Chapter 102 The Divine Weapon

"Tana Star Territory!"

"An independent star field can be protected by the Ganwu Universe Kingdom as long as it does not establish a country."

"Such a star field can definitely be the foundation of a family's inheritance for hundreds of millions of years! It can cultivate warrior bases and slave galaxies. There are only so many star fields in the entire universe country, and even fewer come to auction. Now Everyone, start bidding. The base price is 300 Hunyuan units." Old Turtle Shell shouted loudly, "Each bid increase needs to be an integer multiple of the Hunyuan units."

Suddenly, a line of numbers appeared on the big screen next to it - "300 Hunyuan Units".

"400 Hunyuan units."

Prices soared immediately.

Luo Yuan held the black token and looked at the large central screen in the distance. The numbers on the big screen were constantly refreshing, but he was not very interested in this. He was only interested in treasures that could help him improve his strength, and he is now Can't afford it either.

"1000 Hunyuan units, three seconds to count down, 3, 2, 1... Congratulations to guest number KBR38293, you have captured the Tana Star Territory and become the master of the Tana Star Territory." The voice of the old man in the turtle shell was extremely loud, "This The official start time of the 58st Qianwu Auction, there are not many left, 57, 10...9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, !"

The sound was booming, like a god.

The entire center of the auction hall became extremely dazzling, and the light reflected on the faces of the strong men sitting on the huge seats around them.

"This auction has officially begun!"

"Now is the first batch of auction items. On your auction tokens, you can see the 1000 auction items that are about to be auctioned. If you want to buy, please be prepared and prepare to bid." The old man in the turtle shell shouted loudly, "Now is the first item - 92 metal life forms from the Berna tribe."


One by one, the auction items were auctioned off like running water.

The lowest transaction price is tens of billions of universe coins, and the normal transaction price is several thousand universe coins.

The four of them, Luo Yuan, sat on their seats and watched the precious treasures that were put up one by one being taken away by others. They went from shock at the beginning to numbness now, and then they felt helpless because there were not many things he could afford.

"Lanco Fruit is the best item for cultivating spiritual beasts and plant life. Even if you are seriously injured, taking Lanco Fruit will have a therapeutic effect. 100 Lanco Fruits are one unit. There are a total of 39 units of Lanco Fruit here, each unit The lowest bid is 1000 billion universe coins.”

Luo Yuan, Luo Feng, and Hong suddenly became interested. This Lanke fruit has a very good cultivation effect on Moyun Vine.


Luo Yuan finally spent almost 2 trillion universe coins to buy twelve units of Lanco Fruit, and Luo Feng and Hong also bought two units of Lanco Fruit.

Auction items rushed by.

The various auction items are dazzling, and taking out one item is enough to drive the domain owners crazy. However, at this top event in the Qianwu Universe Kingdom, more than one million realm owners gathered, including some immortal beings, but they were not lenient when it came to quoting prices.

Three consecutive batches of items, a total of 3000 items, were sold quickly.

"This is the fourth batch of auction items. On your auction tokens, you can see the 1000 items that will be auctioned below. If you see those you want to auction, please be prepared." The old man in the turtle shell still said with a smile.

Suddenly there was silence in the auction hall.

Countless powerful men on the throne looked at the 1000 items that were about to be auctioned on the tokens in their hands.

Luo Yuan looked carefully at the auction token screen in his hand, and soon saw one of the items - the Divine Weapon, and he couldn't help but smile.

Click lightly to see detailed information about the Yanshen Weapon. Yanshen Weapon: One of the nine magic weapons controlled by spiritual masters, the full name is 'Huntian Yan' or 'Nine-level Huntian Yan'. The ordinary form of the Yanshen Weapon is a long dark gold stick, containing 10081 thin as Each of Cicada Wing's golden swords contains extremely mysterious secret patterns of the original law.

The controller has nine magic weapons, eight of which are the eight original laws of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and light combined with one of the two laws of 'time' or 'space' Seed, produced.

The 'Evolution Divine Weapon' is a divine weapon created by merging the two original laws of 'gold' and 'space', and is extremely powerful.

The Yan Shen Weapon is divided into nine forms.

One level is more powerful than the other, and the difficulty of control is also rising.

The Yanshen Weapon is both the strongest and the weakest.

The strongest is because it has nine levels of form, each one more abnormal than the other.

It is the weakest because it is too difficult to use. For people with poor understanding, it is not as effective as using other ordinary telepathy weapons. However, Luo Yuan is not worried. There are still many geniuses in the universe who use the Divine Weapon. Luo Yuan can just pick up their proficiency in the decisive battle space.

"Luo Feng, this Evolution Divine Weapon is good and not expensive. There are nine pieces in total. How about we both get one?" Luo Yuan smiled at Luo Feng next to him.

"Well, it's indeed good. It's very suitable for our spiritual master controllers!" Luo Feng said with a smile, staring at the introduction of the Divine Weapon on the screen, his eyes shining.

As time passed, each expensive weapon attracted bids again and again in the vast auction hall, and was quickly bought by strong men from various star regions. More than 99% of the people present are Realm Lords, and the others are a few big figures and immortal beings with backgrounds!
  "The auction item below is the Yanshen Weapon!"

"Everyone must be very clear about the power of the Yan Shen Weapon, one of the nine divine weapons of the controller! Many world lord controllers are often troubled. After realizing the breakthrough of the original law, the telepathy weapons in their hands cannot exert their power. The strongest strength! But when you use the Divine Weapon, you absolutely don’t have to worry about this."

"I'm not afraid that it won't be enough for you to perform, but I'm afraid that you won't be able enough."

"The Divine Weapon, the ninth level form. If you can display the ninth level and traverse the vast universe, not only the many cosmic nations of mankind, but also other mechanical tribes, monster beast tribes and even starry behemoths, I am afraid you will have a hard time finding a match. Ah." The old man in the turtle shell said loudly, "Okay, let's start bidding now. There are nine pieces of the Divine Weapon in total. The highest nine bids will win the bid. The base price is 5000 billion cosmic coins!"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the numbers on the screen kept jumping, and the ninth-ranked quote was displayed on one side of the screen.


Prices skyrocketed.

"What should I do?" Luo Feng next to him was a little anxious.

"Don't be anxious, calm down." Luo Yuan said calmly.

The quotations began to slow down after reaching 36000 trillion. It is obvious that the money of the powerful world masters does not fall from the sky.

"36200 trillion cosmic coins." Luo Yuan directly entered the quotation.

Seeing this, Luo Feng quickly lost an offer of 36112 billion universe coins.

The final ninth-ranked offer was 36101 billion Cosmic Coins.

"The ninth-ranked offer is 36101 billion cosmic coins. Three seconds down, 3...2...1...Congratulations to the nine guests, you have become the owners of this 'Evolution God Weapon'!" the old turtle shell said loudly. , "Let's continue, the next auction item is..."

Luo Yuan looked at the line of words on the black token screen in his hand - 'Congratulations, guest number KND99287, you have won a piece of Yanshen Weapon. Please be prepared to sign and pay after this batch of auction items is over.'

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(End of this chapter)

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