Chapter 105 Heavenly Sword Style

"What, the third level of the Yanshen Weapon, hahaha, are you blocking the ground?" The bald young man in black robe couldn't help laughing after hearing Luo Yuan's words.

"Oh, you, the fourth-level cosmic-level, were beaten like a lost dog by my ninth-level star-level, and you still have the nerve to say this. If you hadn't mastered the third level of the Divine Weapon, I would have killed you directly! Luo Yuan sneered.

"Arrogant boy, you are at the third level of the Divine Weapon, right? I will help you. Ever since I used this move, I still have a chance to defeat even a ninth-level cosmic-level being."

After the black-robed bald young man finished speaking, he activated the third level of the Divine Weapon—the Heavenly Sword Style—with a thought!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!
  Nine golden swords rose up behind him, and at the same time dazzling golden light burst out from his body. The golden light spread around like waves, and then quickly wrapped around the rising nine golden swords. The nine golden swords were like a big The base of the formation!

The golden threads burst out and connected with each other, and the golden sword energy burst out with the nine golden swords as the center. For a moment, the spherical space with a radius of 300 meters with the black-robed bald young man as the center became a dazzling world of sword energy. , countless golden sword energies wandered vertically and horizontally in this spherical space.

Call it slow.

In fact, when the nine golden swords rose, they quickly formed a spherical space.

"The third level of the divine weapon - Heavenly Sword style proficiency +1"

"The third level of the divine weapon - Heavenly Sword style proficiency +1"

"The third level of the divine weapon - Heavenly Sword style proficiency +1"


A familiar system prompt sounded in Luo Yuan's mind, and he smiled happily.

"Interesting, I want to see whether your sword energy space is more powerful or my domain is more powerful. Open the Nine Layers of Earth domain for me!"

Luo Yuan shouted loudly, and the yellow sand within a thousand miles suddenly flew towards the bald young man in black robe, and then surrounded him. Countless yellow sand condensed into javelins of sand, and flew towards the bald young man in black robe mercilessly. , each javelin is comparable to a third-order force weapon. Countless javelins hit the spherical space composed of sword energy, making harsh friction sounds and sparks flying, but the javelins were still unable to break through the defense of the Yanshen soldiers.

"As expected of the Divine Weapon, he is indeed a pervert. This bald young man can cultivate this thing to the third level. He can be regarded as a peerless genius in the universe." Luo Yuan stood in the air and touched his chin and thought.

"Hahaha, kid, use whatever tricks you have. Although I can't attack you, you, a mere ninth-level star, cannot defeat me. When you run out of energy, you will fail. "The wild laughter of the bald young man in black robes came from the spherical space.

"Really, I admit that you are very strong, but in the face of absolute strength, you still have to lose!" Luo Yuan sneered, and then he raised his right hand: "Open the Nine Layers of Thunder Domain to me!"

Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was blue thunder brewing. Luo Yuan turned his right hand to the black-robed bald young man below and pressed it down. Countless thunder and lightning immediately fell and blasted hard towards the spherical space, and the realm of thunder and earth in the ninth level unexpectedly Perfectly blended together, causing superimposed damage to the spherical space.

"Ah~, this is the realm of nine layers of thunder and the realm of nine layers of earth! Demon King, you don't respect martial ethics!" The bald young man in black robe let out a shrill scream, and then his 'Sword Domain' was ruthlessly blown away. A large number of attributes dropped, and Luo Yuan quickly used his mental power to pick them up.

Just when Luo Yuan's Thunder Domain and Earth Domain were about to destroy the black-robed bald young man to nothing, Luo Yuan removed the domain. As the domain dissipated, everything in the desert returned to its normal state.

The bald young man in black robe knew that he had failed, and was a little disheartened. It took him more than a hundred years to cultivate this divine weapon to the third level. He originally thought that he could be invincible at the cosmic level, but today he was killed by a star. The level boy was defeated.

Four sand ropes suddenly emerged from under the bald young man's feet to restrain his limbs. He couldn't help but be stunned. He looked at Luo Yuan in the air and asked: "What are you going to do? I have failed. Kill me. If it wasn't agreed before, If you can’t take the initiative to admit defeat, I will log off.”

"It's nothing, I just want to get rid of you. You are a genius. I like to whip geniuses the most." Luo Yuan showed a devilish smile. Then Luo Yuan took out a set of fifth-level telekinesis flying knives, controlled the force and attacked the black-robed young man overwhelmingly. The screams of the bald young man suddenly echoed in the execution space.


A few hours later, Luo Yuan walked out of the killing field with satisfaction. When he stretched outside the hall of the killing field and was about to call the Pegasus in the sky, he saw the huge announcement in the sky at a glance.

"A battle between peak geniuses? There's something fun to do again." Luo Yuan said with a smile.

Luo Yuan took the Pegasus back to the ancient palace in Jiuxingwan Community on Heilongshan Island, and found Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen waiting for him in a pavilion.

"Hey, aren't you all here just for the huge poster in the sky?" Luo Yuan sat down with a smile and drank a cup of tea.

"That's right, look at this." Thor reached out and pointed to the side, and a screen suddenly appeared out of thin air. What appeared on the screen was the 'Virtual Universe Company Official Website', and at this moment, there was a very conspicuous topic on the homepage of the official website, 'Cosmic Humanity' ——The special topic "Battle of Peak Geniuses".

"Click on it and take a look," Hong said.

"Yes." Thor gently clicked on the topic.

After clicking on it, it contains a detailed introduction to the 'Cosmic Humanity - Peak Genius Battle'.

The peak genius battle is open to all stellar-level humans.

As long as you are a star-level human, you can sign up to join the battle!
  To be precise, the 'Peak Genius Battle' is held once in five thousand years and twice in ten thousand years. These two times are held by 'Virtual Universe Company' and 'Giant Ax Arena', so for Virtual Universe Company... This peak genius battle is naturally a once-in-a-million event held by their company.

The pinnacle genius battle is divided into - the universe country selection battle and the pinnacle final battle.

Each major cosmic country conducts internal screening and selects the elites to participate in the final battle of peak geniuses of the entire human race in the cosmos.

In the final battle, the final ranking will be determined.

"The top 1000 in the total universe ranking will have three major rewards. First, depending on the ranking, you will receive bonuses ranging from 10 Hunyuan units to 1 Hunyuan units. Second, you will get a place to enter the initial universe for enlightenment. Third, Can become a 'core member' within Virtual Universe Company."

Luo Yuan and others were a little shocked. Virtual Universe Company is really rich and powerful. The wealth they gained from working hard in the world is not even a fraction of the highest bonus.

"The conditions offered are not bad. Bonuses, entry into the initial universe, core members... hmm. These conditions are worthy of the top 1000 super geniuses, and they can play around." Luo Yuan said with a smile.

"Haha, looking at the look on the third child, it feels like this battle between peak geniuses is just like playing." Thor teased with a smile.

"Absolutely. If I hadn't broken through to the cosmic level yet, I would have directly participated in the battle of the strong. I hope these geniuses can make me happy." Luo Yuan said casually.

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(End of this chapter)

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