stood firmly on the deck. Buffalo put the things on the table respectfully and turned to leave.

But when he saw Luo's baby-5, he rushed forward and slapped Luo on the head, shouting.

"Luo, you dare to betray the young master. Come back with me and admit your mistake to the young master."

Luo raised his head fiercely and glared at baby-5 with a fierce look on his face. She was so frightened that she quickly hid behind Long Wu.

This made Long Wu full of questions, where the hell are you from? Hide behind me? Is there any mistake?

However, looking at Luo who was in a daze, Long Wu didn't point out that baby-5 was hiding behind him.

He said to Baffaro: "You can leave."

When Buffalo heard this, he trembled and looked at baby-5 involuntarily, indicating that it was time for her to leave.

Realizing that something was wrong, Baby-5 quickly walked towards Buffalo and disappeared into the sky under Luo's complicated eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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