Chapter 103 Got something
  After about an hour, all the auction items were sold out.

Luo Yuan also paid and agreed on the delivery location of the Yan Shen Bing in reality.

"Now is the fifth batch of auction items. On your auction tokens, you can see the 1000 items that will be auctioned below. If you see those you want to auction, please be prepared." The voice of the old man in the turtle shell echoed in the vast auction. In the hall, the realm owners on countless thrones in the auction hall all lowered their heads to watch the auction tokens.

Luo Yuan also looked down and took a look.

"Damn! Fruit of life?" Luo Yuan couldn't laugh or cry. There was a fruit of life among the 1000 auction items.

There are 5000 fruits of life with a base price of 12 billion cosmic coins.

The final transaction price of the Fruit of Life was 28609 billion cosmic coins! They were cheaper than Yan Shen Weapon, so Luo Yuan bought three of them in one go.

In the next auction, precious treasures appeared one after another. Luo Yuan only bought some skills related to the ten major fields. The rest were either things Luo Yuan couldn't afford, or things he didn't need. But Luo Yuan didn't care. He now has realm lord-level equipment and an immortal-level spaceship. The fruits he bought can help Moyundeng increase its strength to realm lord level or above.

"Even if you don't buy it, it's good to take a look." Luo Yuan smiled, holding the auction token, looking at the 1000 items displayed on the token, and clicking on an item at will to view its detailed information.

The detailed information on precious items is indeed eye-opening.

Luo Yuan learned many secret things in the universe.

A dry witch auction usually lasts about ten days, sometimes a little longer, sometimes a little shorter.

Each batch of 1000 items is auctioned and lasts from 3 to 6 hours, varying in length.

The tenth day of the dry witch auction.

In the huge auction hall, a large number of world owners were sitting on the Million Throne, all looking at the host in the center.

"A total of 50 batches of auction items, a total of 5 items, have all been auctioned." Old Turtle Shell laughed loudly, "Now is the final climax of this auction - the auction of the final 100 items. This final auction, every Each item is either unique or extremely precious, and the auction base price of each item is always 0!"

The end of the auction - the grand finale auction - is about to begin.

The first final item was a piece of gold leaf from the ancient Kras tree, which was sold for tens of thousands of high-level Hunyuan units. Luo Yuan and the other four could only look at it. Even if they had the money to buy it, they would not need it for the time being.

The next auction item was the skin of a member of the Demon Killing Clan, which was finally bought by Luo Feng for 39000 trillion cosmic coins.

Luo Yuan looked at Luo Feng's excitement, smiled and said through smart voice transmission: "Luo Feng, you bought this, aren't you buying this for the Golden Horned Behemoth's clone skill?"

Luo Feng was stunned when he received the message from Luo Yuanfang, and also smiled and said: "Haha, you found out, I plan to let the golden-horned giant beast use the skin of the demon-slaying clan member to create a demon-slaying clone, so that I can do it again. There’s an extra helper.”

"Oh, you didn't plan to seize the body of this golden-horned giant beast? You can let him give birth to a clone that is exactly the same as your human body?" Luo Yuan asked with interest.

"Hey, third brother, why do you, like Babata, keep urging me to seize the body of this golden-horned giant beast? I won't consider it unless I have to, and I am a pure human being. I don't want to change like this. As a beast, now this golden-horned giant beast has been completely enslaved by me. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is my external incarnation. My "Soul Seal" can even temporarily project my consciousness onto this golden-horned giant beast. Understand its original laws and realm of gold." Luo Feng said in a message.

"Okay, that's good too."

Luo Yuan smiled. He was originally a little worried that Luo Feng would slow down his strength improvement because he did not have the Golden Horned Behemoth. Now it seems that he has overthought it. Luo Feng deserves to be the protagonist, even without the Golden Horned Behemoth. With his talent, he can stand at the pinnacle of the universe.

Especially with the help of Luo Yuan, Luo Feng improved much faster than in the original plot. As the auction progresses, it is gradually coming to an end.

This dry witch auction attracted more than half of the powerful people in the dry witch universe. Even some immortals from other cosmic countries came to participate!

The emperor of a certain empire, the leader of a certain organization, and even the Immortal Lord of a certain divine country were all just participants in the auction, and the main purpose of many people with extremely high status in participating in this auction was to get the most important item. ’s finale auction item.

"Everyone, so far in this auction, 99 items have been auctioned in the finale auction." The old man with a smile on his face, his voice echoed throughout the auction hall, "Only the last item in the finale auction is left! This auction is completed , then this dry witch auction will officially end."

"I believe everyone can't wait. In fact, I, old Ba Tuo, am also impatient to wait." The voice of the old turtle shell suddenly became high-pitched, "Now!!!"

"I solemnly announce that this is the last auction item - a quota for initial universe enlightenment!" The old turtle shell's eyes were dazzling and his voice was loud, "A realm lord level quota! This is a quota for entering the initial universe enlightenment. I believe All the Realm Lords present, Immortal, know very well how precious such a quota is!"


The entire auction hall was completely boiling. Although the news had been released for a long time, the whole venue was still boiling when I heard that the last auction item really had this quota!

Luo Yuan and the others felt the sudden surge of enthusiasm in the auction house and became interested, although they could only take a look.

This initial quota of cosmic enlightenment was finally sold for 37000 Hunyuan units. Luo Yuan and the four people really felt their poverty this time.

"Congratulations to Guest No. TUF49903, you have obtained a World Master-level quota to enter the initial universe! I wish you the birth of a new immortal!" The voice of the old turtle shell was high-pitched, "In this auction, all the auction items All auctions have been completed. Thank you for your support. I, Old Bato, solemnly announce that this officially over!!!"

When Luo Yuan and the other four saw that the world masters were preparing to leave, they also stood up and walked toward the exit. Soon, the four of them followed the server's guidance and quickly reached the teleportation point.

Luo Yuan stepped into the teleportation point. While teleporting, he also looked back at the floating island...

On the floating island are a group of extremely respectful servers at the universe level, as well as realm masters who are even immortal! This trip felt like a dream.

  The figure disappeared.

The consciousness of the four people returned to the earth.


At the Qianwu Auction, fifteen days after the end, Luo Yuan got his lots, which were packed in large boxes, and he opened them one by one.

There are several crystal-clear boxes inside, and in each box there is an extremely delicate fruit with dewdrops on the surface - the Lanko fruit. Although this Lanko fruit is not as good as the life fruit, it is a Lanko fruit. It is also worth a thousand living planets.

One box contains three life fruits, and another box contains various skill books.

Stored in the last box is a dark golden strange long stick, which is one of the nine divine weapons of the spiritual master controller! Luo Yuan knelt down and reached out to touch the dark golden strange long stick. He felt the extreme coldness passing through the metal, and couldn't help but feel expectant in his heart.

This divine weapon will accompany him for thousands of years!
  ps: Dear readers, please subscribe, please reward, please vote monthly, and please collect. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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