Chapter 106 Cruel Rules

Virtual universe, ancient style palace in Jiuxingwan Community on Heilongshan Island.

Luo Yuan, Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen looked at the screen.

"Eldest brother, second brother, and fourth brother, are you going to participate?" Luo Yuan looked at Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen.

Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen looked at Luo Yuan, with a desire for fighting in their eyes.

The three of them immediately laughed.

"Ha ha……"

"Let us four brothers fight hard."

The four brothers from the earth are also full of confidence and pride.

When the news of the Peak Genius Battle aroused the blood of the four Luo Yuan brothers, at this time, in the countless galaxies in the vast universe, there are hundreds of millions of star-level humans who are extremely eager for the "Peak Genius Battle".

In the vast universe, there are major cosmic countries, countless divine countries, and many famous super geniuses, as well as many ascetics, wandering warriors, etc. Countless geniuses have noticed this event that covers all cosmic countries. Super battle.

Wen Wu is not the best, Wu Wu is not the second. The more talented and powerful the person is, the more dissatisfied he is.

Luo Yuan, Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen all opened a screen in front of them and entered the registration page on the official website of Virtual Universe Company.

There is a very conspicuous line of numbers at the top of the web page - 19 4859 3889. A few seconds later the number jumps up a lot and becomes 20 0829 9173. Next to this number, there is a line of words in the Universal Language of the Universe: "Number of applicants for the Ganwu Universe Kingdom."

"There are so many people signing up." Thor exclaimed.

"It's a lot." Luo Feng took a closer look, "Yes, there are more than 20 billion people."

"When I entered the Killing Fields for training, I hadn't seen this list yet. When I came out, there was this list. Then I immediately came to find you. It must not have been long!" Thor sighed, "It was during the time I was training. , so many people have signed up.”

"There are hundreds of millions of galaxies in the entire Qianwu Universe Kingdom." Luo Yuan smiled and then started to sign up.

"Do you still need to fill in the registration information?" Luo Yuan looked at the screen in front of him, helpless, he could only fill it out quickly, and then click the 'Registration' button.


"The scan is completed. Astral-level ninth-level spiritual master (warrior), registration passed."

Through the virtual universe network, the components connected to the network can scan the body's strength, which can confirm... that the applicant is a star.

The four of them, Luo Yuan, signed up on the same day, but the registration deadline for the entire 'Cosmic Humanity - Peak Genius Battle' is still about a month away. In the following time, Luo Yuan, Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen will of course seize every moment to work hard to improve their strength. No one wants to be eliminated as soon as they enter.

No matter it is Luo Yuan, Luo Feng, Hong, or Thunder God, they all have their own pride!
  No one will give up easily, you want to convince me? Then let’s compete!

Time passed, and with the attention of humans in countless galaxies from many cosmic countries, the registration for the peak genius competition finally ended.

According to Chinese time, this day is April 2066, 4.

"Luo Yuan, there is mail."

"Luo Feng, there is an email."

"Boy, there's mail."

"Master, there is mail."

Luo Yuan, Luo Feng, Lei Shen, and Hong on the earth were notified at the same time, and they all immediately entered the virtual universe network.

Virtual universe, ancient style palace in Jiuxingwan Community on Heilongshan Island.

Luo Yuan, Luo Feng, Hong and Lei Shen appeared in a pavilion at the same time. The four of them looked at each other and smiled.

Luo Yuan sat on the stone chair, then pointed in the air in front of him, a screen automatically appeared, and he quickly clicked on the email he had just received.

“Welcome to participate in the ‘Cosmic Humanity – Peak Genius’ selection competition.

In this selection competition, more than 8225 billion stellar masters have signed up to participate in Ganwu Universe, which is 1100 billion more than the previous one. This is something that makes our Virtual Universe Company very happy. We guarantee that everything in the talent selection competition will be held under ‘absolute fairness’.

Because some of the applicants are at the first or second level of the stellar level, and some are at the eighth or ninth level of the stellar level. Therefore, for the sake of fairness, the real geniuses will be selected...the real arena for elimination battles will be in the virtual universe. At that time, the physical fitness of all participants will be exactly the same and remain at the ninth level of the stellar level.

The same goes for everyone's mental power, which remains at the ninth level of the stellar level!

All participants have the same physical fitness and can choose any appearance! You can choose any grade of force weapons and telekinesis weapons at will.

Talent selection!

The tests are 'will', 'domain', 'experience', 'law perception', etc. The external conditions are the same for everyone.

This talent selection competition is divided into two stages.

In the first stage, the top 1000 masters from each major universe country were selected.

Determine the top 1000 in the overall ranking of the universe.


The big one is the first stage.

The universe country you are in is the Qianwu Universe Country.

Ganwu Universe has more than 8225 billion participants, divided into 'preliminary elimination' and 'arena decisive battle'.

Through pre-selection and elimination, more than 8225 billion participants will be eliminated and only one hundred and one hundred people will be left!

Because there are too many people eliminated, the pre-selection elimination is destined to be very bloody.

In the pre-selection and elimination of the Ganwu Universe Kingdom, 100 worlds will first be divided into the ‘virtual universe’, and each world will be allocated to more than 82 billion participants. More than 82 billion people are fighting each other in the same world, earning points by killing others. The more you kill, the more points you get! Everyone has only one life, and death ends it.

Last time expires.

Looking at the final points ranking, those ranked in the top 1001 points in the world will be eliminated through the pre-selection. Each world selects 1001 people. 100 worlds means one hundred thousand and one hundred people are selected.

at the same time……

If you rank first in points in each world, you can directly win 1000 places among the top 100 without the need for a decisive battle in the arena. The 900 people will fight for the remaining spots in the arena. "

"There is an attachment at the end of this letter. Please see the attachment for more detailed information."


After reading the notification letter and the attachment, Luo Yuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

‘Preselection’ is crazy.

Let more than 82 billion people kill like crazy in a world... Kill to gain points, and you will be ranked according to the points.

"This competition for peak geniuses is quite fierce. In one pre-selection, more than 8000 billion people will be eliminated, leaving only one hundred and one hundred people!" Hong said with a smile, "This will make everyone fight like crazy. I can imagine that scene. It would be a world of bloody corpses, a world of madness.”

"There are too many people, so they use this method." Thor smiled, "I'm looking forward to it."

Luo Feng on the side also smiled.

"It's okay, just kill the last remaining people. The big fish eats the small fish, and the small fish eats the shrimp. There are more than 82 billion people in the world, and it is impossible to kill them one by one!" Luo Yuan said, and Luo Feng and the other three also nodded. nodded.

After the registration deadline, Virtual Universe Company began preparation work. The preparation work was indeed very tedious, but Virtual Universe Company was extremely efficient.

One month after the registration deadline, Chinese time is May 2066, 5. This day is the day for the "preliminary selection" of Ganwu Universe Country.

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(End of this chapter)

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