Chapter 101 Millions of World Lords
  "Puta, the last time there were more than 131 million world owners participating in this elementary auction, do you think it will be exceeded this time?" The iron tower man in front of Luo Yuan and the four people, whose whole body seemed to be burning with flames, said in a low voice. .

"Well, it will definitely exceed it. It is said that this year there will be a quota to enter the 'Initial Universe' for enlightenment. This quota... is the quota for the Realm Master. The highest limit can be for the Realm Master to enter the enlightenment. Many immortal strongmen have come over and want to buy it. This quota. Just because of this quota, there will definitely be a lot of Realm Lords coming this time." In front of the iron tower giant, the man covered in robes said hoarsely.

Luo Yuan and the four of them were like huskies blending into a pack of ferocious wolves, carefully listening to where these big guys were talking.

Initial universe? When Luo Yuan heard these four words, he couldn't help but smile expectantly. With his current background, it was possible for him to compete for the first place in the subsequent cosmic genius competition.

His ten major fields have all reached the ninth level. If he picks up another wave of attributes among the hundreds of billions of geniuses, he should be able to directly break through to the "world" level, and may even merge into the legendary "chaos world". Once his "world" opened up, those geniuses became meat and potatoes on his chopping board, at his disposal.

This does not include the power of the ten laws that Luo Yuan picked up, but there are really very few geniuses who understand the laws at the stellar level and the cosmic level. Luo Yuan has challenged the first and second levels of the cosmic level in the decisive battle space of the virtual universe. For super geniuses, the total power of the law they picked up is only a dozen strands. As for those star-level geniuses, most of them have only touched the threshold of the law.

If Luo Yuan's code name "Demon King" hadn't been famous in this duel space and he had mastered power in multiple fields, those first- and second-level super geniuses at the universe level wouldn't have bothered to pay attention to his application for a duel.

Luo Yuan feels that he is very close to breaking through to the cosmic level. With his powerful background, he doesn't know what the cosmic world formed in his body will be like after the breakthrough, especially what changes will occur in his eight dantians. He is also full of expectations.


Some of the world leaders next to them knew each other and were talking about those topics, but Luo Yuan and the four of them blinked in silence.

"These four little brothers, which family and organization do you belong to?" A team next to Luo Yuan and the four of them, a lean one-eyed man beside them, greeted the four of Luo Yuan with a smile.

"No family, no organization." Luo Yuan replied simply.


The one-eyed man nodded and did not ask further questions.

From the temperament alone, you can actually tell the strength of many people around you... With a large group of world masters around, it is easy to find that Luo Yuan and the four of them are relatively weak little guys. However, in this situation, the more powerful they are, the more powerful they are. The weaker you are, the less you can offend this little guy. Because you can become a three-star customer if you are weak, the background is usually very scary!

"Hello, gentlemen, welcome to this session of the Qianwu Auction. This is your seat number."

Luo Yuan took a token and saw that there was a translucent screen on the black token. There was a seat number on the screen - KND99287. Luo Feng, Hong and Lei Shen were called because they came with Luo Yuan. I was assigned a seat next to me.


"It's so big!" Entering the auction hall, Luo Yuan and the other two were in a semi-stunned state.

The entire auction hall is like a 'football field' on Earth, with densely packed stands all around... However, there are too many seats in this auction hall.

Each seat is six meters wide and ten meters high. What a huge seat. There are 300 million seats arranged in a ring, and it is almost impossible to see the end at a glance. It's like a world made up of countless seats. The seats are designed to be large, mainly for the many large customers.

Luo Yuan and the others found the number carvings on their seats and sat on them.

The six-meter-wide seat is bigger than my own bed.

Countless seats…

Discussions echoed throughout the auction hall, as if countless gods were talking. “So many realm masters?” The four of them held their breath.

"The Ganwu Universe Kingdom has more than 13,000 star regions! For example, the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region has nearly a hundred realm lords! Then the entire Ganwu Universe Nation...on average, there are more than one million realm lords! And! In fact, because of the teachings of many immortal beings, the probability of producing a Realm Lord in Qianwu Universe Kingdom is higher. There are millions of Realm Lords in Qianwu Universe Kingdom," Luo Yuan said.


Three hours later.


A clear voice spread instantly and echoed throughout the entire auction hall. The vast auction hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone consciously stopped talking.

Luo Yuan and the others looked towards the center of the auction hall.

An old man with a bald head and a black tortoise shell on his back stood in the center of the auction hall, and a 'three-dimensional shadow' of this old man nearly a kilometer high appeared in the sky.

"Welcome everyone to this Qianwu Auction, and thank you for your strong support from Virtual Universe Company, First Bank of the Universe, Universe Galaxy Bank, Giant Ax Arena, Cosmic Mercenary Alliance, and Qianwu Universe Country." The old man said with a smile. , "I believe many people know me. You can call me Lao Ba Tuo. This time, Lao Ba Tuo will still host this top event for everyone!!!"

"The last dry witch auction had 1316038 participants, and the statistics for this auction have just come out. Do you many people were there?"

"1823959 people! 182 million, more than 50 more than last time."

Suddenly there was a roar like waves in the entire auction hall.

The minimum that can come here is a three-star customer...

Among the densely packed seats, Luo Yuan smacked his lips and sighed secretly: "In the Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory, my wealth can be ranked among the top 100, but in the entire Ganwu Universe Country..." Different statuses can see different things. Same. Those who have not reached the three-star customer threshold are not eligible to participate in this dry witch auction.

"No more nonsense!"

"The official time for this auction will be held soon. Before the auction officially starts, as a rule, we will have an auction first as a warm-up." The old man in the turtle shell pointed to the side, and a huge screen suddenly appeared next to it. A beautiful and imaginary cosmic galaxy appeared on the planet, and galaxies passed by. There were many life planets in each galaxy, and there were also many strong people in the life planets.

"This is the Tana Star Territory!"

"We are a small star field at the bottom of the more than 668 star fields in Ganwu Universe. The entire star field has a total of galaxies. Before, it was the territory of an immortal strongman. However, this immortal existence We are preparing for a life-and-death adventure, so we have to sell off the entire star field. Therefore, the hot auction of our auction is this star field - Tana Star Field!" The old man in the turtle shell shouted loudly.

There was a commotion in the auction hall.

Luo Yuan and the other four people sitting on the huge seats were also a little shocked: "Tana Star Territory? Auctioning a star territory as soon as you arrive?"

It should be noted that the ‘Silver Blue Empire’, the primary civilization in the universe, only has eight galaxies. Although the Tana star field is a small star field, there are still more than 600 galaxies.

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(End of this chapter)

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