Chapter 117 Soaring Strength
  The leader of Ganwu Universe Kingdom looked at the three immortal gods shaking like chaff below and sighed helplessly.

"Cultivating the younger generation has wasted a lot of your time. The three of you should practice hard first and improve your strength. As for cultivating the younger generation, I will arrange for others." The rich voice passed directly to the three people without any obstruction in the starry sky. In the immortal ear, in the soul.

"Yes, Lord!"

The three of them responded respectfully.


At this time, the three immortal beings breathed a sigh of relief and left respectfully.

The king turned to stare at the stars in the vast universe and murmured: "I haven't accepted a disciple for a long time. I hope this little guy named Luo Yuan can surprise me."



"You lost again."

"Still lost."

"Okay, Luo Feng, your three battles with Luo Yuan today are over." On the desert of Killing Space, the little devil Babata waved his hand, and Luo Yuan standing next to him disappeared instantly. This was simulated in Killing Space. Luo Yuan came out. As for strength, wisdom, and experience, they are naturally determined according to reality.

Luo Feng stood on the desert, frowning: "I can't even resist Luo Yuan's move. This is just a simulation."

"Luo Feng, don't be discouraged."

"The gap between you and Luo Yuan is too big now. It's not surprising that you can't win. Luo Yuan is a pervert who has mastered the ten major fields and several corresponding laws. Although I don't know how he cultivated to this point, I believe you His qualifications are not low, and I will definitely be able to catch up with him in the future." The little devil Babata encouraged him.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.


Earth Asia continent, wilderness area.

"Moyunteng, come and eat this fruit of life!"

Luo Yuan threw a life fruit that exuded strong life power towards Moyun Vine. Moyun Vine, which had shrunk to a thousand miles, stretched out a vine to wrap the life fruit, and then got into the ground to consume it. Over the years, Luo Yuan has been feeding Moyundeng Lanke fruit, raising its strength to the ninth level of the universe level. Today is the time for it to break through to the domain lord level.


A week later, powerful life fluctuations came from the underground, and terrifying power came. The remaining monsters in the wilderness area were suppressed by Luo Yuan's stellar servants. Although they were trembling in fear, they did not dare to run around.

"It's done. I also have Domain Lord-level Moyun Vine."

Suddenly a golden light shot into Luo Yuan's skin. With a thought in Luo Yuan's mind, the Moyun Vine immediately turned into a set of dark golden Moyun Armor and wrapped it around Luo Yuan's body. Luo Yuan felt the domain lord level Moyun Armor. With his powerful power, he laughed happily. He flew directly into outer space. Without using his own strength, he smashed the extremely huge meteorite into powder with a single punch.

With a thought in his mind, countless vines stretched out from Luo Yuan's hand and he quickly pulled a corner of the Saturn meteorite belt into pieces.

"It's really awesome, I like it, hahaha!" Luo Yuan said with a smile.

A month later, Luo Yuan learned that Luo Feng's golden-horned beast's clone - the Demon Killer Clan's clone had been conceived. He borrowed the Demon Killer Clan's clone and whipped it for a few days, and picked up several of its talents. He is relatively satisfied with the three abilities.

One is the ability to copy. As long as you analyze the life genes of other beings and copy them, you can change yourself and copy the target's life breath, soul breath, etc. You can freely transform yourself, and once you use this innate ability, you can copy the other person's soul breath. , then it is an immortal existence. Unless you use your mind to penetrate into his body to investigate, you will not be able to detect the disguise from the appearance or sensing the aura.

The second ability is his unparalleled affinity for the original laws of space. This allows Luo Yuan to take another step forward in controlling the laws of space. He can use space-type secret methods to greatly increase his power.

The third one is concealment, assassination, investigation and other dark side methods, with first-class life-saving abilities.

A year later, Luo Yuan selectively challenged various geniuses through the decisive battle space and picked up the proficiency of various skills they mastered. His "Ten Thousand Lines Flow" secret method also reached the fourth level of "Ten Thousand Lines Flow". Luo Yuan felt As long as he can accumulate the original laws of space he has mastered to a certain extent, he can perform "teleportation". Of course, he himself has also practiced seriously and hard. With the supply of huge resources, the "Immortal World" has reached the second level, and his body can become larger and smaller to a certain extent. The "Tower of the Void" has completely stabilized the fourth level. , the soul defense has been greatly improved, and even the world lord level illusionist cannot shake his mind.

He also fully mastered the golden-horned behemoth's claw technique - tearing the heavens and the earth. He could transcend levels and tear the opponent into pieces. He also learned some of the flying escape type "Three Strikes Traveling Through the Universe".

Over the past year or so, Luo Yuan's strength can be said to have increased dozens of times. He did not focus on the realm, because when the genius war is over and they reach the secret realm, with the huge supply of resources, the improvement of realm is very important for geniuses like them. It's easy to say.


In the blink of an eye, September of 2070, Chinese time, has finally arrived, and it is in this month that millions of geniuses from 9 cosmic countries in the entire human race gather together for the peak showdown!

March 2070, 9 in the Chinese calendar.

In the early morning, Luo Yuan stood in the attic of the ancient palace on the top of the mountain shrouded in mist, looking at the bright red sun that had just revealed half of its face in the east. Although it was summer, the morning was still quite cool.

"Come to the attic early in the morning to watch the sunrise." Jiang Fang, who was wearing a cool nightgown, also walked up to the attic. She snuggled into Luo Yuan's arms, closing her eyes and enjoying the tranquility at the moment, feeling the restless pair of hands on her body. With big hands, she rolled her eyes charmingly at Luo Yuan.

"We've been together for so long, and still like this!" Jiang Fang had a blush on her face.

"Hehehe." Luo Yuan chuckled.

"Tomorrow, the war will begin." Luo Yuan looked at the rising sun in the distance and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "Those geniuses should make me happy!"


Genius final battle day.

On various continents and islands in the virtual universe, millions of peerless geniuses from the 1008 Universe Kingdom are transported to the gathering places of various Universe Kingdoms.

A floating island above Ganwu Continent.

  Luo Yuan appeared at the teleportation point on the floating island.

"Mr. Luo Yuan, please go this way." A space-level warrior standing next to the teleportation point, wearing work clothes, pointed to a path next to him with a smile.

"Thank you." Luo Yuan smiled and nodded, then walked directly along the road.


Luo Yuan saw a large group of people gathering in a square not far away surrounded by beautiful flowers and plants. At first glance, there seemed to be hundreds of people, including men and women, with different looks. However, at least one-third of them are relatively close to Earthlings in appearance, and the appearance of Earthlings is considered mainstream in the universe.

"Luo Yuan is here."

"The demon king who destroyed an entire world by himself!"

Many young men and women looked over.

These hundreds of people have obtained quotas. This time Ganwu Universe Kingdom will send a thousand geniuses.

"Third brother, you're here!" Luo Feng saw Luo Yuan and ran over with a smile.

"Well, fourth child, today is a good day. You can have a good time. Unfortunately, in this virtual universe genius battle, everyone has a ninth-level stellar body, so the fight is not exciting enough." Luo Yuan also smiled.

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(End of this chapter)

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